
 < Day Day Up > 


R in present value formula, meaning of, 285

RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix), using

in Project Human Resource Management, 360

receiver, relationship to communication models, 394–395

records, archiving, 101

red condition in risk scores, significance of, 438–439

regression analysis, using with Project Cost Management, 288


dealing with, 70–71

reviewing for Project Quality Management, 322

reports, submitting at close of projects, 101

requirements, establishing for projects, 9

reserve time, including in Project Time Management, 239–240

residual risks, working with, 451

resource calendars, using, 244

resource histogram, example of, 361

resource leveling

explanation of, 241

using with Project Time Management, 256–257

resource planning process

inputs to, 279–281

purpose of, 105, 133

resource pool availability

and Project Cost Management, 280

relationship to project schedules, 243

resource rates, calculating for cost estimating, 284

resource requirements

identifying for Project Cost Management, 282–283

relationship to cost estimating, 284

relationship to project schedules, 242–243

updating for Project Time Management, 259–260

resources, negotiating in Project Human Resource Management, 364–365

reviews of project work, performing, 203

RFPs (Requests for Proposals) in Project Procurement Management, purpose of, 485–486

RFQs (Requests for Quotes) in Project Procurement Management, purpose of, 485–486

risk assessments, completing, 90, 92

risk categories, creating, 430

risk identification process

examining results of, 434–435

purpose of, 107, 133

Risk Management. See Project Risk Management

risk management planning process. See also Project

Risk Management

overview of, 422–425

purpose of, 105, 133

risk management plans

budgeting component of, 427

creating, 425–428

evaluating in relationship to Project Time Management, 247

examining, 426–428

methodology component of, 427

purpose of, 143

reporting formats component of, 428

risk analysis scoring component of, 427–428

roles and responsibilities component of, 427

scheduling component of, 427

thresholds component of, 428

tracking component of, 428

using templates with, 424–425

risk management policies, relying on, 423

risk monitoring and control facilitating process

examining results of, 456–457

implementing, 453

preparing for and completing, 454–455

purpose of, 110

risk planning, completing, 455

risk reduction, justifying, 452–453

risk response audits, completing, 454

Risk Response Management Plan, content of, 144, 146

risk response planning

completing planning for, 92

establishing contingency reserve for, 452

examining results of, 451–453

purpose of, 107, 134

risk responses

acceptance, 446, 450

avoidance, 446, 448

creating, 447–450

creating contracts for, 451

mitigation, 446, 448–449

monitoring, 99

planning for, 445, 447

preparing for, 447

transference, 446, 448–449

risk reviews, completing, 455


accounting for secondary risks, 451

basis of, 436

identifying, 428–429, 431–434

types of, 92

working with residual risks, 451

role and responsibility assignments, creating in Project Human Resource Management, 359–360

rolling wave planning, explanation of, 89

rough order of magnitude, relationship to Project Cost Management, 290, 307

The Rule of Seven, relationship to control charts, 333

rules and policies, complying with, 510–511

 < Day Day Up > 

PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide
PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, Third Edition (Certification Press)
ISBN: 0071626735
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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