10.4 Quantum Cryptography

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Research into new ways of performing cryptography continues. We have seen how researchers have relied on aspects of mathematics to generate hard problems and to devise algorithms. In this section, we look at an alternative view of how cryptography may be done in the future. The approach we describe is not now on the market, nor is it likely to be so in the next few years . But it illustrates the need for creative thinking in inventing new encryption techniques. Although the science behind this approach is very difficult, the approach itself is really quite simple.

The novel approach, quantum cryptography, is in a way a variant of the idea behind a one-time pad. Remember from Chapter 2 that the one-time pad is the only provably unbreakable encryption scheme. The one-time pad requires two copies of a long string of unpredictable numbers, one copy each for the sender and receiver. The sender combines a number with a unit of plaintext to produce the ciphertext . If the numbers are truly unpredictable (that is, they have absolutely no discernible pattern), the attacker cannot separate the numbers from the ciphertext.

The difficulty with this approach is that there are few sources of sharable strings of random numbers. There are many natural phenomena that could yield a string of unpredictable numbers, but then we face the problem of communicating that string to the receiver in such a way that an interceptor cannot obtain them. Quantum cryptography addresses both problems, generating and communicating numbers. It was first explored by Wiesner [WIE83] in the 1980s; then the idea was developed by Bennett a decade later [BEN92A, BEN92b].

Quantum Physics

Unlike other cryptographic approaches, quantum cryptography is based on physics, not mathematics. It uses what we know about the behavior of light particles. Light particles are known as photons ; they travel through space with a directional orientation. Photons vibrate in all directions as they travel. Although photons can have any directional orientation from 0 ° to 360 °, for purposes of this cryptography, we can assume there are only four directional orientations. We can denote these four orientations with four symbols, w, x, r and o . It is possible to distinguish between a w and x photon with high certainty . However, the r and o photons sometimes appear as w or x . Similarly, it is possible to distinguish between r and o , but sometimes w and x will be perceived as r or o . Fortunately, those shortcomings are inconsequential to the cryptographic algorithm.

A polarizing filter is a device or procedure that accepts any photons as input but produces only certain kinds of photons as output. There are two types of photon filters: + and x. A + filter correctly discriminates between w and x photons, but has a 50 percent chance of also counting a r or o as a w or x ; conversely, a x filter distinguishes between r and o but may also accept half of the w and x photons. Think of a + filter as a narrow horizontal slit through which a w photon can slide easily, but a x will always be blocked. Sometimes (perhaps half the time), a r or o photon vibrates in a way to sneak through the slit also.

Photon Reception

Quantum cryptography operates by sending a stream of photons from sender to receiver. The sender uses one of the polarizing filters to control which kind of photon is sent. The receiver uses either filter and records the orientation of the photon received. It does not matter if the receiver chooses the same filter the sender did; what matters is whether the receiver happened by chance to choose the same type as did the sender.

The most important property of quantum cryptography is that no one can eavesdrop on a communication without affecting the communication. With a little simple error detection coding, the sender and receiver can easily determine if there is an eavesdropper. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says that we cannot know both the speed and location of a particle at any given time; once we measure the speed, the location has already changed, and once we measure the location, the speed has already changed. Because of this principle, when we measure any property of a particle, it affects other properties. So, for example, measuring the orientation of a photon affects the photon. A horizontal slit filter blocks all x and half of the r and o photons, so it affects the photon stream coming through. The sender knows what was sent, the receiver knows what was received, but an eavesdropper will alter the photon stream so dramatically that sender and receiver can easily determine someone is listening.

Let us see how this unusual approach can be used for cryptography.

Cryptography with Photons

The cryptographic algorithm is very inefficient, in that more than twice the bits transmitted are not used in cryptography. The bits being transmitted are photons which, fortunately, are very highly available.

Suppose the sender, Sam, generates a series of photons, remembering their orientation. Sam and his receiver, Ruth, call w or r 0 and x or o 1. Such a series is shown in Figure 10-18.

Figure 10-18. Transmission of Photons.


Now, Ruth uses either of her polarizing filters, + and x at random, recording the result. Remember that a + filter will accurately distinguish between a w and x photon, but sometimes also declare a r or o as a w . So Ruth does not know if the results she measures are what Sam sent. Ruth's choice of filters, and the results she obtained, are shown in Figure 10-19.

Figure 10-19. Results Interpreted Through Filters.


Some of those results are correct and some are incorrect, depending on the filter Ruth chose. Now Ruth sends to Sam the kind of filter she used, as shown in Figure 10-20.

Figure 10-20. Filters Used.


Sam tells Ruth which filters were the correct ones she used, as shown in Figure 10-21, from which Ruth can determine which of the results obtained were correct, as shown in Figure 10-22. In this example, Ruth happened to choose the right filter six times out of ten, slightly higher than expected, and so six of the ten photons transmitted were received correctly. Remembering that w or r means 0 and x or o means 1, Ruth can convert the photons to bits, as shown in the figure. In general, only half the photons transmitted will be received correctly, and so only half the bandwidth of this communication channel carries meaningful data.

Figure 10-21. Correct Filters.


Figure 10-22. Correct Results.


Notice that Ruth can tell Sam which filters she used and Sam can tell Ruth which of those will yield correct results, without revealing anything about the actual bits transmitted. In this way, Sam and Ruth can talk about their transmission without an eavesdropper's knowing what they actually share.


The theory of quantum cryptography is solid, but there are still some technical difficulties to be worked out before the scheme can be put in practice. To implement quantum cryptography, we need a source of photons randomly but detectably oriented (for the sender) and a means of filtering the received photons reliably. A photon gun can fire photons on demand. Several different research teams are working to develop photon guns for cryptography, but so far none has succeeded. The best current technology involves pulsed lasers, but here, too, there is a problem. Occasionally the laser emits not one but two photons, which disturbs the pattern of reception and transmission. However, with error correcting codes on the stream of bits, it is relatively easy to detect and correct a few erroneous bits.

On the receiving side, too, there are problems. One device is subject to catastrophic failure in which it emits a current surge. Although this surge is easily detected , it requires the device to be reset, which takes time.

Experimental implementations of quantum cryptography are still in the laboratories. The U.K. Defence Evaluation and Research Agency in Malvern, England, demonstrated a successful communication through the atmosphere over a distance of 2 km, and the U.S. Los Alamos National Laboratory is testing a portable device that can operate over 45 km on a clear night. However, these are experimental results, obtained at high cost, so ordinary use of the technique is still years away. Nevertheless, the technique is a promising approach for the future because it does not require Sam and Ruth to have prearranged any secret for subsequent communication.

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Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129

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