

California, 105, 139

Cancellations (last-minute), 104-105

Candidness, 117-118

Caring for employees, showing, 6-7, 12, 32, 175-196, 212

Carnegie, Dale, 151

Carty, Ken, 183, 184

Change, 51-53, 68

crisis of, 70

management of, 69-70

process of, 53

and roles, 193

Charity, 172

Charles, Leslie C., 171-172

Chase Manhattan Bank, 85

Christie’s, 135

Chung, Connie, 143

Churchill, Winston, 113

Cisco, 140

CitiFinancial, 179

Citigroup, 178

Clark, Sharolyn, 9

Clinton, Bill, 142-143

Coaching, 178, 202

Coca-Cola Company, 98-99, 183

Code of confidentiality, 106

Collins, Jim, 175

Columbus, Georgia, 175

Comfort zone, 45-46


bad news delivery guidelines for, 121-123

clear, 102

department, 164

and feedback, 52

honest, 31

open, 167

promoting, 46

with your boss, 125-127

Community leadership programs, 182

Competition, 160

Composure, 4, 59-74

Condit, Gary, 143

Confidence, 159, 161

Confidentiality, 25

code of, 106

feedback, 202

of information, 166

of interviews, 47

of investigations, 167

and promises, 94

respecting, 105-107

Conflicts, 161-163, 165

Connections, 12, 77, 85-90

Constructive criticism, 158, 159, 178

Constructive feedback, 50

Consultants, outside, 47

Controversy, 135

Cooperation, 164

Core values, 95, 175

Cornell University, 94

Cose, Ellis, 131

Courage, 42, 55, 132, 198


and communications, 6

and composure, 4, 60, 64

and destructive comments, 153, 155

and gossip, 166

and handling mistakes, 133

and honesty, 18, 26-27, 51

importance of, 13

and promise keeping, 102

ratings for, 154

and saying no, 103-104

through your words, 172-173

and transparency, 3, 55, 197-198

Credibility (James Kouzes and Barry Posner), 19

Criticism, 6

constructive, 158, 159, 178

and feedback, 54

unbridled, 158-159

Cross-training opportunities, 182

Customer service, 131-132, 163


apologizing to, 139-140

challenging, 26-27

relations and value promises to, 109-110

retention of, 132

satisfaction ratings of, 204

The Transparency Edge. How Credibiltiy Can Make or Break You in Business
The Transparency Edge. How Credibiltiy Can Make or Break You in Business
Year: 2004
Pages: 108 © 2008-2017.
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