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If you issue SPOOL filename without issuing a SPOOL OFF or SPOOL OUT, the current operating system_dependent file is closed and the new one, as specified by the SPOOL command, is opened.
I prefer to write SQL*Plus-based reports by using the SET variables mentioned previously with the SPOOL command. I create the output report in the file specified by the SPOOL command and then control whether it is displayed to the terminal, optionally printed, or both by using operating system_dependent command language.
I always use a file suffix when specifying SPOOL filename. This enables me to control exactly what the entire filename is instead of depending on Oracle default options (the LST suffix feature), which are subject to change without notice with newer releases of the SQL*Plus product.
  • UNDEFINE variable
    UNDEFINE removes the previously DEFINEd variable from the SQL*Plus environment.

Access Commands for Various Databases

The database-access commands CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and COPY are used to connect to and share data with other Oracle databases. (A discussion of these commands is beyond the scope of this chapter.)

SQL*Plus Reporting

You can use SQL*Plus formatting commands in a variety of combinations to create reports. This section covers reporting techniques that use control breaks, different ways to format headings, input parameters, SQL*Plus environment controls, and the SQL UNION operator.

Reporting Techniques

This section covers some common SQL*Plus report-formatting features. It also covers techniques for controlling the resulting output. You'll see examples of both simple and advanced reporting techniques in this section.

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Listing 13.1 formats the results of a SQL query. It defines a report title and formats, assigns column headings, and applies some control breaks for intermediate and report totaling .

Listing 13.1. Simple SQL*Plus report code.

 1:    define ASSIGNED_ANALYST = &1      2:    set FEEDBACK OFF      3:    set VERIFY OFF      4:    set TERMOUT OFF      5:    set ECHO OFF      6:    column APPLICATION_NAME    format a12    heading `Application'      7:    column PROGRAM_NAME           format a12        heading `Program'      8:    column PROGRAM_SIZE         format 999999     heading `ProgramSize'      9:    break on APPLICATION_NAME skip 2     10:    break on report skip 2     11:    compute sum of PROGRAM_SIZE on APPLICATION_NAME     12:    compute sum of PROGRAM_SIZE on report     13:    ttitle `Programs by Application  Assigned to: &&ASSIGNED_ANALYST'     14:    spool ANALYST.OUT     15:    select APPLICATION_NAME,PROGRAM_NAME,nvl(PROGRAM_SIZE,0)     16:      from APPLICATION_PROGRAMS     17:     where ASSIGNED_NAME = `&&ASSIGNED_ANALYST'     18:     order by APPLICATION_NAME,PROGRAM_NAME     19:    /     20:    spool off     21:    exit 

The following is the output report from the code in Listing 13.1:

 Tue Jul 13                                                            page    1                                Programs by Application                                         Assigned to: BILLK                 Program     Application   Program            Size     -----------   ------------    ---------     COBOL           CLAIMS           10156                     HOMEOWN          22124                     PREMIUMS         10345                                   ---------     sum                              42625     FORTRAN         ALGEBRA           6892                     MATH1             7210                     SCIENCE1         10240                                   ---------     sum                              24342     sum                              66967 

Listing 13.1 is a simple but common form of SQL*Plus formatting. This report passes a command-line parameter (&1 on line 1) and assigns it to the variable name ASSIGNED_ANALYST. The ASSIGNED_ANALYST variable is then used in the headings (line 13) and again as part of the SQL query (line 17). Lines 2 through 5 suspend all terminal output from the SQL*Plus environment. The && is used to denote substitution of an already defined variable. This report

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contains two breaks: one when the column APPLICATION_NAME changes (line 9) and one at the end of the report (line 10). Totals also are calculated for each of these breaks (lines 11 and 12). The pipe character () in the TTITLE command (line 13) moves the following text onto its own line. Line 13 opens an operating-system_dependent file named ANALYST.OUT in the current operating-system_dependent directory. The order by clause of the query on line 18 ensures that the breaks occur in an orderly manner.

Always order the query output by the breaks expected by the program. The only way to guarantee the order of the rows is to use an order by clause on the query.

Advanced Reporting Techniques

Listing 13.2 creates a cross-tabular report with a spreadsheet appearance.

Listing 13.2. Cross-tabular SQL*Plus report code.

 1:    define RPT_DATE = &1      2:    set FEEDBACK OFF      3:    set VERIFY OFF      4:    set TERMOUT OFF      5:    set ECHO OFF      6:    column SALES_REP         format a12    heading `SalesPerson'      7:    column NISSAN            format 999999 heading `Nissan'      8:    column TOYOTA            format 999999 heading `Toyota'      9:    column GM                format 999999 heading `GM'     10:    column FORD             format 999999 heading `Ford'     11:    column CHRYSLER          format 999999 heading `Chrysler'     12:    column TOTALS           format 999999 heading `Totals'     13:    break on report skip 2     14:    compute sum of NISSAN on report     15:    compute sum of TOYOTA on report     16:    compute sum of GM on report     17:    compute sum of FORD on report     18:    compute sum of CHRYSLER on report     19:    compute sum of TOTALS on report     20: ttitle left `&&IN_DATE' center `Auto Sales' RIGHT `Page: ` format 999 -     21:           SQL.PNO skip CENTER ` by Sales Person `     22:    spool SALES.OUT     23:    select SALES_REP,     24:        sum(decode(CAR_TYPE,'N',TOTAL_SALES,0)) NISSAN,     25:        sum(decode(CAR_TYPE,'T',TOTAL_SALES,0)) TOYOTA,     26:        sum(decode(CAR_TYPE,'G',TOTAL_SALES,0)) GM,     27:        sum(decode(CAR_TYPE,'F',TOTAL_SALES,0)) FORD,     28:        sum(decode(CAR_TYPE,'C',TOTAL_SALES,0)) CHRYSLER ,     29:        sum(TOTAL_SALES) TOTALS     30:    from CAR_SALES     31:    where SALES_DATE <= to_date(`&&RPT_DATE')     32:    group by SALES_REP 

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Listing 13.2. continued

 33:    /     34:    spool off    35:    exit 

The following code shows the output report from Listing 13.2:

 31-AUG-95            Auto Sales                                     Page: 1                 by Sales Person     Sales     Person        Nissan   Toyota       GM       Ford     Chrysler    Totals     --------      -------- ---------    -------- -------- --------    ------     Elizabeth     5500     2500         0        0        4500        12500     Emily         4000     6000         4400     2000     0           16400     Thomas        2000     1000         6000     4000     1500        14500                   -------- ---------    -------- -------- --------    ------                   11500    9500         10400    6000     6000        43400 

Listing 13.2 is a cross-tabular SQL*Plus command file. This report passes a command-line parameter (&1 on line 1) and assigns it to the variable name RPT_DATE. The RPT_DATE variable is then used in the headings (line 20) and again as part of the SQL query (line 31). Lines 2 through 5 suspend all terminal output from the SQL*Plus environment. The report is created in the operating system_dependent file SALES.OUT. Column-formatting commands control the appearance of the columns (lines 6 through 12). The combination of compute commands (lines 14 through 19), the sum statements in the query (lines 24 through 29), and the group by clause in the query (line 32) give the report output the appearance of a cross-tabular report.

I used a TTITLE technique in Listing 13.2 (lines 20 and 21) different from that of Listing 13.1 (line 13).

Listing 13.3 displays a major break field with the supporting data immediately following.

Listing 13.3. Master/detail SQL*Plus report code.

 1:    ttitle `Sales Detail  by Sales Rep'      2:    set HEADINGS OFF      3:    column DUMMY NOPRINT      4:    select 1 DUMMY, SALES_REP_NO,'Sales Person: `  SALES_REP      5:    from sales      6:    UNION      7:    select 2 DUMMY,SALES_REP_NO,'--------------------'      8:    from sales      9:    UNION     10:    select 3 DUMMY,SALES_REP_NO, rpad(CAR_MAKE,4)  `    `      11:        to_char(SALE_AMT,'9,999.99')     12:    from sales_detail     13:    UNION     14:    select 4 DUMMY,SALES_REP_NO,'         ----------'     15:    from sales     16:    UNION     17:    select 5 DUMMY,SALES_REP_NO,'Total:  `      18:        to_char(sum(TOTAL_SALES),'9,999.99')     19:    from sales     20:    UNION     21:    select 6 DUMMY,SALES_REP_NO,'          `     22:    from sales     23:    order by 2,1,3     24:    / 
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Oracle Unleashed
Oracle Development Unleashed (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0672315750
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1997
Pages: 391

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