

FAQs 37
Fax Wizard 67
field names
replacing with caption 227
and spaces 228
field properties
Caption 227
Default Value 228
Field Size 226
Format 231
Indexed 229
Input Mask 232, 234
Required Entry 229
Field Size property 226
field values 228, 229
fields 68, 212
converting to normal text 68
date. See date fields
deleting from queries 261
description, entering 226
filling in 68
finding, with wildcards 263
freezing 238
hiding 238
indexing 229
moving 237
protecting, on data access pages 277
selecting, from specific table records 260
size 226
sizing 223
sorting multiple 239
table, deleting 242, 268
file name conventions 17
files. See also documents
attaching to appointments 316
attaching to e-mail messages. See attachments, e-mail closing 21
format, changing when saving 32
importing, from other applications 350
inserting 71
merging 71
saving 16
Fill Color button 200
Fill command, Microsoft Excel 142
fill handles on worksheet cells 140
paragraphs 74
worksheet cells, with AutoFill 140
fills, formatting graphs with 200
filtering in data access pages 278
filters 237
Find button 236
finding 32
appointments 323
documents 32
editing document during 56
fields, in tables 258
fields, with wildcards 263
formatting 56
help 30
homonyms 57
matching case when 57
options 55, 57
records 236
records, in tables 260
special characters 57
specific words/phrases 53
table records, with multiple criteria 264
text 53
whole words only 57
wildcard characters 55
first-line indents 85
floating toolbars , closing 151
adding to Outlook bar 283
adding to toolbars, on Office shortcut bar 349
creating, in Outlook 295
creating, when saving 32
icons, adding to Outlook bar 295
organizing e-mail messages in 295
personal. See personal folders
changing 24, 73
default, changing 32
size, changing 24
small caps 73
fonts, finding and replacing 56
footers 80 “82
Form Wizard 243
Format [Object Name] button 198
Format [Object Name] command (Graph shortcut menu) 198
Format Legend Entry 199
Format Painter 125
Format Painter button (Standard toolbar) 74
Format Picture button 188
Format property 231
formats. See also formatting
character. See character formats
paragraph. See paragraph formats
formatting 24
alignment 25
automatic 78
AutoText/AutoCorrect entries 38
bold 15
bulleted lists 77
characters 72, 112
conditional, in worksheets 128
copying 74
data access pages 275
date fields 68
dates 68
dates, in worksheets 105, 113
duplicating. See Format Painter
e-mail messages 286
finding and replacing 56
graph elements 150
graph legends 197
graphs 152, 194
graphs, with fills 200
headers 82
lists 77
mailing labels 274
numbered lists 77
page numbers 82
paragraphs 25, 85
in ranges 125
section breaks 76
small caps 73
with styles. See styles
table lines 94
tables 91, 93
text 70
text, as columns 75
titles 72
Web pages 363
worksheet cells 113, 114, 125, 139
worksheet entries, with long values 103
worksheets 112
worksheets, with autoformats 114
controls 246 “47
creating blank 245
creating, with Form Wizard 243
custom 306
customizing 246
deleting custom 306
design, modifying 245
designing, for Outlook contacts 306
drawing lines on 248
graphing data 246
headers/footers, adding 245
input order, setting 248
labels 246
labels, moving together with controls 247
labels, selecting 248
layout, selecting 244
lines, adding 248
modifying 246
records, entering 249
saving 306
selecting elements in 248
sizing 247
structure of 246
tab order, setting 248
viewing, in Form view 248
formula bars 99
formulas 116
absolute references 142
building manually 116
cell references in 120
copying, with AutoFill 140
creating with AutoSum 118
displaying 118
displaying results 117
entering 116, 117
entering from scratch 119
inserting cell references in 116
inserting ranges in 122
named cells in 121
named cells/ranges in 128
relative references 142
text values as arguments in 138
forwarding e-mail messages 292
Freeze Columns command 238
date field 68
fields 238
frequently asked questions (FAQs). See FAQs
FrontPage See Microsoft FrontPage
arguments 119
components of 119
help with 129
IF. See IF functions
names, capitalizing 119
nested. See nested functions
RIGHT. See RIGHT functions
SUM 119
SUM, entering quickly. See AutoSum
in tables 92
within functions. See nested functions

Online Traning Solutions - Quick Course in Microsoft Office XP
Online Traning Solutions - Quick Course in Microsoft Office XP
Year: 2003
Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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