1.6 Directives

Throughout this chapter we have used the @Page directive to control the default language, code-behind class, and implicit assembly compilation of our .aspx files. In addition to the @Page directive, several other directives are available for use in .aspx files, as shown in Table 1-1. Because every .aspx file is compiled into a class, it is important to have control over that compilation, just as you would via compiler switches if you were compiling a class yourself. These directives give you control over many options that affect the compilation and running of your page.

Table 1-1. .aspx File Directives

Directive Name




See Table 1-2

Top-level page directive



Imports a namespace to a page (similar to the Imports keyword in VB.NET)




Links an assembly to the current page when it is compiled (using src implicitly compiles the file into an assembly first)








Controls output caching for a page (see Chapter 9 for more details)







Registers a control for use within a page (see Chapter 8 for more details)



Adds the specified interface to the list of implemented interfaces for this page



Specifies a page or user control that this page should dynamically compile and link to at runtime

The @Assembly directive provides a way for .aspx files to reference assemblies that are deployed in the global assembly cache or, using the src attribute, to reference a source file that is compiled and referenced implicitly when the page is referenced. The @Import directive serves the same purpose as the Imports keyword in VB.NET, which is to implicitly reference types within a specified namespace. The @Implements directive gives you the ability to implement an additional interface in your Page -derived class, and the @Reference directive provides a mechanism for referencing the generated assemblies of other pages or user controls.

To see an example of when you might use some of these directives, suppose we decide to deploy the TempConverter class in the global assembly cache so that all the applications on our machine can access its functionality. We also wrap it in a namespace to ensure that there is no clash with other components in our system, and sign it with a public/private key pair. Listing 1-14 shows the source file for our TempConverter component.

Listing 1-14 Source File for TempConverter Component
 ' File: TempConverter.vb Imports System Imports System.Reflection <assembly : AssemblyKeyFile("pubpriv.snk")> <assembly : AssemblyVersion("")> Namespace EssentialAspDotNet.Architecture Public Class TempConverter   Shared Public Function FahrenheitToCentigrade(val As Double) As Double     Return ((val-32)/9)*5   End Function   Shared Public Function CentigradeToFahrenheit(val As Double) As Double     Return (val*9)/5+32   End Function End Class End Namespace 

To reference the TempConverter in one of our pages, we need to reference the TempConverter assembly deployed in the GAC, and we need to fully scope the reference to the class with the proper namespace. To reference a GAC-deployed assembly, we use the @Assembly directive, and to implicitly reference the namespace in which the TempConverter class is defined, we use the @Import directive. A sample page using these directives to work with the TempConverter component is shown in Listing 1-15. Note that to successfully reference a GAC-deployed assembly, you must use the full four-part name of the assembly, including the short name, the version, the culture, and the public key token.

Listing 1-15 Sample .aspx Page Using the TempConverter Component
 <!-- File: TempConverter.aspx --> <%@ Page Language='VB' %> <%@ Assembly Name="TempConverter, Version=, Culture=Neutral, graphics/ccc.gif PublicKeyToken=a3494cd4f38077bf" %> <%@ Import Namespace="EssentialAspDotNet.Architecture" %> <html> <body> <h2>32 degrees Fahrenheit is  <%= TempConverter.FahrenheitToCentigrade(32)%>   degrees centigrade</h2> </body> </html> 

The @Page directive has by far the most attributes of any of the directives. Some of these attributes have been brought forward from similar directives in traditional ASP pages, while many are new and unique to ASP.NET. Table 1-2 shows the various @Page directive attributes available, along with their possible values and a description of the attribute usage. The underlined value is the default that will be used if the attribute is left off the @Page directive.

Table 1-2. @Page Directive Attributes





true false

Causes this page to run on an STA thread for backward compatibility


true false

Determines whether events will be auto-wired up (see Chapter 2)


true false

Enables HTTP response buffering


Any name

Specifies the name of the class to be generated by this file


User agent or alias

Specifies the target user agent to use when accessing this page


Code page value

Code page value for the response


String of compiler options

Compiler options to be added to the compilation command when the page is compiled


Any HTTP type string

MIME type of response for this page


Culture name

Culture to be used when rendering this page


true false

Whether this page is compiled with debug symbols


Any text

Not used


true false

Whether session state is used on this page (see Chapter 10)


true false

Whether view state is enabled for this page (see Chapter 2)


true false

Whether ASP.NET computes a Message Authentication Code (MAC) on the page's view state (to prevent tampering)


Valid URL

Target URL redirection for unhandled exceptions (see Chapter 5)


true false

For VB.NET, whether explicit declaration of variables is mandated


Class name

Code-behind class from which this page will inherit


Any .NET language

Default source language of this page


Locale ID

Locale ID to use for this page







esponse encoding for the content of this page


Source file name

Source file name of the code-behind class to be dynamically compiled when the page is compiled


true false

Enables smart navigation feature for IE 5 and higher (saves scroll position without flicker)


true false

For VB.NET, whether option strict mode is enabled


true false

Whether tracing is enabled for this page




When tracing is enabled, how the messages are displayed







Whether and how this page participates in a transaction


Any valid UI culture

UI culture setting for this page


0 “4

Warning level at which compilation for this page is aborted

One of the attributes that may be of particular interest to developers migrating existing ASP applications is the AspCompat attribute. This attribute changes the way a page interacts with COM objects. If you are using COM objects that were written in the single-threaded apartment (STA) model (all VB COM objects fall into this category), there will be additional overhead in invoking methods on that object because ASP.NET pages will by default run in the multithreaded apartment (MTA) when accessing COM objects. If you find that you are writing a page that has a significant number of method calls to STA-based COM objects, you should consider setting the AspCompat attribute to true to improve the efficiency of communication with those objects. Be aware that enabling this attribute also creates COM wrappers on top of the Request and Response objects enabled with ObjectContext , adding some overhead to interacting with these classes.

The ClassName attribute lets you decide the name of your Page -derived class, instead of accepting the default name, which is derived from the .aspx file name. With the CompilerOptions attribute you can specify any additional compiler switches you would like to include when your page is compiled. For example, Listing 1-16 shows a page that has requested that warnings be treated as errors when this page is compiled and that the page be compiled with overflow checking enabled for arithmetic operations.

Listing 1-16 Specifying Additional Compiler Options for a Page
 <%@ Page Language='VB'     CompilerOptions="/warnaserror+ /checked+" %> 

Essential ASP.NET with Examples in Visual Basic .NET
Essential ASP.NET with Examples in Visual Basic .NET
ISBN: 0201760398
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 94
Authors: Fritz Onion

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