

d codes for degrees, 86, 379
D command, 405, 434
d2r function, 570
Dal command, 437
Dan command, 439
dash-dot lines, 175
DASHDOT linetypes , 175, 895
dashed lines, hidden lines as, 653 , 653
DASHED linetypes, 175, 895
databases, inserting, 631
Date and Time field, 980
Date Modified tab, 185, 185, 937
dates for sun angle calculator, 731
Dba command, 418
Dco command, 417
.dct extension, 396
Dctmain system variable, 396
Dctust system variable, 396
Ddatte command, 616
Ddedit command, 363
Ddi command, 439
Ddrename command, 370
Decimal measurement system, 84
Decimal Places Of Accuracy option, 624
decimal points, 47, 82
Decimal Separator option, 407
Ded command, 421, 444
Default drop-down list, 554
for attributes, 456
for line weights, 554
for new drawings, 41
for options and settings, 51
for plotting, 342
for text styles, 368
Define View Window button, 247
Define Window button, 247
attributes, 453 “454
surfaces, 702 “704 , 703 “704
UCS, 672 “675 , 672 “674
views, 247 “248
definition points for dimensions, 421 “422 , 422
Defpoints layer, 422 “423
Defun AutoLISP function, 862 “864
degrees and degree signs, 86, 355, 379
Del key in accelerator keys, 888
Delay script command, 667
Delete Columns option, 388
Delete Faces tool, 797
Delete Layer button, 157, 157
Delete options
for blocks, 131
in Layer Manager, 828
for layer settings, 560
Delete Rows option, 388
Delete Style option, 327
deleting, 235 “236 . See also erasing
alternate dimensions, 434 “435
columns, 388
control points, 596
external reference objects, 285 “286 , 285 “286
group object members , 151
history list items, 860
hyperlinks , 928
icons, 875
layer settings, 560, 828
layers , 157, 172, 831 “832
multiline lines, 232
rows, 388
sliced objects, 791
surfaces, 797 “798 , 798
text styles, 368
delimiters, 474 “475
DElta option, 228
demand loading, 281 “282
Description option
for blocks, 132
in Form View tab, 326
for Web page images, 923
Description tool, 934
for buttons , 869, 873
for groups of objects, 150
for icons, 16, 16
for line types, 896
for multiline styles, 231
Deselect Group option, 152
deselecting objects, 57
DesignCenter, 131, 185, 930 “934 , 931
exchanging data between files with, 938
loading files into, 939
opening and inserting files with, 935
searching and extracting drawing contents with, 935 “938 ,936
for symbols, 939 “940 , 939
for Tool Palettes, 940 “944 , 942 “943
DesignCenter folder, 932, 932
DesignCenter Online tab, 939 “940
DesignCenter tool, 931, 931
DesignCenter window, 931 “932, 932 “933
desktop publishing
exporting raster files for, 626 “628 , 627
exporting vector files for, 628 “631
Desmooth option, 709
Detach external reference option, 279
detail in rendering 3D models, 751 “752 , 753
Details option, 152
Developer Help option, 76
Device And Document Settings tab
for DWF format files, 921, 921
for plotters , 339 “340, 339
Di command, 85
dialog boxes, 12, 16
Diameter Dimension tool, 439
diameter signs, symbol for, 355
for circles, 605
dimensions for, 439 “440 , 440
dictionaries for spelling checker, 396 “397
Diesel option for remote text, 834 “835
Diesel programming language, 888
at command line, 888 “889
for menu option labels, 890 “892
for menus , 890
for text, 892 “893
Digital Signature Contents dialog box, 912, 912
Digital Signature tab, 912, 912, 914
digital signatures, 911 “914 , 911 “913
digitizing tablets
calibrating, 480 “482 , 480 “481
for Civil Engineers, 491
Ortho mode with, 491
reconfiguring, 478 “480
with Sketch, 602 “603
Dimension Edit tool, 421, 426, 444
dimension lines, 404, 404
Dimension menu
Align Text command, 426
Aligned command, 437
Angular command, 439
Continue command, 417
Leader command, 441
Linear command, 415, 430
Oblique command, 444
Override command, 427
Quick Dimension command, 434
Reassociate Dimensions command, 431
Style command, 434, 815
Tolerance command, 446
Dimension Style Export dialog box, 849
Dimension Style Import dialog box, 849
Dimension Style Manager dialog box, 405, 425, 815
for alternate dimensions, 434
for current dimension style, 413
for editing dimension style, 414
for Paper Space, 557
Dimension Style tool, 491
Dimension Text Edit tool, 426 “427
Dimension toolbar, 20, 414
Dimension Update tool, 426
dimensioned objects, editing, 427 “429 , 428
aligning, 437 “438
alternate, 434 “435
alternate units for, 412 “413 , 412
for angles, 439 “441 , 439
arrows for, 409 “412 , 410 “411, 441 “443 , 443 “444
associative, 403, 430 “433 , 430 “433
components of, 404 , 404
continuing, 416 “419 , 416 “417
definition points for, 421 “422 , 422
editing, 420 “435
Express Tools for, 848 “849 , 849
extension lines for, 404, 404, 416, 418 “419 , 419
grids in, 415 , 415
Grips feature for, 422 “423 , 422 “423
horizontal and vertical, 415 “416 , 416
leaders for, 425 “426, 443 “444, 446
for nonorthogonal objects, 436 “441 , 437 “441
notes for, 441 “443 , 443 “444
ordinate, 445 “446 , 445
Osnap overrides with, 435
in Paper Space, 555 “557 , 555 “556, 815 “816
for radii, diameters, and arcs, 439 “441 , 439 “441
rotating, 438, 438
skewing, 444 , 444
string of, 433 “434 , 434
styles for, 404 “414 , 423 “427 , 848 “849 , 849
text for, 404, 404
appending data to, 420 “422
height of, 408 , 408
location and orientation of, 409 , 409
moving, 424 “426 , 424 “425
rotating, 426
styles for, 423
tool for, 426 “427
with UCS, 687
units for, 406 “408 , 407
Dimex command, 849
Dimfit dimension variable, 427
Dimim command, 849
Dimlinear command, 414
dimmed items on menus, 885
Dimoverride command, 427
Dimreassociate command, 431
Dimregen command, 431, 557
Dimscale command, 491
Dimscale dimension variable, 436, 491
Dimtad dimension variable, 436
Dimtedit command, 426
Dimtih dimension variable, 436
Dimtix dimension variable, 441
Dimtofl dimension variable, 441
DIN format, templates for, 192
Direct Distance method, 49
Direction Control dialog box, 84 “85, 84
with angles, 84 “85, 84
with arcs, 113
with extrusions, 707
in moving objects, 61
with polylines, 583
disappearing viewports, 541
disciplines in layer names , 174
discussion groups, 866
disks, 617
Display All Hidden Text On This Page option, 72
Display Alternate Units option, 412 “413, 435
Display At UCS Origin Point option, 680
Display Attribute Definitions for Editing option, 288
Display AutoSnap Aperture Box option, 109
Display AutoSnap Tooltip option, 109
Display Drawing File Path Names option, 919
Display Lineweight option, 318, 331, 389, 553
Display Locked setting, 543
Display options
for aperture boxes, 109
for plot area, 299 , 299
display order with overlapping objects, 271 “272 , 271
Display Plot Styles option, 318, 331
Display tab
for cursor, 50
for isolines, 783
for Layout tabs, 311
for Qtext, 400
for scroll bars, 202
for smoothness, 732
for solid fills, 606
for solid polylines, 575
Display UCS Dialog tool, 674 “675, 680, 696
Display Viewports Dialog tool, 536
displaying toolbars , 20
displays, information on, 617. See also screens
Distance tool, 868
distances. See also dimensions
adding, 568 “569
along arcs, 225 “227 , 225 “227
between array cells , 201
camera to target, 718 , 718
coordinates for, 44 , 46 “49 , 46 “49
in moving objects, 61
precision for, 83
rubber banding for, 49
Dither option, 326
Div command, 600
Divide command, 226
DIVIDE linetypes, 175, 895
divided solids, separating, 805 , 805
dividing lines on menus, 885
with calculator, 569
in Diesel, 889
divisions on curves, 599 “602 , 600 “601
Dli command, 415, 418
Do command, 605
Do Not Show A Startup Dialog Box option, 39
docked toolbars, 7, 18
Document field for sheet sets, 980
dollar signs ($)
in Diesel, 888 “893
in importing files, 532
donuts , 772, 773, 779, 779
door type symbols, 452
Dor command, 445
DOT linetypes, 175, 895
dotted windows , 64 “65, 65 “66
Double hatch pattern option, 255
double-headed arrow cursor, 18
double lines. See multilines
double quotes (")
in macros, 863
in units, 86
doughnuts, 772, 773, 779, 779
downloading symbols, 939 “940 , 939
Dr command, 497
Draft mode, 500 “501, 502
Draft option for shaded viewports, 304
Drafting Settings dialog box, 435, 435
for Grid Snap mode, 93 “94
for grids, 91 “92, 92
for Object Snap mode, 108 “109, 109, 115, 121, 121
for Polar Snap mode, 94 “95, 97 “98, 97
for Polar Tracking, 124, 218, 218
drafting tools
grid mode as, 91 “93
snap mode as, 93 “94
drag and drop, inserting symbols with, 186
Dragmode system variable, 400
Draw menu
3D Polyline command, 695
Arc command, 109
Array command, 204
Block menu
Base command, 203, 456, 491
Define Attributes command, 453, 984, 986
Boundary command, 612
Donut command, 605
Ellipse command, 99
Hatch command, 254
Line command, 95
Multiline command, 230
Point menu
Divide command, 226, 600
Measure command, 226, 601
Rectangle command, 14
Revcloud command, 857
Solids menu
Box command, 775
Cylinder command, 781
Setup menu, Profile command, 811
Setup menu, View command, 808, 810
Spline command, 581, 592
Surfaces menu
3D Face command, 661
Ruled Surface command, 703
Tabulated Surface command, 705
Table command, 383
Text menu
Multiline Text command, 349
Single Line Text command, 374
Wipeout command, 856
Draw Order option, 267
Draw toolbar, 8, 8, 19 “20, 28, 35 “38 , 383
Draw Order toolbar, 20
polylines, 573 “575 , 574 “575
spline curves, 592 “594 , 592 “593
views, 805 “810
Drawing Aids Solid Fill option, 606
drawing area, 7, 9, 843 “844
drawing limits, 85 “91
Drawing option for Web page images, 923
drawing properties, associating text with, 379 “383 , 379 “382
Drawing Properties dialog box, 621 “622, 621
drawing sets, exchanging, 914 “920 , 915 “919
Drawing Units dialog box, 83, 83
Drawing Units setting, 302
drawings. See also existing drawings
creating, 38 “44 , 39 “44
laying out, 108 “117
line types for, 176 “180 , 177 “179
locating objects in, 99 , 100
managing. See DesignCenter
modifying objects in, 100 “105
multimedia for, 634
planning, 106 “108 , 106
publishing, 914 “920 , 915 “919
saving blocks as, 141 “142
tracing. See tracing drawings
zooming in, 100 , 101
Drawings tab, 937
Draworder command, 272, 496 “497
Ds command, 91, 93
Dt command, 374
Dtext command, 374 “375
Dview command, 719
DWF format files, 914 “916
adding to Web pages, 922 “925 , 923 “925
configuring, 921 “922 , 921
creating, 920
viewing, 917 “918 , 917
DWF Properties dialog box, 921
DWG format files, 28
DWG Options tab, 625, 625
Dwgname system variable, 835
Dwgprefix system variable, 835
.DWS files, 946
DXF (data exchange format) files, 623
exporting, 623 “624 , 624
importing, 625
DXF Options tab, 624, 624
Dxfin command, 625
Dxfout command, 624
Dynamic options
for object length, 228
for zooming, 246

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
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