

C command, 195
CAD Standards toolbar, 20
Cal option, 481
calculator, geometry
for distances, 568 “569
guidelines for, 569 “570
for midpoints, 566 “567
for relative points, 568
calibrating digitizing tablets, 480 “482 , 480 “481
callout blocks, 973 “975 , 974, 989 “990 , 989 “990
Camera tool, 712 “713, 716
cameras , 713 “716, 713
adjusting, 718 “721 , 718 “721
distance to target, 718 , 718
Cancel option for OLE link updating, 635
canceling commands, 45
capturing Text Window information, 620
carets (^)
for calculator, 569
in menus , 884
Cartesian coordinates, 47 “49 , 48 “49
cascading menus, 12, 19, 885
categories for toolbars , 871
Cell Alignment menu, Middle Left command, 387
Cell Border Properties dialog box, 389 “390, 389
Cell Borders menu, 389
Cell Margin option, 387, 394
Cell Width option, 387
array, 200, 201
table, 383, 384
graphics for, 391 , 391
text in, 384 “386 , 384 “386
Celtscale system variable, 180 “181
Cen Osnap mode, 567
CENTER linetypes , 175, 895
Center Mark tool, 440
Center options
for arcs, 51
for gradients, 269
for Osnaps, 115, 454
for table text, 387
for text, 377
Center point option, 195
Center Running Osnaps dialog box, 580
CFG tablet option, 479
Ch command, 486 “490
Cha command, 792
Chamfer command, 213
Chamfer option, 122
Chamfer tool, 37, 37, 792 “794
chamfering, 792 “794 , 794
Change All spelling checker option, 395
Change Case menu
Lowercase command, 363
Uppercase command, 363
Change command, 486 “490
Change Dictionaries dialog box, 395 “396, 396
Change Link dialog box, 635
Change option for spelling checker, 395
Change Page Setup option, 919
Change Point option, 486 “487, 487
Change Source OLE option, 635
Change Text Case tool, 836
Change To Current Layer tool, 831
Change URLs option, 851
Character Map dialog box, 372 “374, 373, 378 “379
Check Each Drawing Using Its Associated Standards Files option, 949
Check Each Drawing Using The Following Standards Files option, 949
Check For New Content option, 77
Check Spelling dialog box, 395, 395
Check Standards button, 947
Check Standards dialog box, 947, 947
chipboard, 670
Choose Layouts page, 958, 959
finding, 225
length of, 52
.chx files, 949 “950
Circle tool, 37, 37, 195
drawing, 195 “196, 196
as extruded forms, 656, 658
filled, 605 “606 , 606
smoothness of, 732
with UCS, 687
for viewports, 550 “551 , 551
circular copies, 195 “198 , 198
circular surfaces, extruding objects along, 706 “707 , 707
circumscribe polygon option, 437
Clean tool, 804
cleaning up
lines, 213 “215 , 213 “215
screen, 50
traced drawings, 485 “491 , 485 “490
Clear option for icons, 875
click and drag, 19
clicking, 10 “11, 17
Clip.dwg file, 22 “23, 23
Clip Existing Viewport tool, 549
clip limits, 343 “344 , 344
for exporting data, 637
for importing data, 631
for Text Window information, 620
Extended Clip for, 844 , 844
raster images, 493, 498 , 499
clipping planes, 722 “723 , 722 “724
clipping views, 280 , 281
Close All Drawings option, 851
close objects, selecting, 104 , 522
Close options
for polylines, 575, 579
for spline curves, 594, 596
Close Sheet Set option, 976
close-up views. See zooming
closed crosses and tees, multiline edit tool for, 234
AutoCAD, 32 “33
lines, 49
sheet sets, 976
Co command, 107
for shapes , 144
for special characters , 378
Collapse All Hidden Text On This Page option, 72
color book location, 157
Color Books tab, 157, 157
Color dialog box, 232
Color Faces tool, 804
color plot styles
converting to named plot styles, 333
tables, 311 “314 , 314
Color tab, 155, 155
Color tool, 181
colors, 181
for 3D surfaces, 651, 804
for AutoSnap markers, 109
for blocks, 161
for borders, 540
for gradients, 268 “269 , 268
for grips, 67
for layers , 154 “155 , 157 , 164, 167
for materials, 739
in multiple-line text, 232
for plotting, 323, 323
in rendering 3D models, 764
for text, 354
toolbar icons for, 8
in layer lists, 157
in tables, 383 “384, 384, 388
comma delimited format files, 474 “475
Command Alias Editor, 842 “843
command AutoLISP function, 863
command line
Diesel at, 888 “889
opening toolbars from, 872
for solids editing, 803
command prompt, 6, 9
Command window, 7, 9, 10 , 14 “15, 50
commands, 15 “16
canceling, 45
custom toolbars for, 504
help for, 72 “77 , 72 “76
history of, 77 “78, 78
keyboard for, 6
in menus, 11 “15, 883 “884
selecting, 7
toolbars for, 16 “21
Commands tab, 872
commas (,)
in Cartesian coordinates, 47
in hatch patterns, 902
in line type patterns, 897
common base extension lines, 418 “419 , 419
Communication Center, 76 “77 , 76 “77
Communication Center Welcome dialog box, 76, 76
comparison operators in filters, 562 “563
Compile Shape Or Font File dialog box, 353
compiled menus, 879
compiling PostScript fonts, 353
complex line types, 898 “900 , 899
complex objects, area of, 613 “615 , 614 “615
composite external references, 525 “529 , 526 “530
composite solids, 773
Cone tool, 778
cones, 772, 773, 778, 778
Configuration Settings dialog box, 76 “77, 77
Configure Standards dialog box, 946 “947, 947
DWF format files, 921 “922 , 921
plotters , 338 “340, 338 “339
for DWF format files, 921 “922, 921
for raster files, 627 “628, 627
Confirm Purge dialog box, 236
Connect sketching option, 603
Constant attribute option, 457
Construction Line tool, 36, 36, 220, 221
construction lines, 218 “225 , 219 “224
Containing option, 937
Containing Text option, 937
Contents tab, 72 , 72
context-sensitive help, 74 “75 , 75
context-sensitive menus, 15
Context window, 399
Continue Dimension tool, 417
continuing dimensions, 416 “419 , 416 “417
contour lines, 579 “581 , 580
Contour Lines Per Surface option, 783
contrast of raster images, 498 “500 , 500
control points, 594 “598 , 595 “596, 598 “599
conventional memory, information on, 617
Convert Block To Xref tool, 837
Convert Object To Viewport tool, 550
Convert PLT to DWG tool, 850
Convert Shape To Block tool, 836
Convert To Block option, 131
Convert To Grayscale option, 326
Convert To Group Filter option, 173
Convertctb command, 333
2D drawings to 3D views, 644 “646 , 644 “646
2D polylines to 3D solids, 777 “779 , 777 “779
3D drawings to 2D views, 338
3D views to 2D drawings, 665
color plot styles to named plot styles, 333
layer settings, 950 “953 , 951 “953
lowercase and uppercase text, 363
polylines, 581
Convertpstyles command, 333
coordinate readouts, 9 “10, 9
for drawing area size , 88
in Polar Snap mode, 95 “97
for 3D drawings, 658 “660 , 660
for 3D meshes, 702
for distances, 44 , 46 “49 , 46 “49
in hatch patterns, 902, 903
spherical and cylindrical, 693 “694 , 694
Copy An Object option, 442
Copy command, 620
Copy Edges tool, 803
Copy Faces tool, 803
Copy History command, 620
Copy Link command, 637
Copy Nested Objects tool, 836
Copy Object tool, 36, 36, 100, 101, 204
Copy Selected Sheet option, 919
Copy tool, 147 “148, 665
3D objects, 665
circular, 195 “198 , 198
Express Tools for, 838
faces and edges, 803
with grips, 67, 70 “71, 70, 505 “506, 505 “506, 508 “510
leader text, 442
lines, 100 “101, 101, 505 “506, 505 “506, 508 “510 ,659 “660
offsets for, 107 “108
polylines, 576 “577, 577
random, 204
rows and columns, 198 “204 , 199 “203
special characters, 373 “374
Text Window information, 620
finding, 225
length of, 52
corner joints, multiline edit tool for, 234
Corner macro, 864
corner styles, plot style tables for, 321 “322 , 321 “322
chamfering, 792 “794 , 794
rounding, 792 , 793
corrupted files, recovering, 622
cos function in calculator, 569
Create DXF File dialog box, 624
Create Group option, 151
Create Group tool, 146
Create New Dimension Style dialog box, 406, 406
Create New Drawing dialog box, 30, 39 “40, 40
for importing settings, 205
for named plot styles, 328
for templates, 193 “194, 194
for title blocks, 806, 806
Create New Drawing Wizard, 436
Create New Folder tool, 908
Create New Table Style dialog box, 392, 392
Create New Web Page button, 922
Create Or Append Linetype File dialog box, 896
Create Sheet Set Wizard, 957 “960 , 958 “959, 967 “968 , 967
Create Slice tool, 723
Create Subsets Based On File Structure option, 961
Create Transmittal dialog box, 906 “908, 906
Create Unique Layer, Style, And Block Names option, 287
Create Web Page window, 922
criteria for object filters, 562 “563
Crop Window option, 764, 765
cross-referenced drawings. See external references
cross sections, drawing, 816 , 817
crosshair cursor, 50
Crossing Faces option, 760
Crossing Polygon selection option, 63
Crossing Polygon windows , 429
Crossing selection option, 63
crossing windows, 63 “66 , 65 “66, 427 “429, 428
.csv extension, 391
.ctb files, 313, 333
Ctrl key in accelerator keys, 887
cubes, drawing, 642 , 642 “643
Cur Osnap mode, 567
Cur VP layer option, 545
Current Layer button, 157 “158, 157
current layers, 8, 162
Current Viewport option, 267
current viewports, 538
CurrentSheet options, 983
cursor, 9 “10
cursor modes, 50 , 51
curved 3D surfaces, 696 “701 , 697 “701
distances along, 225 “227 , 225 “227
divisions on, 599 “602 , 600 “601
extrusions on, 785 “786 , 785
NURBS, 99, 592
parallel, 576 “577, 577
with Sketch, 602 “603
spline. See spline curves
.cus extension, 396
Custom Properties dialog box, 980
custom spelling dictionaries, 396
Custom tab, 622
Customize dialog box, 826 “827, 826
for flyouts, 876 “877, 876
for keyboard shortcuts, 877 “880, 877
for Tool Palettes, 943 “944, 943
for toolbar buttons , 872 “873, 873
for toolbars, 868 “873, 868 “869, 871
customizing AutoCAD. See also configuring
with Express Tools. See Express Tools
hatch patterns, 900 “902 , 900 “904
line types, 894 “900
menus, 880 “885
sheet sets, 976 “990 , 978 “981, 984 “985, 987 “990
toolbars, 868 “880
cutting, multiline edit tool for, 234
Cylinder command, 781
Cylinder tool, 781
cylinders , 772, 773
cylindrical coordinate format, 693 “694 , 694

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
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