

P. T. Monday application, getting a copy of, 13
P. T. Monday Coffee Company. See Case study
Parallel development, faux implementation for, 246
Partial population
on a collection class hierarchy (diagram), 304
in practice, 297-298
retrieval by key (listing), 305-306
Partial Population pattern, 13, 297-310
Business Object Collection pattern and, 130
in the case study, 308-309
changing product information using, 306-307
collaborations, 301-302
components , 300-301
Data Transfer Collection pattern and, 310
Data Transfer Object pattern and, 295, 310
Data Transfer patterns and, 302, 295, 310
implementing, 303
preparing to implement, 302-303
with query mechanism, 303
structure, 299-302
using, 297-310
Web Services with, 303-307
Pattern class traversal sequence diagram, 233
Pattern code in this book, using, 311-319
Patterns, 6
bringing order to software, 5-8
use of in computer industry, 6-7
Web Service, 8-13
Payroll processing, 154
Performance issues
of architecture adapters, 64
of business objects, 105
of business processes, 141
of Data Transfer Object, 293
of event monitoring, 177
and minimizing SOAP and HTTP trips, 279
of Partial Population pattern, 302, 305
of service directory, 81
and using groups of values, 279, 282
Persistence tier (case study), 30
Persistent data, 105, 228
Physical process state, 226
Physical tiers
in the case study, 241-243
connecting, 229-230
need for, 226-230
Physical Tiers pattern, 12, 225-244
Faux Implementation pattern and, 260
Observer pattern and, 204
Publish/Subscribe pattern and, 222
Platform-neutrality of Web Services, 5, 36
choosing, 4
patterns bringing order to disparate, 5
process that spans , 156
Point-to-point notification system, 6
Points of flexibility, predicting, 262
Polling databases for change, 170
Polling frequency, EventMonitor class, 176-177
Populating example data and running samples, 317-318
Presentation tier, 28
Primary key, 307
Private instance variables for JavaBeans, 289
Private UDDI registries, 53
Process objects, separation from data objects, 100-101
Process state
business process retaining, 158
physical, 226
Process state object, 156-158, 162
Process that spans the life of an application, 156
Process that spans platforms and languages, 156
Process tracking, 156
Processor consumption, event monitoring and, 177
ProcessState component/object, 156-157, 162
Product catalog, 95, 115, 128, 297
Product collection, 270, 303-307
Product collection service factory
execution sequence, 272
flow of, 271-273
using, 273-274
Product key values (in a database), 304
Product order status query diagram, 163
Product ordering business process
asynchronous, 161
diagrammed, 146
listing, 146-148
starting, 162-163
ProductCollectionImpl class/instance, 271, 304-305
ProductCollectionServiceFactory instance, 270-271, 276
ProductImpl class, 304
ProductOrder interface, 144-145, 148, 162
ProductOrderEventMonitor class, 178
ProductOrderImpl class, 145, 149, 160, 178, 181
ProductOrderManager Web Service, 160, 162, 196-197
ProductOrderObserver, 196-197
ProductOrderSoapBinding, 144
Products, as business objects, 99-100
ProductSkus array, 142
ProductSummaryInformation class, 304-305
Programming languages, 38. See also Java
process that spans, 156
Web Services for all, 36
of write services, 44
Property, concept of, 101
Property set, transferred entirely in one object, 286
Provider, in Apache Axis, 47
Public UDDI directory, 54
Public UDDI registries, 53
Publish (service directory collaborations), 79
Publish (service-oriented architecture collaborations), 41
Publish operation, 41, 79, 215, 219
PublisherImpl component (Publish/Subscribe), 210, 212
Publishing business entities (UDDI), 85-89
Publishing an event to the event service, 218-219
Publishing software patterns, 7
Publishing tModels (UDDI), 89-90
Publishing Web Service, 54
Publish/Subscribe pattern, 6, 11, 187, 205-223
in the case study, 219-221
class diagram, 211
collaborations, 213-214
components, 211-213
deployment scenario, 213
Event Monitor pattern and, 176-177, 185
implementing, 215-219
Observer pattern and, 203
in practice, 206-210
preparing to implement, 214-215
related patterns, 222
structure, 210-214
Purchasing, as a business requirement, 19
PuTTY, 319

Web Service Patterns
Web Services Patterns: Java Edition
ISBN: 1590590848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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