

Icon property (balloon), 289
If statement including Or operator, 73
If statements, 207, 215, 289
If..Then..Else statement, 34
Image control, 105, 199
Implicit declaration of variables , 12 ‚ 13
Indenting of VBA code, 7
INI files, reading and writing to, 185 ‚ 187
Initialize event (UserForm), 95, 97, 280
Instant watch mode (debug mode), 78 ‚ 80
Instr function, 46 ‚ 47, 214, 220
Compare parameter, 46
Start parameter, 46
values of, 46
Int function, 47 ‚ 48
Interior.Color property (CommonDialog), 247, 252
Is operator, 37, 74 ‚ 75
IsDate function, 17
IsEmpty function, 17
IsNull statement, 18
IsNumeric function, 17, 207, 226
Item function, creating, 196 ‚ 198

Excel VBA Macro Programming
Excel VBA Macro Programming
ISBN: 0072231440
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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