Chapter 38: Brighten Up Your Comments


You should be familiar with comments in an Excel spreadsheet ‚ the yellow boxes assigned to a cell that pop up when you sweep your cursor across that cell . Comments are generally used for providing information about that cell. In Chapter 22, you learned how to include formulas in comments.

You can also write code to modify the appearance of comments boxes ‚ for example, there is an enormous range of shapes you can use for your comments boxes. This is a very good example of being able to do something in VBA through the Excel object model that cannot be done through the normal Excel menu: all the code is there behind the scenes, but the user doesn't have access to it.

Effects can be quite stunning on a spreadsheet, particularly if you have never seen them before. The code to add effects assumes the user has already made a selection of cells where some cells contain comments. You first need to create a user interface form, as shown in Figure 38-1.

Figure 38-1: Designing the UserForm for providing graphic comments

This form includes two list boxes to allow the user to choose a shape type and a gradient type. The shape type lets the user choose from predefined shapes such as a cube or a balloon. The gradient type lets the user choose the color graduation and whether it is from the center or the top corner.

There are two label controls to define the list boxes. In addition, the four command buttons to allow for user options are OK to use the settings for comments, Cancel to do nothing, Select Color to choose the color that the user wants, and Default to return to the default settings for comments.

A Common Dialog control is also added because it's the easiest way to allow the user to select colors. See Chapter 10 for how to use this control.

These controls are all dragged onto the form from the toolbox. If you have trouble identifying the controls in the toolbox, then use the tooltips on each control to identify them.

The form caption is changed by clicking the form title and editing the caption property in the properties window.

You then need to add the following code to the form so that all the controls work:

 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
canc = 0
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
canc = 1
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
UserForm5.CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
UserForm5.CommonDialog1.Flags = &H1&
On Error GoTo errhandler2
UserForm5.CommonDialog1.Action = 3
col = UserForm5.CommonDialog1.Color
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
canc = 2
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ListBox1.AddItem "msoShape32PointStar"
ListBox1.AddItem "msoShape24PointStar"
ListBox1.AddItem "msoShape16PointStar"
ListBox1.AddItem "msoShape8PointStar"
ListBox1.AddItem "msoshapeBalloon"
ListBox1.AddItem "msoShapeCube"
ListBox1.AddItem "msoshapeDiamond"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientDiagonalDown"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientDiagonalUp"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientFromCenter"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientFromCorner"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientFromTitle"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientHorizontal"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientMixed"
ListBox2.AddItem "msoGradientVertical"

End Sub

You also need to set up a global variable called canc if you have not already done so from previous examples. This variable holds a record of the user's actions so that it can be transferred to other modules. You also need a global variable called col to hold the user's choice of color. You need to put this in the declarations section of a module:

 Global canc As Integer 
Global col as Long

Working through the code, the four command buttons' click events are similar, apart from the Color button (Button3). When the user clicks OK, Cancel, or Default, the UserForm is hidden and canc is set to a value to indicate which button the user clicked (OK is 0, Cancel is 1, and Default is 2).

The Color button (Button3) is different because you have to display a dialog to let the user choose a color.

The code sets the CancelError property to True, which means if the user clicks Cancel, an error is generated that the code can use to check for the Cancel action.

The Flags property is set to H1, and an error condition is entered. The purpose of setting the flag is to display the Color Option dialog properly. If an error is generated by the user clicking Cancel, then the execution jumps to errhandler2 and exits the subroutine.

The Action property is set to 3, which displays the Color Selection common dialog and allows the user to select a color, which is then inserted into the global variable col .

When the UserForm loads, the list boxes must be populated . This is done on the Form Initialize event using the AddItem method of the ListBox object. This example adds the actual constant names to the list boxes, but it can be modified to use abbreviated names or more friendly names .

The constant names added into ListBox1 represent a small selection from all the shapes available. If you use the Object Browser ( F2 in the code window) and search on msoAutoShapeType , you will find an extensive range of shapes that can be used. Unfortunately, it is not possible to enumerate constant names using a For..Each loop, so they need to be placed in the list box line by line. This is because they are constants, not objects, and thus not part of a collection.

You then need to write the procedure for displaying the UserForm and reacting to the user's selections. Place the following code within a module:

 Sub comment_enhance() 
Dim param As Long, grad As Long
If canc = 1 Then Exit Sub
Select Case UserForm5.ListBox1.Text
Case "msoShape32PointStar"

param = msoShape32pointStar
Case "msoShape24PointStar"

param = msoShape24pointStar
Case "msoShape16PointStar"

param = msoShape16pointStar
Case "msoShape8PointStar"

param = msoShape8pointStar
Case "msoshapeBalloon"

param = msoShapeBalloon
Case "msoShapeCube"

param = msoShapeCube
Case "msoshapeDiamond"

param = msoShapeDiamond

End Select

Select Case UserForm5.ListBox2.Text
Case "msoGradientDiagonalDown"

grad = msoGradientDiagonalDown
Case "msoGradientDiagonalUp"

grad = msoGradientDiagonalUp
Case "msoGradientFromCenter"

grad = msoGradientFromCenter
Case "msoGradientFromCorner"

grad = msoGradientFromCorner
Case "msoGradientFromTitle"

grad = msoGradientFromTitle
Case "msoGradientHorizontal"

grad = msoGradientHorizontal
Case "msoGradientMixed"

grad = msoGradientMixed
Case "msoGradientVertical"

grad = msoGradientVertical
End Select

If canc = 2 Then
For Each window In Windows

For Each Worksheet In window.SelectedSheets

For Each cell In Application.Selection

addr = Worksheet.Name & "!" & cell.Address

On Error Resume Next

temp = ""

temp = Range(addr).Comment.Text


If temp <> "" Then

Range(addr).AddComment (temp)

End If

Next cell
Next worksheet

Next window
Exit Sub
End If

For Each window In Windows
For Each Worksheet In window.SelectedSheets

For Each cell In Application.Selection

addr = Worksheet.Name & "!" & cell.Address

On Error Resume Next

Range(addr).Comment.Shape.Fill.OneColorGradient grad, 1, 1

Range(addr).Comment.Shape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = col
Range(addr).Comment.Shape.AutoShapeType = param

Next cell

Next worksheet

Next window

End Sub

Initially, two variables are set up, one called param , which holds the user's choice of shape, and one called grad , which holds the user's choice of color graduation. The UserForm is then displayed and the user makes their choice of shape, color, and color graduation.

The code then tests the variable canc to see if it has a value of 1, indicating the user clicked Cancel on the form. If it does, a simple Exit Sub is all that is required, and no further action is taken.

If the user clicks a button other than Cancel, then you need to find out what selection they made. Unfortunately, the list boxes only hold text strings of the names of constants and the user selections have to be converted into a real constant using the Case method, based first on listbox1 . The variable param is set with the real constant value based on the text selected in the list box. The same thing is done for the second list box, setting the variable grad to the constant value selected.

Next, the code tests to see if canc has a value of 2. If it does, the user clicked the Default button, which returns all comments to their default shape and color. If Default has been selected, the code cycles through each window in the Windows collection and then through each worksheet within the selected sheet's object.

To actually reset the comments within the selected cells back to the default, you need to go through several steps because there is no specific command within the Excel object model to do this. You must make a copy of the text of the comment, delete the comment, and then re-create it using the copied text. The new comment takes the default shape and color.

The code works through every cell within the user selection and loads a variable addr with the selected sheet name and the cell address, concatenated with the ! character. The On Error Resume Next statement is used because there is no way in the Excel object model to test whether a cell has a comment attached to it.

Note ‚  

You can find out if a cell has a formula by looking at the HasFormula property, but there is no HasComment property because looping through cells without comments would cause error messages to appear, which would halt the flow of the program.

A variable called temp is set to Null, which is then loaded with the text from the comment for a particular cell. It is important when looping through cells like this to clear temp out by setting it to an empty string; otherwise , there is a danger of notes being replicated throughout the selected range.

The comment is deleted using the Delete method, and a test is performed to see if the variable temp has any text in it ‚ that is, to see if there is a comment in that cell. If there is, the comment is added back in using the AddComment method with all the default settings, giving the user the impression that the comment has been reset.

Once all the cells have been cycled through for the default option, the procedure is exited and no further action is taken.

If the code is still running, it can only be because the user clicked OK, meaning that changes need to be made to the comments.

Again the code cycles through the windows in the Windows collection and the worksheets within the windows.selectedsheets object in order to find all the selected sheets.

It then cycles through each cell within the application selection, and loads a variable addr with the worksheet name and the cell address, concatenated with the ! character.

On Error Resume Next is used again to cover cells without comments.

First, the gradient is set using the Fill.OneColorGradient method and setting it to the variable held in grad . If you are going to change the color of the comment, then it is important to set the gradient first of all.

Next, the color is set by setting the BackColor.RGB property to the global variable col . We use a global variable so that we can access its value from other modules.

Finally, the shape of the note is set by setting the AutoShapeType property to the variable param .

It is important to keep these last three instructions in this order, since you may get incorrect results if you do not.

Test It Out

Place some comments on a spreadsheet by right clicking the cell and choosing Insert Comment from the pop-up menu. Make a selection of cells including your comments' cells by dragging the cursor over them.

Run the code and your screen should look Figure 38-2.

Figure 38-2: The Comment Enhancer UserForm in action

Select a shape and a gradient type. Click the Color button and select a color from the dialog. Click OK and then look at your comments. They should now look similar to Figure 38-3 depending on your selections.

Figure 38-3: An example of a comment enhanced to a cube graphic

When using this procedure, the user does not have to select both a shape and a color and gradient. It can be either or. However, if color is being changed, a gradient must be selected, otherwise the color change will not take place.

Sometimes when altering shapes of comments, the shape does not resize perfectly to the amount of text shown, and some text is lost. This usually happens with circular shapes, such as stars. You can work round this by setting the Height and Width properties of the comment shape as follows :

 Range(addr).Comment.Shape.Height = 100 
Range(addr).Comment.Shape.Width = 100

Excel VBA Macro Programming
Excel VBA Macro Programming
ISBN: 0072231440
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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