Chapter 10: Value and the Levels of Evaluation

In this Chapter:

  • Steps 7 and 8 in the financial value process: deliver the intervention and evaluate results

  • Why delivering an intervention changes what your audience expects to hear when you communicate value

  • How to match types of evaluation data to the data each level of your audience needs to hear

  • Why Senior management needs optimization data

  • What penetration, sustainability, and speed mean to effectiveness

  • Some tips for getting the evaluation data you need.

It ‚ s time to make another important transition in the financial value process. Up to now, it has been possible to define audiences, perform business intelligence research, create value chains for the most important financial imperatives in an organization, focus your communication on a particular intervention, clarify perceptions, and even start a scorecard ‚ all without ever delivering anything. At some point, however, the intervention must take place, and the value you have been planning must be delivered. This is step 7: deliver intervention.

How an intervention is delivered is unique to every situation. Hundreds of books discuss WLP delivery methods , techniques, and alternatives. How well an intervention is delivered is a matter of experience, skill, planning, teamwork, support, work environment, and other factors. Nevertheless, no matter how it takes place or how well things go (or don ‚ t go), delivering the intervention creates an important psychological turning point in the minds of your audience. Up to now, you have been able to discuss the value of your intervention in terms of what it will do. To maintain your credibility and your ability to communicate value, you must now prove that you delivered what you promised .

Quick Show Me Your Value
Quick! Show Me Your Value
ISBN: 1562863657
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157 © 2008-2017.
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