Object box, 35

Object Browser, 34

Object property of Window objects, 200-201, 241

omitted code, finding, 218

OnAddInsUpdate event, 122-125

OnBeginShutdown method, 125

OnBuild events, 193-194

OnConnection method, 111, 117, 120-121, 229

OnDisconnection method, 125-126

OnStartupComplete method, 121, 229-230

Open method of UndoContext, 257

Opened event, SolutionsEvent object, 158

opening solutions programmatically, 154-155

Options dialog box

categories, 233

changing existing settings, 233-235

comparison operations, 235-237

custom settings for, 237-239

enumerating items, 234-235

GetProperties method, 239

IDTToolsOptionsPage interface, 238

importance of, 233

items, finding, 233-234

Keyboard page, 39

lifetimes of pages, 238

page creation, 237

Properties collections, 233-234, 236, 239

Property object, exposing, 239

Registry Editor with, 233-234

registry keys for custom settings, 237

setting property values, 235

starter kit samples, 237

Text Editor category, 233

tree view control of, 233

walking property names, 234-235

XML for tools options page, 237-238

outlining feature, 35, 46-47

output path property, 25

Output window

Activate method, 223

adding new panes, 222

adding text, 222

Clear method, 223

defined, 221

enumerating panes, 222

GUID constant for, 200

methods for, 223

object for, 222

object type of, 200

OutputString method, 223

OutputWindow class, 100

OutputWindow object, 222

OutputWindowPaneEx class library, 221

panes, 222-223

programmatic control of, 221-223

TextDocument method, 223

Working with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Working with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
ISBN: 0735623155
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 100

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