B.10 Number-Theoretic Friend Functions


B.10 Number-Theoretic Friend Functions

 const unsigned ld (const LINT& a); 

return log2(a)

 const int iseven (const LINT& a); 

test a for divisibility by 2: true if a even

 const int isodd (const LINT& a); 

test a for divisibility by 2: true if a odd

 const LINT issqr (const LINT& a); 

test a for being a square

 const int isprime (const LINT& a); 

test a for primality

 const LINT gcd (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

return gcd of a and b

 const LINT xgcd (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b,      LINT& u, int& sign_u,      LINT& v, int& sign_v); 

extended Euclidean algorithm with return of gcd of a and b, u and v contain the absolute values of the factors of the linear combination g = sign_u*u*a + sign_v*v*b

 const LINT inv (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

return the multiplicative inverse of a mod b

 const LINT lcm (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

return the least common multiple of a and b

 const int jacobi (const LINT& a,      const LINT& b); 

return the Jacobi symbol ()

 const LINT root (const LINT& a); 

return the integer part of the square root of a

 const LINT root (const LINT& a,      const LINT& p); 

return the square root of a modulo an odd prime p

 const LINT root (const LINT& a,      const LINT& p,      const LINT& q); 

return the square root of a modulo p*q for p and q odd primes

 const LINT chinrem (const unsigned      noofeq, LINT** coeff); 

return a solution of a system of simultaneous linear congruences. In coeff is passed a vector of pointers to LINT objects as coefficients a1, m1, a2, m2, a3, m3, ... of the congruence system with noofeq equations x ai mod mi

 const LINT primroot (const unsigned      noofprimes,      LINT** primes); 

return a primitive root modulo p. In noofprimes is passed the number of distinct prime factors of the group order p 1, in primes a vector of pointers to LINT objects, beginning with p 1, then come the prime divisors p1,...,pk of the group order p 1 = with k = noofprimes

 const int twofact (const LINT& even,     LINT& odd); 

return the even part of a, odd contains the odd part of a

 const LINT findprime (const USHORT l); 

return a prime p of length l bits, i.e., 2l1 p < 2l

 const LINT findprime (const USHORT l,      const LINT& f); 

return a prime p of length l bits, i.e., 2l1 p < 2l and gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd

 const LINT findprime (const LINT& pmin,      const LINT& pmax,      const LINT& f); 

return a prime p with pmin p pmax and gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd

 const LINT nextprime (const LINT& a,      const LINT& f); 

return the smallest prime p above a with gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd

 const LINT extendprime (const USHORT l,      const LINT& a,      const LINT& q,      const LINT& f); const LINT extendprime (const LINT& pmin, const LINT& pmax,      const LINT& a,      const LINT& q,      const LINT& f); 

return a prime p of length l bits, i.e., 2l1 p < 2l, with p a mod q and gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd

return a prime p with pmin p pmax, with p a mod q and gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd

 const LINT strongprime (const USHORT l); 

return a strong prime p of length l bits, i.e., 2l1 p < 2l

 const LINT strongprime (const USHORT l,      const LINT& f); 

return a strong prime p of length l bits, i.e., 2l1 p < 2l, with gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd

 const LINT strongprime (const USHORT l,      const USHORT lt,      const USHORT lr,      const USHORT ls,      const LINT& f); 

return a strong prime p of length l bits, i.e., 2l1 p < 2l, with gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd lt , ls lr of length of p

 const LINT strongprime (const LINT& pmin,      const LINT& pmax,      const LINT& f); 

return a strong prime p with pmin p pmax, gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd, default lengths lr, lt, ls of prime divisors r of p 1, t of r1, s of p+1:lt , ls lr of the binary length of pmin

 const LINT strongprime (const LINT& pmin,      const LINT& pmax,      const USHORT lt,      const USHORT lr,      const USHORT ls,      const LINT& f); 

return a strong prime p with pmin p pmax, gcd(p 1, f) = 1, f odd, lengths lr, lt, ls of prime divisors r of p 1, t of r 1, s of p + 1


Cryptography in C and C++
Cryptography in C and C++
ISBN: 189311595X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 127

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