A Font Selection Application


Practical Programming in Tcl & Tk, Third Edition
By Brent B. Welch

Table of Contents
Chapter 39.  Fonts and Text Attributes

This chapter concludes with an example that lets you select fonts. It is written as a dialog that you can add to your application. The menus are tied to elements of the font array that are used in font configure commands. The actual settings of the font are shown above a sampler of what the font looks like. When the user clicks the OK button, the font configuration is returned:

Example 39-4 Font selection dialog.


 proc Font_Select {{top .fontsel}} {    global font    # Create File, Font, Size, and Format menus    toplevel $top -class Fontsel -bd 10    set menubar [menu $top.menubar]    $top config -menu $menubar    foreach x {File Font Size Format} {       set menu [menu $menubar.[string tolower $x]]       $menubar add cascade -menu $menu -label $x    }    $menubar.file add command -label Reset -command FontReset    $menubar.file add command -label OK \       -command {set font(ok) ok}    $menubar.file add command -label Cancel \       -command {set font(ok) cancel}    # The Fonts menu lists the available Font families.    set allfonts [font families]    set numfonts [llength $allfonts]    set limit 20    if {$numfonts < $limit} {       # Display the fonts in a single menu       foreach family $allfonts {          $menubar.font add radio -label $family \             -variable font(-family) \             -value $family \             -command FontUpdate       }    } else {       # Too many fonts. Create a set of cascaded menus to       # display all the font possibilities       set c 0 ; set l 0       foreach family $allfonts {          if {$l == 0} {             $menubar.font add cascade -label $family... \                -menu $menubar.font.$c             set m [menu $menubar.font.$c]             incr c          }          $m add radio -label $family \             -variable font(-family) \             -value $family \             -command FontUpdate          set l [expr ($l +1) % $limit]       }    }    # Complete the other menus    foreach size {7 8 10 12 14 18 24 36 72} {       $menubar.size add radio -label $size \          -variable font(-size) \          -value $size \          -command FontUpdate    }    $menubar.size add command -label Other... \          -command [list FontSetSize $top]    $menubar.format add check -label Bold \          -variable font(-weight) \          -onvalue bold -offvalue normal \          -command FontUpdate    $menubar.format add check -label Italic \          -variable font(-slant) \          -onvalue italic -offvalue roman \          -command FontUpdate    $menubar.format add check -label underline \       -variable font(-underline) \       -command FontUpdate    $menubar.format add check -label overstrike \       -variable font(-overstrike) \       -command FontUpdate    # FontReset initializes the font array, which causes    # the radio menu entries to get highlighted.    FontReset    # This label displays the current font    label $top.font -textvar font(name) -bd 5    # This message displays a sampler of the font.    message $top.msg -aspect 1000 \                 -borderwidth 10 -font fontsel \                 -text " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:\"''~,.<>/?\\| "    # Lay out the dialog    pack $top.font $top.msg -side top    set f [frame $top.buttons]    button $f.ok -text Ok -command {set font(ok) 1}    button $f.cancel -text Cancel -command {set font(ok) 0}    pack $f.ok $f.cancel -padx 10 -side left    pack $f -side top    # Dialog_Wait is defined in Example 36? on page 521    set font(ok) cancel    Dialog_Wait $top font(ok)    destroy $top    if {$font(ok) == "ok"} {       return [array get font -*]    } else {      return {}    } } # FontReset recreates a default font proc FontReset {} {    catch {font delete fontsel}    font create fontsel    FontSet } # FontSet initializes the font array with the settings # returned by the font actual command proc FontSet {} {    global font    # The name is the font configuration information    # with a line break so it looks nicer    set font(name) [font actual fontsel]    regsub -- "-slant" $font(name) "\n-slant" font(name)    # Save the actual parameters after any font substitutions    array set font [font actual fontsel] } # FontSetSize adds an entry widget to the dialog so you # can enter a specific font size. proc FontSetSize {top} {    set f [frame $top.size -borderwidth 10]    pack $f -side top -fill x    label $f.msg -text "Size:"    entry $f.entry -textvariable font(-size)    bind $f.entry <Return> FontUpdate    pack $f.msg -side left    pack $f.entry -side top -fill x } # FontUpdate is called when any of the font settings # are changed, either from the menu or FontSetSize proc FontUpdate {} {    global font    # The elements of font that have a leading - are    # used directly in the font configuration command.    eval {font configure fontsel}[array get font -*]    FontSet } 


    Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
    Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (4th Edition)
    ISBN: 0130385603
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 1999
    Pages: 478

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