Section 4.2. A Simple Start

4.2. A Simple Start

The most basic external information that a program may use is the information supplied on its invocationsimple parameters or arguments, such as filenames or options, that can direct its running and make it a more flexible tool. Let's start with getting at that information from a Java program.

4.2.1. Command-Line Arguments

When a program is run from the command line, more than just the program name can be supplied. Here are some examples:

 $ javac $ mv core/ $ ls -l 

In the first example, we invoked a program called javac and gave it the parameter, the name of the file containing the Java program that we want javac to compile to Java byte code. (We've got a whole chapter on how to set up and run the Java compiler, see Chapter 5.) The mv got two command-line arguments, and core/, which look a lot like pathnames. The ls command has one argument, -l, which in Linux usually indicates, by its leading minus sign, that it is an option for altering the behavior of the command. (In this case it produces the "long" version of the directory listing.)

Even point-and-click GUIs allow such parameters to be supplied, though often not visible to the user. In KDE, one can create a new desktop icon that is a link to an application. Such an icon has a property sheet that lists, on the Execute tab, the command to be run, including any parameters.

In Java, the parameters supplied on the command line are available to the main() method of a Java class. The signature for this method is:

 public static void main(String args[]) 

From within main(), the various parameters are available as the elements of the array of Strings. The class in Example 4.1 will display those parameters when the program is run.

Example 4.1. Java program to dump command-line arguments
 /*  * simple command-line parameter displayer  */ public class CLine {   public static void   main(String [] args)   {     for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)     {       System.out.println(args[i]);     }   } // main } // class CLine 

We compile and run the example, providing a few command-line parameters:

 $ javac $ java CLine hello world file.txt blue hello world file.txt blue $ 

Not all classes will have main() methods, but any can. Even if several classes in a package have main() methods, that is not a problem. Which one will be the "main" main()? It's the class we specified when we invoked our program. In Example 4.1, the main() that is executed is the one in the CLine class. Even if CLine used other classes (it doesString is a class) it doesn't matter if those other classes have main() methods or not.

4.2.2. Unit Testing Made Easy

Why all the fuss about main() and command-line parameters? Such main() methods are a handy way to provide unit tests for a class. The tests can be controlled by the command-line parameters. By testing each class you can reduce the time to integrate the parts of an application. Furthermore, a set of unit tests can be built up (e.g., as shell scripts) to provide automated regression tests for the entire project. As a more rigorous and systematic approach to unit testing, we discuss junit in Chapter 13.

    Java Application Development with Linux
    Java Application Development on Linux
    ISBN: 013143697X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2004
    Pages: 292 © 2008-2017.
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