

scale matters, automation testing, 329
SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America), 142
schedule estimation
art production planning, 93, 415 ‚ 416
concept documents, 89 ‚ 90
technical design documents, 418 ‚ 419
test plan documents, 424
schedules, as pressure cause, 5 ‚ 7
scientific method, ad hoc testing, 295 ‚ 296
of test, pre-production test phase, 130 ‚ 132
walkthroughs, 108
scoring section, game design documents, 406 ‚ 407
security plan section, technical design documents, 421
setting section, concept documents, 87
showstoppers, gold testing, 148
sigma level measurements, software quality, 115 ‚ 116
SimCity 3000, 71
Simpsons, 71
single player testing, expansion plans, 132
Six Sigma measurements, software quality, 115 ‚ 116
skeleton frames , animator responsibilities, 72 ‚ 73
slash (/), 211
SmartDraw tool examples, test flow diagrams, 216 ‚ 218
smoke testing, 161
software quality
appraisal activity, 106 ‚ 107
coding standards, 113 ‚ 114
inspections, 110 ‚ 112
measurements, 114 ‚ 119
phase containment measurements, 116 ‚ 119
quality factors, 105 ‚ 106
quality planning control charts , 124
corrective action, 122
feedback and reports , 121 ‚ 122
Pareto Charts, 123, 125
problem reporting, 122
process standards, 120
product standards, 120
QA personnel, 120
reviews and audits , 120 ‚ 121
risk management, 126
SQAP (Software Quality Assurance Plan), 119
statistical methods , 123
supplier control, 126
tools, techniques, and methods, 122 ‚ 125
training techniques, 125 ‚ 126
checklist-based, 109
reviewer responsibilities, 109
walkthroughs, 107 ‚ 109
sigma level measurements, 115 ‚ 116
template use, 123
user interface standards, 112 ‚ 113
Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 119
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), 142
sound effects, documentation defects, 53
sound teams , responsibilities of
music directors/ producers , 77
sound engineers , 75 ‚ 77
spacing standards, 112
SPC for Excel Web site, 125
speakers , configuration defect triggers, 309
Sperry, Roger W., 288
Spider-Man, 68
Spider-Man 2, 331
Spinal Tap, 116
splash screens, timing defects, 46
sport games
algorithm defects, 50
art director responsibilities, 68 ‚ 70
assignment defects, 43
sound engineer responsibilities in, 75
SQAP (Software Quality Assurance Plan), 119
standards, quality
coding standards, 113 ‚ 114
process standards, 120
product standards, 120
user interface standards, 112 ‚ 113
Star Chart, tester performance, 177 ‚ 179
Star Trek Elite Force II, 313
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, 20, 52, 68, 71
StarCraft, 293
Startup defect triggers, 311
states, test flow diagrams, 213
statistical methods, quality factors, 123
status types, DevTrack tool, 35
story section
concept documents, 88
game design documents, 401 ‚ 402
storyboarding, walkthroughs, 108
strategy games
algorithm defects, 52
assignment defects, 44
sound engineer responsibilities in, 76
Stress defect triggers, 312
string constants, documentation defects, 54
subject matter testing, 300 ‚ 301
concept documents, 90 ‚ 91
expansion plans, 132
game design documents, 411
supplier control, quality, 126
symbols, standards, 112

Game Testing All in One
Game Testing All in One (Game Development Series)
ISBN: 1592003737
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 205 © 2008-2017.
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