Lab Exercise 5.3: Installing NNLS

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In this exercise, you will install NNLS. If you haven't completed Exercises 5.1 and 5.2, complete those before attempting this exercise.

To install NNLS, complete the following:

  1. Install NNLS using a custom install by completing the following steps:

    1. Verify that the current directory is /media/iso .

    2. At the shell prompt, enter ./ .

    3. When prompted, enter i to install.

    4. When prompted to use an Express install, type no .

    5. You are now prompted to select the NNLS components you want to install. In this book, we're going to install everything up front. Then, as you progress through the remaining chapters, you will configure each product. Enter a to select all products.

    6. Enter f to finish making selections.

    7. In the License Agreement screen, press the spacebar until you are prompted to agree to the license agreement.

    8. When prompted to agree to the license, enter y .

  2. Provide eDirectory NNLS installation parameters by completing the following:

    1. When prompted for the location of the NICI file, enter /media/floppy/ file_name.nfk .

    2. When prompted, enter 1 to create a new eDirectory tree.

    3. When prompted for the tree name , enter CLE-TREE .

    4. When prompted for the eDirectory port, press Enter .

    5. When prompted for the admin name and context, enter cn=admin.ou=IF.o=CLE .

    6. When prompted to enter the admin user 's password, enter novell .


      Be sure to use a different password for your admin user when you deploy NNLS in a production environment. You would be surprised how many eDirectory admin user objects are out there in corporate environments that have a password of novell .

    7. When prompted for a server context, press Enter .

    8. When prompted for the LDAP port number, press Enter .

    9. When prompted for the secure LDAP port number, press Enter .

    10. When prompted for the iMonitor HTTP port, press Enter .

    11. When prompted for the iMonitor secure HTTP port, press Enter .

  3. Configure the LUM component of NNLS by completing the following:

    1. When prompted for the LDAP server IP address, enter your server's IP address.

    2. When prompted for the admin name and context, press Enter .


      Notice that the NNLS installation script remembers previously entered values for other components and automatically uses them for the default values for other NNLS components. You can use these defaults by simply pressing Enter.

    3. When prompted for the admin user's password, press Enter .

    4. When prompted for the LDAP port, press Enter .

    5. When prompted for the secure LDAP port, press Enter .

    6. When prompted for the partition root, press Enter .

    7. When prompted for the workstation context, press Enter .

    8. When prompted to select services that will use eDirectory for authentication, enter a to select all of them; then enter f .

  4. Configure DirXML parameters by completing the following:

    1. When prompted to supply the eDirectory server's IP address, press Enter .

    2. When prompted for the admin user's name and context, press Enter .

    3. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

    4. When prompted for the secure LDAP port, press Enter .

  5. Configure eGuide by completing the following:

    1. When prompted for the LDAP server's IP address, enter your server's IP address.

    2. When prompted for the LDAP server's port, press Enter .

    3. When prompted for the secure LDAP port, press Enter .

    4. When prompted for the LDAP admin username and context, press Enter .

    5. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

  6. Configure Samba by completing the following:

    1. When prompted to supply the eDirectory server's IP address, press Enter .

    2. When prompted for the admin user's name and context, press Enter .

    3. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

    4. When prompted for the LDAP server's IP address, press Enter .

    5. When prompted for the Samba Proxy username, press Enter .

    6. When prompted for the Samba Proxy user's password, enter novell .

    7. When prompted for the LDAP server's port, press Enter .

    8. When prompted for the secure LDAP port, press Enter .

    9. If prompted to remove existing Samba packages, press Enter .

  7. Configure iFolder by completing the following:

    1. When prompted for the LDAP server's IP address, press Enter .

    2. When prompted for the LDAP server's port, press Enter .

    3. When prompted for the LDAP admin username and context, press Enter .

    4. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

    5. When prompted for the IP address of the iFolder server, enter your server's IP address.

    6. When prompted to enter iFolder admin usernames, press Enter .

    7. When prompted to supply the iFolder user data path , press Enter .

  8. Configure NetMail by completing the following:

    1. When prompted to supply the admin username and context, press Enter .

    2. When prompted to supply the admin user's password, enter novell .

    3. When prompted to supply the NetMail DNS server address, enter your server's IP address.

    4. When prompted to supply the NetMail secondary DNS server address, enter your organization's secondary DNS server address, if it exists. This parameter is optional.

    5. When prompted for your NetMail domain, press Enter .

    6. When prompted for your WebAccess HTTP port, press Enter .

    7. When prompted for your WebAccess secure HTTP port, press Enter .

    8. When prompted for your NetMail LDAP port, press Enter .

    9. When prompted for the IP address of the server where iManager will be installed, enter your server's IP address.

    10. When prompted for the admin user's name and context, press Enter .

    11. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

    12. When prompted to supply the eDirectory server's IP address, enter your server's IP address.

    13. When prompted for the LDAP server's port, press Enter .

    14. When prompted for the iManager WebAdmin HTTP port, press Enter .

    15. When prompted for the iManager WebAdmin secure HTTP port, press Enter .

  9. Configure iPrint by completing the following:

    1. When prompted for your eDirectory tree name, press Enter .

    2. When prompted for the admin user's name and context, press Enter .

    3. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

    4. When prompted to supply the eDirectory server's IP address, enter your server's IP address.

  10. Configure Virtual Office by completing the following:

    1. When prompted to supply the eDirectory server's IP address, enter your server's IP address.

    2. When prompted for the admin user's name and context, press Enter .

    3. When prompted for the admin user's password, enter novell .

    4. When prompted for the NetStorage authentication domain host, press Enter .

    5. When prompted for the NetStorage proxy username and context, press Enter .

    6. When prompted for the NetStorage proxy user's password, enter novell .

    7. When prompted for the users context, enter o=CLE .


      Be careful on the preceding step. You've been pressing Enter for so many parameters, it's easy to accidentally press it on this step.

    8. When prompted for the iFolder server's IP address, press Enter .

  11. Configure Red Carpet by completing the following:

    1. When prompted for the Red Carpet administrator's email address, enter your email address. If you want to use the NetMail account for your admin user object, you could enter .

    2. When prompted, specify whether or not your server uses a proxy server.

  12. Finish the installation by completing the following:

    1. When prompted to view the installation summary information, press Enter .

    2. If you need to make any changes, enter yes and make the necessary changes. If you're satisfied with the current settings, enter no .

  13. Wait while NNLS is installed. This can take up to 15 minutes.

  14. When the installation is complete, you are prompted to view the readme file. Enter y to view it.

  15. When prompted to save the installation settings to a file, enter y .

  16. Unmount your ISO image and your floppy disk using the umount command.

  17. Verify your installation by completing the following:

    1. Run Mozilla by selecting the Mozilla icon on your desktop and open http:// your_server_IP_address . You should see your NNLS home page displayed. Links for the various NNLS components should be shown on the left side of the page.

    2. Open iMonitor in Mozilla by browsing to https :// your_server_IP_address :8010. If prompted, select Remember this certificate permanently ; then select Continue . If you're presented with a Security window, click OK .

    3. Click the NDS iMonitor link.

    4. Authenticate as admin with a password of novell .

    5. Click the Known Servers link. You should see your server listed.

    6. Close your web browser.

  18. Update the $MANPATH variable by completing the following:

    1. Open a terminal session.

    2. At the shell prompt, enter




    3. Enter export MANPATH .

    4. Close the terminal session.

Congratulations! You now have a fully functioning NNLS deployment on your server. You're probably wondering where all those files ended up on your system. Let's discuss the NNLS file locations.

NNLS File Locations

After installation, the NNLS files are placed in the /opt/novell directory and its subdirectories. In /opt/novell/lib are shared library files used by the various NNLS components. In /opt/novell/bin are NNLS executables and utilities. In /opt/novell/ product_name /bin are product-specific binary files. In /opt/novell/include are product-specific header files.

User data for iFolder users is saved in /var/opt/novell . Log files for the various NNLS components are saved in /var/opt/novell/log .

NNLS configuration files are placed in /etc/opt/novell . Within this directory are subdirectories for each NNLS product. Within these subdirectories you will find conf files for the respective products.

The /var/novell/nici directory stores your server's Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure (NICI) files.

The /var/nds directory stores your eDirectory database (DIB files) and log files.

Now let's discuss how to install NNLS components after the initial installation has taken place.

Post-Installing NNLS Components

You probably noticed during your NNLS installation that you don't have to install every NNLS component. You can pick and choose those products you need. When you do, you'll notice that the NNLS installation script automatically identifies dependencies that must be installed to support the products you have specified.

From time to time, however, you may find that you want to add an NNLS component after the initial installation has taken place. This can be done by simply mounting your NNLS ISO image or CD and running the install script again. When you reach the component selection screen, you'll notice that the products you previously installed are flagged as "already installed."

Select the additional products you want to install and proceed with the installation as you did when you performed the initial installation.

When you have finished installing the additional components, you need to restart Apache and Tomcat. You do this by opening a terminal session and entering /etc/init.d/novell-httpd restart and then /etc/init.d/novell-tomcat4 restart .

With the initial system configuration and NNLS installation complete, we're ready to move on and start working with the various individual components that comprise NNLS. In the remaining pages of this chapter, we will investigate Red Carpet and eDirectory.

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Novell Certified Linux Engineer (CLE) Study Guide
Novell Certified Linux Engineer (Novell CLE) Study Guide (Novell Press)
ISBN: 0789732033
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 128
Authors: Robb H. Tracy © 2008-2017.
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