[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 
wait( ) method
    doGet( ) method and 
WAR files 
    book web service 
    created by wsdeploy  
    creating for J2EE 1.4 platform 
        required files 
    creating for JWSDP 
        creating for JWSDP 
    deployed to J2EE 1.4 platform and to a web container hosting the JWSDP reference implementation 
    deploying to J2EE 1.4 platform 
    packaging web service containing document-style operations 
    documents and port elements 
web archive files  [See WAR files]
web containers  [See servlets]
web server
    enabling HTTPS 
web service APIs
    JAX-RPC  [See JAX-RPC]
    JAXM  [See JAXM]
    JAXR  [See JAXR]
    SAAJ  [See SAAJ]
    WSDL  [See WSDL]
Web Service Description Language  [See WSDL]
web service endpoint interface
    getting a stub for 
web services  2nd  [See also JAX-RPC]3rd  [See also WSDL]
    adding protected URLs to 
    client-side view 
     clients and servers (JAX-RPC) 
    containing document-style operations
    creating clients from a WSDL file 
    deployed on J2EE 1.4 platform 
    deployment and testing 
    describing and discovering 
     discovered at runtime  [See DII]
    document-style operations and JAX-RPC summary 
    examples  2nd 
    full listing of WSDL files 
    mapping  [See also binding]
        to more than one protocol 
    references for servlets and EJBs 
    remote procedure call-based  [See JAX-RPC]
    remote procedure calls  [See JAX-RPC]
    security for 
    session beans  [See session beans]
    tools and configuration files 
    versus screen scraping 
    writing a client with only a WSDL definition 
Web Services Architecture document 
Web Services Interoperaibility (WS-I) profile 
web-package (Ant buildfile target) 
web-package target (Ant buildfile) 
web.xml file  2nd  3rd 
    authorization information in 
    echo example sending servlet 
    for ContextBookQuery web service 
    in deployable archive 
    load-on-startup element 
    login-config tags 
    security-constraint tag 
    servlet-mapping element 
    servlet- name tag 
    wsdeploy utility and 
webservice-description element ( webservices .xml file) 
webservice-description element in webservices.xml file 
webServices element ( jaxrpc -ri.xml file)  2nd 
webServices element (wsdeploy configuration file) 
webservices.xml file  2nd  3rd  4th 
    example  2nd  3rd 
    for a web service using message handlers 
    handler element 
    jaxrpc-mapping-file element 
    namespaceURI element 
    port-component elements 
    service-impl-bean element 
    soap-header element 
    soap-role element 
    webservice-description element  2nd 
    wsdl-file element 
webservicesclient.xml file
    adding a web service reference to JNDI environment 
    jaxrpc-mapping-file element 
    service-interface element 
    service-ref element 
    service-ref-name element 
    wsdl-file element 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 
wrapper classes for Java primitive types 
wrapper elements
    RPC-style operations and 
    SOAP binding and 
wrapping information 
writeTo( ) method 
WS-I (Web Services Interoperaibility) profile 
    SOAP headers and 
WS-Security extension 
wscompile utility  2nd 
    client-side source files generated from WSDL document 
    command-line arguments 
    configuration file  [See config.xml file]
    configuration file format 
    generate-client (Ant buildfile target) and 
    generated artifacts 
    generating interface files 
    SOAP headers 
    source files generated by 
wsdeploy utility  2nd 
    configuration file  [See jaxrpc-ri.xml file]
    WAR file 
    web service containing document-style operations 
WSDL (Web Service Description Language)  2nd  3rd  4th 
    binding elements )  [See binding elements, (WSDL]
        document-style operations and 
        for getBookCount operation 
        for getBookTitle operation 
    document reference, storing in UDDI registry 
    document utilizing a schema with nested imports 
    documentation elements 
        generic services and 
        message )  [See message element (WSDL]
        operation )  [See operation elements (WSDL]
        portType )  [See portType element (WSDL]
    extensibility elements 
    extract showing a document-style operation 
        for example source code 
        for service that contains one-way operation 
        logical structure of 
    JAX-RPC, using with 
    literal encoding 
    schema document for 
    schemas and namespaces commonly used in documents 
    service definition and DII 
    type definitions )  [See type definitions (WSDL]
    XML schema and type definitions 
wsdl element
    (config.xml file)  2nd  3rd  4th 
wsdl-file element
    (webservices.xml file)  2nd 
    (webservicesclient.xml file) 
wsdl-port element (webservices.xml file) 
WSDP configuration files
    XML namespaces and 


Java Web Services in a Nutshell
Java Web Services in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003994
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 257
Authors: Kim Topley

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