

pair programming, 19, 165
Pair Programming Illuminated (Williams and Kessler), 313
Parnas, David, 129
Pascal, 4 “5
Peopleware (DeMarco and Lister), 306
personal mastery, 173
Planning Game, 190, 235 “36
Plauger, P.J., 309
PL/I, 4 “5
power sources, 35 “36
Priorities for the Education and Training of Software Engineers (Lethbridge), 315
Prisoner s Dilemma, 45 “48, 190
process-oriented perspective, on software engineering, 117 “19, 205
product-oriented perspective, on software engineering, 117 “19
analogies to other, 121
definition of, 76 “77
program comprehension , 144 “51
abstraction and, 192
actions for, 149 “51
factors affecting , 147 “48
mental models for, 149
strategies for, 148
theories of, 146 “47
gap between best and worst, 51 “52
intuitive vs. imitative, 51
See also eXtreme Programming
bottom-up, 184
languages, 134 “35
pair, 19, 165
structured, 184
styles, 207 “11
test-first, 21
project management
See also software projects
case studies, 271 “75
overtime and, 228 “29
schedule planning, 229 “36
slack time, 238 “39
using historical data, 229 “30
Project Retrospective (Kerth), 309
prototypes , 135

Human Aspects of Software Engineering
Human Aspects of Software Engineering (Charles River Media Computer Engineering)
ISBN: 1584503130
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 242 © 2008-2017.
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