Commands You Can Run in Rescue Mode

From the bash# prompt, you can run many useful commands, including the following:

anaconda          gzip             mkfs.ext2        probe badblocks         head             mknod            ps bash              hwclock          mkraid           python2.2 cat               ifconfig         mkswap           raidstart chattr            init             mlabel           raidstop chmod             insmod           mmd              rcp chroot            less             mmount           rlogin clock             ln               mmove            rm collage           loader           modprobe         rmmod cp                ls               mount            route cpio              lsattr           mpartition       rpm dd                lsmod            mrd              rsh ddcprobe          mattrib          mread            sed depmode           mbadblocks       mren             sh df                mcd              mshowfat         sync e2fsck            mcopy            mt               tac fdisk             mdel             mtools           tail fsck              mdeltree         mtype            tar fsck.ext2         mdir             mv               touch fsck.ext3         mdu              mzip             traceroute ftp               mformat          open             umount gnome-pty-helper  minfo            parted           uncpio grep              mkdir            pico             uniq gunzip            mke2fs           ping             zcat 

The Red Hat Documentation Team - Official Red Hat Linux User's Guide
The Red Hat Documentation Team - Official Red Hat Linux User's Guide
Year: 2002
Pages: 223 © 2008-2017.
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