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IAccessible interface, 480
IAltMemMgr interface, 245
IAsyncResult variable, 380
IAtlStringMgr interface, 245-246
ICatalogCollection object, 346, 363, 366
ICatalogObject object, 347
ICheckString interface, 310
IComponent interface, 160, 473, 476, 483
IComputerName interface, 303
icons, Component Services, 31-32
id attribute, 214
IDataObject interface, 474, 484
IDE, component access with, 19-25
assemblies, 9
components , 8
controls, 144
identity options, 37
IDispatch interface, 106, 113, 140
IDispatch method, 85
IDispatchImpl attribute, 113
IDisposable interface, 160, 162, 300, 305, 408
IDL (Interface Definition Language). See also attributed programming
described, 13
generating, 231
suppressing generation, 231
type conversions, 75-77, 136-137
value types and, 137
/idlout compiler option, 23
idl_quote attribute, 219
IEnum interfaces, 242
IErrorInfo, 93
/ignoreidl compiler option, 231
IIDs (interface IDs), 128, 488
IJW (It Just Works mechanism), 431-432
IL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), 10
IL Disassembler, 88
ILDasm.exe, 88
Image Dump Directory values, 381
IManagedObject interface, 162
Implemented Categories subkey , 144
implements attribute, 217
implements_category attribute, 217
implicit conversions, 258
import attribute, 219
importer. See type library importer
importidl attribute, 219
ActiveX controls, 100
arrays, 81-83
attributes, 74
coclasses , 83-85
constants, 90
data types, 75-83
enumerations, 90
interfaces, 85-88
methods , 87
modules, 91
properties, 87
structures, 88
type libraries, 74-75
typedefs , 90
unions, 89
importlib attribute, 219
IMyInterface interface, 106
in attribute, 132, 214, 447, 486
In parameter, 132, 447
include tag, 262, 264
independent MSMQ clients , 317
indexes, Web application, 388
inequality operators, 79
class exportation and, 127
exceptions, 13
hierarchy, 129-131, 481
visibility, 14
inherited roles, 45
Initialize method, 484
initializing objects, 10
in-memory interop assemblies, 61
in-memory type libraries, 61
in-place activation, 483
inserted code, viewing, 192, 195
lifetime management, 9
releasing, 476
instantiating components, 84
Int32 values, 486, 488
integrating COM in .NET. See also converting; Runtime Callable Wrappers
COM interop, 53-55
component integration
accessing, 19-25
ActiveX controls, 99-102
design considerations, 91-94
event handling, 94-99
overview, 53
component identification, 8
component locations, 7-8
data handling, 15-18
error handling, 13
event handling, 19
garbage collection, 10-13
object-oriented principles, 10
objects, 9
type information, 13
visibility, 14-15
future of, 3-5
overview, 5-7
integrating COM+ in .NET. See also Component Services snap-in
benefits of, 28-29
improvements, 29
.NET Framework Configuration snap-in, 47-50
overview, 27
problems, 29-30
integrating .NET in COM. See also COM Callable Wrappers; exporting
attributes, 108-114, 141
from COM client code, 120-125
default constructors, 139
design considerations, 139-143
event handling, 141, 148-152
interfaces, 105-108, 140
naming problems, 139-140
objects, 104
registry entries, 119-120
static methods, 139
type libraries, 114-119
version numbers , 142
Windows Forms controls, 143-148
integrating .NET in COM+. See also COM+ examples
application types, 179-181
COM vs. COM+, 156
COM+ background information, 163
COM+ services, 169-171
connections, 173-178
data flow optimization, 178
DCOM, 172-178
distributed architecture, 163
error handling, 182
interoperability, 156-162
messaging, 166-169
overview, 155
security, 183-184
transactions, 164-165
Interactive User option, 37
interceptors , 29
Interface Definition Language (IDL). See IDL
interface IDs (IIDs), 128, 488
__interface keyword, 198, 206, 211
interface pointers, 94, 104
InterfaceID property, 367
interfaces. See also COM interfaces; .NET interfaces
analyzing, 481-483
attributed programming, 211-216
CCW implemented, 105-108
changes to, 107
changing, 140
class, 106-108
comparing, 481
converting, 85-88, 106
custom, 106-108
described, 474
design considerations, 92
dispatch, 215
explicit source, 149-151
exporting, 128-136
multiple implemented, 84
re-creating with managed code, 483-487
researching , 475-476
type produced, 128
verifying, 482
viewing, 477-479
visibility, 112
InterfaceType attribute, 111, 118, 128, 292, 330, 483
internal types, 14
InternalDispose method, 409
international considerations, 384
COM+ and, 29, 169
DCOM and, 172
Internet Explorer, 143, 145-148
interop assemblies. See also Runtime Callable Wrappers
ActiveX controls, 101
component referencing, 60
delayed signing, 72
overview, 55
TlbImp.exe, 57-61
TypeLibConverter class, 61-67
Visual Studio .NET, 56
Global Assembly Cache, 67-73
library conversions, 74
namespaces, 59
overview, 54
signing, 71
strong names , 70-71
interop marshaling, 16
interoperability. See integrating COM in .NET; integrating COM+ in .NET; Platform Invoke; unmanaged code
IntPtrs, 77-81, 420, 439
invalid progIDs, 112
Invoke method, 140
IObjectSafety interface, 483, 487
IOleWindow interface, 483
IProvideClassInfo, 94
IRemoteDispatch interface, 162
ISAPI extensions, 260, 272
ISAPI filters, 261
ISecurityCallContext interface, 183-184
IString interface, 121, 123
ISupportErrorInfo interface, 93, 478
It Just Works (IJW) mechanism, 431-432
iteration classes, 238
IUnknown interface, 104, 106, 140, 474, 481
IUnknown method, 85
IViewObject interface, 482
IViewObject2 interface, 482
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COM Programming with Microsoft .NET
COM Programming with Microsoft .NET
ISBN: 0735618755
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 140 © 2008-2017.
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