
The following options are understood by all commands:

-?, --help Get help on a specific command.

-U, --user=<username> Specify username.

-P, --password=<password> Specify password.

--log=<logfile> Specify the file to which to log (default: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zlman.log).

-d, --debug Display debugging output.

--version Print zlman version and exit.

-V, --verbose Enable verbose output.

--quiet Quiet output, print only error messages.

--ignore-rc-file Ignore the ~/.zlmanrc file.

--host=<host> Specify the hostname to which to connect (default: localhost).

--port=<port> Specify the port on which the server is listening (default: 443).

--cleartext Disable SSL for debugging purposes. Port must be set to the clear text port.






zlman ping <options>

Verify that a server is operational and responsive.

registration-list (rl)

zlman registration-list <options><folder> <filter>

List all registrations.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options that match the specified filter. (Wildcards * and ? may be used if the filter is quoted.)


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.

registration-folder-create (rfc)

zlman registration-folder-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a new folder.

registration-create-workstation (rcw)

zlman registration-create-workstation <options> <key> <folder> <device folder>

Create a new registration. A workstation folder may be specified. Workstations created with this registration are placed in this folder.

registration-create-server (rcs)

zlman registration-create-server <options> <key> <device folder> <folder>

Create a new registration. A server foldermay be specified.Servers created with this registration are placed in this folder.

registration-info (ri)

zlman registration-info <options> <key>

Display detailed information about a specific registration.

registration-list-groups (rlg)

zlman registration-list-groups <options> <key>

Display a list of the groups towhich a device will be added when registered with the specified key.

registration-delete (rd)

zlman registration-delete <options> <registration>

Delete a registration.

registration-update (ru)

zlman registration-update <options> <key>

Update a registration.


-k, --newkey=<key>

The new key value.


-u, --usage=<count>

The maximum number of devices that can be created with this key.



Remove the limit on the number of devices that can be created with this key.


-n, --nrule=<Naming Rule>

Specify a new naming rule, such as ${ HostName}.



Specify the workstation folder in which an imported Workstation should be placed.



Specify the server folder in which an imported Server should be placed.

registration-add-workstation-group (rawg)

zlman registration-add-workstation-group <options> <key> <group>

Add a Workstation Group membership to objects imported with a given key.

registration-add-server-group (rasg)

zlman registration-add-server-group <options> <key> <group>

Add a Server Group member-ship to objects imported with a given key.

registration-remove-workstation-group (rrwg)

zlman registration-remove-workstation-group <options> <key> <group>

Remove a Workstation Group membership from a registration.

registration-remove-server-group (rrsg)

zlman registration-remove-server-group <options> <key> <group>

Remove a Server Group membership from a registration.

registration-move (rmv)

zlman registration-move <options> <key> <folder>

Move a registration to a different folder.

admin-list (al)

zlman admin-list <options>

Display a list of all administrators.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options that match the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

admin-create (ac)

zlman admin-create <options> <admin name> <password>

Create a new administrator, with view-only rights to all objects.

admin-delete (ad)

zlman admin-delete <options> <admin name>

Delete an administrator.

admin-rename (arn)

zlman admin-rename <options> <admin name> <new name>

Rename an administrator.

admin-rights-get (arg)

zlman admin-rights-get <options> <admin name> <object name>

View the effective rights of a specific object. If no object isspecified, all assigned rights are displayed. A single type flag must be specified.


-w, --workstations

Specify that object is of type workstation.


-s, --servers

Specify that object is of type server.


-a, --administrators

Specify that object is of type administrator.


-b, --bundles

Specify that object is of type bundle.


-p, --policies

Specify that object is of type policy.


-R, --reports

Specify that object is of type report.


-r, --registrations

Specify that object is of type registration.

admin-rights-assign (ara)

zlman admin-rights-assign <options> <admin name> <object name>

View the effective rights of a specific object. If no object is specified, all assigned rights are displayed. A single type flag must be specified.


-w, --workstations

Specify that object is of type workstation.


-s, --servers

Specify that object is of type server.


-a, --administrators

Specify that object is of type administrator.


-b, --bundles

Specify that object is of type bundle.


-p, --policies

Specify that object is of type policy.


-R, --reports

Specify that object is of type report.


-r, --registrations

Specify that object is of type registration.


-n, --none

Remove all rights.


-v, --view

Allow view only.


-m, --modify

Allow modification of an object.


-c, --create

Allow creation of new objects.

bundle-list (bl)

zlman bundle-list <options> <folder> <filter>

List bundles in a folder.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options that match the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.

bundle-create (bc)

zlman bundle-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a new bundle.

bundle-folder-create (bfc)

zlman bundle-folder-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a new folder for containing bundles.

bundle-delete (bd)

zlman bundle-delete <options> <bundle>

Delete one or more bundles.

bundle-rename (br)

zlman bundle-rename <options> <name><new name>

Rename a bundle.

bundle-move (bmv)

zlman bundle-move <options> <bundle> <folder>

Move a bundle.

bundle-add-package (bap)

zlman bundle-add-package <options> <bundle> <target> <package file>

Add a package to a bundle.


--installtype=<install type>

Specify rpm installation type. A value of "upgrade" indicates "rpm-U" behavior, and a value of "install" indicates "rpm -i" behavior.

bundle-copy-package (bcp)

zlman bundle-copy-package <options> <<source bundle>> <<target bundle>> <target> <<package>> <package ID>

Copy a package from one bundle to another bundle.

bundle-list-packages (blp)

zlman bundle-list-packages <options> <bundle> <target>

Display a list of packages contained by a bundle.

bundle-remove-package (brp)

zlman bundle-remove-package <options> <bundle> <target> <package ID>

Remove a package from a bundle. The package ID is listed with the bundle-list-packages command.

bundle-group-create (bgc)

zlman bundle-group-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a bundle group.

bundle-group-members (bgl)

zlman bundle-group-members<options> <group>

List the members of a bundle group.


zlman bundle-group-add <options> <group> <bundle>

Add a bundle to a bundle group.

bundle-group-remove (bgr)

zlman bundle-group-remove <options> <group> <bundle>

Remove a bundle from a bundle group.

bundle-dep-list (bdl)

zlman bundle-dep-list <options> <name>

List dependencies for a bundle.

bundle-dep-add (bda)

zlman bundle-dep-add <options> <name> <dependency name>

Add a dependency to a bundle.

bundle-dep-remove (bdr)

zlman bundle-dep-remove <options> <name> <dependency name>

Remove a dependency from a bundle.

patch-bundle-create (pbc)

zlman patch-bundle-create <options> <Product Name> <Product Version> <Product Arch> <Patch File> <folder>

Create a new patch bundle.

catalog-list (cl)

zlman catalog-list <options> <folder> <filter>

List catalogs in a folder.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options that match the specified filter.(Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

catalog-create (cc)

zlman catalog-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a new catalog.

catalog-folder-create (cfc)

zlman catalog-folder-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a new folder for containing catalogs.

catalog-delete (cd)

zlman catalog-delete<options><catalog>

Delete a catalog.

catalog-rename (cr)

zlman catalog-rename <options> <name> <new name>

Rename a catalog.

catalog-move (cmv)

zlman catalog-move<options> <catalog> <folder>

Move a catalog.

catalog-list-bundles (clb)

zlman catalog-list-bundles <options> <catalog>

Display a list of all bundles associated with a catalog.

catalog-add-bundle (cab)

zlman catalog-add-bundle <options> <catalog> <bundle>

Associate a bundle with a catalog.




-a, --allow-removal



Specify a time of day at which the action should be per formed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified



Specify the days of week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-remove bundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

Catalog-remove-bundle (crb)

zlman catalog-remove-bundle <options> <catalog> <bundle>

Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

workstation-info (wi)

zlman workstation-info <options> <Workstation>

Display detailed information about a device.

workstation-list (wl)

zlman workstation-list <options> <folder> <filter>

List devices in a folder.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options that match the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

workstation-messages (wm)

zlman workstation-messages <options> <Workstation>

Display a list of messages associated with the specified device.


-a, --all

Display all messages, including those that have been acknowledged.

Workstation-ack (wa)

zlman workstation-ack <options> <Workstation> <Log ID>

Acknowledge a message associated with a device.

workstation-delete (wd)

zlman workstation-delete <options> <Workstation>

Delete one or more device, folder, or group.

workstation-refresh (wr)

zlman workstation-refresh<options> <Workstation>

Refresh the policies and bundles on one or more devices, folders, or groups.



Specify the name of the service to refresh on the device. If not given, all services are refreshed.

workstation-rename (wrn)

zlman workstation-rename <options> <Workstation> <New name>

Rename a device.

workstation-move (wmv)

zlman workstation-move <options> <Workstation> <folder>

Move a device to a different folder.

workstation-folder-create (wfc)

zlman workstation-folder-create <options> <Name> <folder>

Create a new folder.

workstation-group-create (wgc)

zlman workstation-group-create <options> <Name> <folder>

Create a new group.

workstation-group-members (wgm)

zlman workstation-group-members <options> <Group>

List members of a group.

workstation-group-add (wga)

zlman workstation-group-add <options> <Group> <Workstation>

Add one or more devices to a group.

workstation-group-remove (wgr)

zlman workstation-group-remove <options> <Group> <Workstation>

Remove one or more members of a group.

workstation-list-bundles (wlb)

zlman workstation-list-bundles <options> <Workstation>

List bundles associated with a device.

workstation-add-bundle (wab)

zlman workstation-add-bundle <options> <Workstation> <bundle>

Associate one or more bundles with a device.




-a, --allow-removal



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified.



Specify t`he days of the week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-remove-bundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

workstation-remove-bundle (wrb)

zlman workstation-remove-bundle <options> <Workstation> <bundle>

Remove the association between a device and one or more bundles.

workstation-list-catalogs (wlc)

zlman workstation-list-catalogs <options> <Workstation>

List catalogs associated with a device.

workstation-add-catalog (wac)

zlman workstation-add-catalog <options> <Workstation> <catalog>

Associate one or more catalogs with a device.




-a, --allow-removal



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified.



Specify the days of the week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-remove-bundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

workstation-remove-catalog (wrc)

zlman workstation-remove-catalog<options> <Workstation> <catalog>

Remove the association between a device and one or more catalogs.

workstation-list-policies (wlp)

zlman workstation-list-policies <options> <Workstation>

List policies associated with a device.

workstation-add-policy (wap)

zlman workstation-add-policy <options> <Workstation> <policy>

Associate one or more policies with a device.



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified.



Specify the days of the week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-remove-bundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

workstation-remove-policy (wrp)

zlman workstation-remove-policy <options> <Workstation> <policy>

Remove the association between a device and one or more policies.

server-info (si)

zlman server-info <options> <Server>

Display detailed information about a device.

server-list (sl)

zlman server-list <options> <folder> <filter>

List devices in a folder.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options matching the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

server-messages (sm)

zlman server-messages

<options> <Server>

Display a list of messages associated with the specified device.


-a, --all

Display all messages, including those that have been acknowledged.

server-ack (sa)

zlman server-ack <options> <Server> <Log ID>

Acknowledge a message associated with a device.

Server-delete (sd)

zlman server-delete <options> <Server>

Delete one or more devices, folders, or groups.

Server-refresh (sr)

zlman server-refresh <options> <Server>

Refresh the policies and bundles on one or more devices, folders, or groups.



Specify the name of the service to refresh on the device. If not given, all services are refreshed.

Server-rename (srn)

zlman server-rename <options> <Server> <New name>

Rename a device.

Server-move (smv)

zlman server-move <options> <Server> <folder>

Move a device to a different folder.

Server-folder-create (sfc)

zlman server-folder-create <options> <Name> <folder>

Create a new folder.

server-group-create (sgc)

zlman server-group-create <options> <Name> <folder>

Create a new group.

server-group-members (sgm)

zlman server-group-members <options> <Group>

List members of a group.


add (sga)

zlman server-group-add <options> <Group> <Server>

Add one or more devices to a group.

server-group-remove (sgr)

zlman server-group-remove <options> <Group> <Server>

Remove one or more members of a group.

server-list-bundles (slb)

zlman server-list-bundles <options> <Server>

List bundles associated with a device.

server-add-bundle (sab)

zlman server-add-bundle <options> <Server> <bundle>

Associate one or more bundles with a device.




-a, --allow-removal



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified.



Specify the days of the week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-removebundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

server-remove-bundle (srb)

zlman server-remove-bundle <options> <Server> <bundle>

Remove the association between a device and one or more bundles.

server-list-catalogs (slc)

zlman server-list-catalogs <options> <Server>

List catalogs associated with a device.

server-add-catalog (sac)

zlman server-add-catalog <options> <Server> <catalog>

Associate one or more catalogs with a device.



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified.



Specify the days of the week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on MM-DD,...>which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-remove-bundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

server-remove-catalog (src)

zlman server-remove-catalog <options> <Server> <catalog>

Remove the association between a device and one or more catalogs.

server-list-policies (slp)

zlman server-list-policies <options> <Server>

List policies associated with a device.

server-add-policy (sap)

zlman server-add-policy <options> <Server> <policy>

Associate one or more policies with a device.



Specify a time of day at which the action should be performed. The time should be specified in the format "HH:MM," with hours in 24-hour format.



Specify a specific date on which the action should be performed. The date should be specified in the format "YYYY-MM-DD."



Specify that the action should be performed as soon as possible. A repeat frequency may be specified. If no other schedule is specified it defaults to now.



Specify that the action should be performed at a time relative to now. The time should be formatted as "DD:HH:MM." A repeat frequency may be specified.



Specify the days of the week on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every seven days. Example: "MWF" executes the action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday = M, Tuesday = TU, Wednesday = W, Thursday = TH, Friday = F, Saturday = SA, Sunday = SU.



Specify the day of the month on which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every month. Multiple days may not be specified.


--yearly=<MM-DD, MM-DD,...>

Specify the days of the year on MM-DD,...>which the action should be performed. If specified, the action is repeated every year. Dates should be specified in the format "MM-DD." Multiple dates may be comma separated.



Specify the repeat frequency for the action, in the format "DD:HH:MM." Days are optional.



All times given are treated as GMT. If not given, all times are treated as catalog-remove-bundle (crb). Remove the association between a bundle and a catalog.

server-remove-policy (srp)

zlman server-remove-policy <options> <Server> <policy>

Remove the association between a device and one or more policies.

server-health (sh)

zlman server-health <options> <Server>

Determine the health status of a device.

ruleset-list (rsl)

zlman ruleset-list <options>

List all rule sets.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options that match the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

ruleset-create-workstation (rscw)

zlman ruleset-create-workstation <options> <Name> <Position> <folder>

Create a new rule set to apply when creating a workstation without a key.

ruleset-create-server (rscs)

zlman ruleset-create-server <options> <Name> <Position> <folder>

Create a new rule set to apply when creating a server without a key.

ruleset-delete (rsd)

zlman ruleset-delete <options> <Name or Position>

Remove a rule set.

ruleset-info (rsi)

zlman ruleset-info <options> <Name or Position>

Display detailed information about a ruleset.

ruleset-list-groups (rslg)

zlman ruleset-list-groups <options> <Name or Position>

Display a list of groups of which a device will be a member of when they are created with the specified ruleset.

ruleset-update (rsu)

zlman ruleset-update <options> <Name or Position>

Update a ruleset's values.


-k, --newname=<key>

Specify a new name for the given ruleset.


-n, --nrule=<Naming Rule>

Specify a new naming rule for the given ruleset.



Specify a new folder in which to place workstations when they are created with the specified ruleset.



Specify a new folder in which to place servers when they are created with the specified ruleset.

ruleset-move (rsmv)

zlman ruleset-move <options> <Name or Position> <New Position>

Change a ruleset's position.

ruleset-add-rule (rsar)

zlman ruleset-add-rule <options> <Name or Position> <Attribute> <Operator> <Value>

Add a rule to a ruleset. Valid attributes are Alias, AssetTag, CPU, DNS, DeviceType, GUID, HostName, IPAddress, Location, MacAddress, OS, and SubnetMaskValid operators for strings are contains, starts, ends, equals. Valid operators for integers are <, <=, =, >, >=.

ruleset-remove-rule (rsrr)

zlman ruleset-remove-rule <options> <Name or Position> <Rule Position>

Remove a rule from a ruleset.

ruleset-add-workstation-group (rsaw)

zlman ruleset-add-workstation-group <options> <Name or Position> <group>

Add a Server Group member-ship to objects imported with a given ruleset.

ruleset-add-server-group (rsas)

zlman ruleset-add-server-group <options> <Name or Position> <group>

Add a workstation group membership to objects imported with a given ruleset.

ruleset-remove-workstation-group (rsrw)

zlman ruleset-remove-workstation-group <options> <Name or Position> <group>

Remove a workstation group membership from a ruleset.

ruleset-remove-server-group (rsrs)

zlman ruleset-remove-server-group <options> <Name or Position> <group>

Remove a server group membership from a ruleset.

license-info (li)

zlman license-info <options>

Display licensing information.


zlman license-activate <options> <key>

Activate your system.

license-set-seats (lss)

zlman license-set-seats <options> <count>

Set the number of allowed active devices.

target-list (tl)

zlman target-list <options>

Display a list of all OS targets.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options matching the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

target-create (tc)

zlman target-create <options> <name> <arch> <Package Manager> <Primary Role> <Product Name> <Vendor> <Version> <Detect String>

Create a new OS target.

target-info (ti)

zlman target-info <options> <target>

Display detailed information about an OS target.

target-update (tu)

zlman target-update <options> <target>

Modify values for a user-created OS target.



Specify a new arch value.


--pkgmgr=<Package Manager>

Specify a new package manager value.



Enable a disabled OS target.



Disable an enabled OS target.


--role=<Primary Role>

Specify the primary role of this target.


--product=<Product Name>

Specify a new primary role.



Specify a new vendor.


--detect=<Detect String>

Specify the OS detection string.



Specify a new version.

target-delete (td)

zlman target-delete <options> <target>

Delete a user-created OS target .

queue-list (ql)

zlman queue-list <options> <status>

List all queue entries.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options matching the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

queue-reset (qr)

zlman queue-reset <options> <status>

Reset the queue.

queue-flush (qf)

zlman queue-flush <options> <status>

Flush the queue.


zlman hotlist <options>

Display a list of devices that have warnings or errors.

policy-list (pl)

zlman policy-list <options> <folder> <filter>

List policies in a folder.


-r, --recursive

Include objects in sub-folders.


-f, --filter=<filter>

Display only options matching the specified filter. (Wild cards * and ? may be used, if the filter is quoted.)

policy-folder-create (pfc)

zlman policy-folder-create <options> <name> <folder>

Create a new folder for containing policies.

policy-delete (pd)

zlman policy-delete <options> <policy>

Delete a policy.

policy-rename (pr)

zlman policy-rename <options> <name> <new name>

Rename a policy.

policy-move (pmv)

zlman policy-move <options> <policy> <folder>

Move a policy.

policy-group-create (pgc)

zlman policy-group-create <options> <Name> <folder>

Create a policy group.

policy-group-members (pgl)

zlman policy-group-members <options> <Group>

List the members of a policy group.

policy-group-add (pga)

zlman policy-group-add <options> <Group> <policy>

Add a policy to a policy group.

policy-group-remove (pgr)

zlman policy-group-remove <options> <Group> <policy>

Remove a policy from a policy group.

Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management Administrator's Handbook
Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management Administrators Handbook
ISBN: 0672327848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 147

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