

Backslash (\) escape character, 44, 244-246
Beta software, 134
Bialluch, Dirk, 251
Binary files, 412-413, 418
Blend panel UI
adapted code from blender UI, 388-390
adding to default Maya interface, 396
assign values to global variables , 390-391
callbacks, 384-385, 386, 388, 391-395
creation of panel, 396
defining, 386-388
tear off behavior, 396, 397
Blend Shape Editor, 371-372
Blender UI
adding and sizing modeling panel, 374-376
blend shape data of selected object, 373-374
column layout, 376-377
creating window, 374
design, 372
dynamically add controls, 377
form layout, 374, 378
implementation, 372-379
script review, 379-382
script validation, 373
scripted panel creation, 385-408
scroll layout, 378
Block brackets ([ ]) and arrays, 45
Blocks and HUDs, 399-402
attributes, 42-43
operators, 55
Break command, 54
Bugs, described, 79-80
Button controls, 296-297
Buttons, attaching to form layout, 331-332

The MEL Companion
The MEL Companion: Maya Scripting for 3D Artists (Charles River Media Graphics)
ISBN: 1584502754
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 101 © 2008-2017.
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