

Packaged Dogma (VoXP), 376 “379
Pair Programming Ergonomics (VoXP), 146
pair programming, 135 “160
ATLAS project problems and, 316
basics of, 137 “138
Camden, Rich on, 24
Cockburn, Alistair on, 146 “147
coercion and, 144 “146
collective ownership and, 63
controversy of, 135 “136
cost of, 139, 147, 150 “151
diminishing returns of, 149 “150
Elssamadisy, Amr on, 319
extreme programming in theory and, 13 “15
flexible approach to, 351
Jeffries, Ron on, 14, 136
Martin, Robert C. on, 14, 136
non-necessity of, 364
oral documentation and, 178
overconfidence and, 157 “158
Pair Programming Illuminated (PPI) on, 154 “159
dangers of, 158 “159
design documents, 157
levels of programmers, 154 “156
pairing for complex tasks , 159
problems with, 157 “158
preferences for or against, 143 “144
productivity of, 146 “153
basics of, 146 “148
Overuse of Pair Programming (VoXP), 148 “153
Rosenberg, Doug on, 138
rushing and, 157
social dynamics of, 140 “143
stopping, and problems with XP, 70
summary of, 160
tweaked to tame XP, 351 “352
unreliable study of, 139
Williams, Laurie on, 146 “147
Pair Programming Ergonomics ( satire ), 146
Pair Programming Illuminated (PPI), 154 “159
dangers of, 158 “159
design documents, 157
levels of programmers and pairing problems, 154 “156
pairing for complex tasks, 159
problems with, 157 “158
Pair Programming Social Dynamics (VoXP), 140 “143
pair promiscuity, 13 “14
pair rotation
ATLAS project problems and, 316
described, 13 “14
Pairing Replaces Documentation (VoXP), 169
patient records database, 324 “326
perpetual coding, 302 “307. See also software schedules
design spin, 304 “305
Project s Not Going Too Far (song), 306 “307
requirements creep, 303 “304
size of company and constant refactoring, 305
The Simplest Build System (VoXP), 305 “306
The Piggy Scale of Process Robustness (satire), 326 “328
Planning Extreme Programming (Addison-Wesley, 2000), 108, 110, 111, 115
planning game
defined, 300
tweaked to tame XP, 345 “346
Portland Patterns Repository Wiki site, 34
PPI. See Pair Programming Illuminated (PPI) practices
Cockburn on failure of, 58
extreme programming theory and, 7 “8
coding standards, 15 “16
collective ownership, 13
continuous integration, 15
emergent design, 12
pair programming and, 13 “15
planning game, 9
practices outlined, 7 “8
refactoring, 12 “13
simple design, 12
small releases, 11
sustainable pace, 15
system metaphor, 11 “12
test-driven development, 8
whole team, 10
interdependence of and circle of snakes , 61 “65
interdependence of and dangers of XP, 65 “76
collective ownership, 72 “75
competence of XP coaches, 75
cost of change curve and, 75 “76
frequency of integration, 68 “69
frequency of releases, 69 “70
proximity of programmers, 71
stopping programmer pairing, 70
stopping refactoring and, 66 “68
stopping unit test writing and, 66
prescriptive, and dangers of XP, 81 “82
practices tweaked to tame XP, 344 “357
activities, 357
collaborative coding standards, 356 “357
colocated team, 351
continuous integration, 354 “355
design by programmers, 352
metaphor, 348
on-site customers, 355 “356
pair programming, 351 “352
planning game, 345 “346
quality assurance, 359
refactoring, 349
requirements documentation, 350
short iterations, 346 “347
simple design, 349
small releases, 347 “348
spikes, 354
stopgap, 358
sustainable pace, 355
technical team leaders , 358
test-first and up-front design, 353
test writing by programmers, 353
testing, 349
values, 344 “345
problems and XP
targeted by XP, 21 “23
with XP. See XP problems
production code, defined, 13
programmer tests, 8
programmers. See also pair programming
blaming, vs. blaming XP, 96 “97
Cockburn on customers vs., 118
levels of, 154 “156
new, and documentation, 173
programming without unit testing, 197 “199
proximity of and problems with XP, 71
taming XP and
doing design, 352
writing tests, 353
testing and
test writing by, 353
testing own code, 316
programming. See refactoring after programming
The Project Called C3 (second verse) (song), 42
project velocity, defined, 9
ATLAS project, 314 “322
emergent design on, 320 “321
problems with, 315 “320
summary of, 321 “322
IEEE Software magazine software project, 252, 253
non-XP projects
requirements documentation in, 164
vague requirements and, 240 “242
optional-scope contracts for, 260 “262
partial XP in, 381 “382
requirements documentation in, 163 “164
server tools project, 362 “368
framework, 366 “367
multiple masters, 367 “368
overview, 362 “363
sufficiency of XP and, 363 “366
XP on large-scale projects, 314 “322
emergent design on, 320 “321
failures of, vs. small projects, 332 “333
problems with, 315 “320
summary of, 321 “322
Project s Not Going Too Far (song), 306 “307
Projects That Are Very Small (song), 321 “322
prototyping. See early prototyping

Extreme Programming Refactored
Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP
ISBN: 1590590961
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 156 © 2008-2017.
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