Calculator, opening, 172

Calendar. See MonthCalendar

Call Stack

routines, information on, 29

window, display of, 29

Camel case, 195


CancelButton, 1010

CancelCurrentEdit, 359

CancelEdit, 346

CanRead, 770

CanSeek, 770

CanTimeout, 770

CanWrite, 770


ArrayList, 505

strongly typed collections, 508


DataColumn, 347

GroupBox, 263, 923

Capture, 1010


camel case, 195

CaseElse, 889

CaseSensitive, 339, 342

naming convention, 169

Select Case, 210–15, 888–89

subroutines, 195


events, 469–70

exceptions, 248

structured error handling, 257–58

Category, 191, 374

CBool, 137

CByte, 137

CChar, 137

c character, 135

CDbl, 137

CDec, 138


CellBorderStyle, 984

Cell Height, 631

Center, 956


Center, Align submenu, 34

CenterColor, 601

CenterImage, 643, 956

Center in Form, 35

CenterPictureInMargins, 669–71

CenterPoint, 601

picture on printed page, 669–71

Certificate authority, 391


AcceptChanges, 341, 343, 346

Change Button Image, 43

ChangeDatabase, 327

Change Data Source, 312–13

ChangeExtension, 798

GetChanges, 341, 344

RejectChanges, 341, 344, 346

StateChange, 327


FileSystemWatcher, 796

HasChanges, 341


BinaryReader, 773

font metrics, 631–34

MeasureCharacterRanges, 562

pattern matching operators, 174

trimming, 625

Char data type, 132, 135, 137

Charts, Crystal Reports, 68485

ChDir, 784

ChDrive, 784

Check boxes

CheckBox, 262, 268, 905–6

CheckedListBox, 263, 268, 906–7

thrown check box, 26


ChildRelations, 342

ChildTable, 350

derived from parent class. See Inheritance

GetChildAtPoint, 1016

HasChildren, 1012

Layout, 1019


Choose Items, 54

Choose Toolbox Items, 37

control functions of, 217–18

limitations of, 217–18

compared to Select Case, 217–18, 889

syntax for, 217

CInt, 138

Classes, 536–37, 1022

accessibility clause, 441–42, 1023

attribute_list, 440, 1023

collection classes, 493–528

constructors, 1024–25

declaring, syntax for, 439–40, 1022

defined, 425, 427

derived. See Inheritance

events, declaring and raising, 466–69

generic, 444, 537

implements interface, 445–49, 1024

inheritance clause, 443–44, 1023

instantiating, 456–60

Job class example, 426–27

namespaces, 487–88

object-oriented programming, 425–27, 439–49

Partial keyword, 440–41, 1023

as reference types, 450

Shadows, 434, 1023

compared to structures, 1024

type_list, 444, 1023

ClassesRoot, 746

Class statements, 11011

Class View, 14

Clean WindowsApplication1, 22


ArrayList, 505

ClearErrors, 346

ClearTypeGridFit, 551

clipboard, 412

DataSet, 341

DataTable, 343

dictionary, 512

Graphics object, 561

NameValueCollection, 510

queue, 524

stacks, 522

strongly typed collections, 508

strongly typed dictionaries, 517


ColumnClick, 378

DoubleClick, 1018

events, 271–72

Form, 1018

MouseClick, 1019

MouseDoubleClick, 1020

Client area

client building, WFC, 824, 831

ClientRectangle, 93, 1010

ClientSize, 94, 1011

controls, 93

PointToClient, 1016

RectangleToClient, 1016

Clipboard, 41013

copy and paste, 411–12

methods, 1064

retrieving data from, 410, 413

saving data to, 410

Clipping region

ExcludeClip, 561

Graphics object methods, 561–63

IntersectClip, 562

NoClip, 620

purpose of, 562

ResetClip, 562

SetClip, 563

CLng, 138

Clock, properties, 1065

Clone, 341, 343


BinaryReader, 773

BinaryWriter, 774

Close All Documents, 50

CloseAllFigures, 609

Close Project, 11

Close Solution, 11

connection method, 327

database connections, 327

FileClose, 782–83

File menu, 11

Form, 1015

FormClosed, 297

RegistryKey, 747

Streams, 770

TextReader, 775, 776

TextWriter, 776

CObj, 138


building application, 21–23

collapsing/expanding, 13, 110

debugging, 24–34

editing and XAML projects, 703–7

including/excluding from compilation. See Conditional compilation statements

Outlining, 13

reuse and generics, 530

reuse and inheritance, 429–30

search and replace limitations, 110

Upgrade Visual Basic 6 Code to Visual Basic 2005

code, 38

Code editor, 5569

code snippets, 63–67

colors, 62

commands, 57

errors/suggestion indicator, 62–63

event handler, creating, 95

highlighting, 62

icons, margin, 56–57

IntelliSense, 60–61

line numbers, 55

open file, 14

outlining, 57–58

runtime features, 68

tooltips, 59–60

Code file structure, 11022

code module sections, 110

code regions, 111–12

conditional compilation statements, 112–16

namespaces, 121–22

typographic code elements, 122–30

Code regions, 11112

Region statement, 57–58, 111–12

Code snippets, 6367

Code Snippets Manager, 37

creating, 65–67

defined, 63

directory, saving in, 67

inserting in code, 64

sharing, information source, 63

Snippet Manager, 63, 67

storage of, 63


code, 13, 110

outlining, code editor, 57–58

TreeNode, 998

TreeView, 996

Collate, 960


defined, 493

enumerator, use of, 226–27

properties, 84–86

Collection classes, 493528

ArrayList, 504

arrays, 494–504

CollectionBase, 510

CollectionsUtil, 521

dictionaries, 512–20

NameValueCollection, 510–12

queue, 523–26

stacks, 521–23

StringCollection, 507

strongly typed collections, 507–10

Collection Editor, 93133


BackColor, 279, 287–88, 1010

Blend, 601

CenterColor, 601

Clear, 561

code editor, 62

ColorBlend, 546

ColorDialog, 273, 906–9

ColorMap, 549

ColorPalette, 549

defaults, 62

fonts, setting, 921

Fonts and Colors, 46, 61

ForeColor, 1012

Forms, 1010, 1012

Image class, 638

InterpolationColors, 601

LinearGradientBrush, 596–600

links, 927

Palette, 638

PathGradientBrush, 601–5

Pen, 584

pixels, 640, 647–48

ResetBackColor, 1016

ResetForeColor, 1017

SolidBrush, 592–93

SurroundColors, 602

SystemColorsChanged, 1022

System.Drawing structure, 545


ColumnChanged, 344

ColumnChanging, 344

ColumnClick, 378

constraints, 351–53

DataRelation functions, 349–50

DataTable, 342

DataTable events, 344

ForeignKeyConstraint, 351

ListView, 932–38

ListViewCompareAllColumns, 376–78

RelatedColumns, 352

styles, 319

TableLayoutPanel, 983–85

UniqueConstraint, 353

See also DataColumn

Combine, 798

CombinePath, 799

ComboBox, 263, 268, 90911

data binding, 362–65

ToolStripComboBox, 988


Command window, 14, 33–34

database, 322, 336–37

filtering, 44

IDE menus, 8–9

issued from Command window, 33

macro commands, creating, 42

rearranging, 44

remove commands, 42

toolbars, 9, 41–42, 52

Command line

CommandLine, 742

GetCommandLineArgs, 743

CommandText, 336

CommandType, 336

Command window

debugging functions, 33–34

IntelliSense support, 33

from Other Windows submenu, 14

Comma-separated expressions, and Select Case, 213–14

Comments, 12328

creating, 123–24

purpose of, 123

XML comments, 124–28

Committ, 328, 330

CommonAppDataPath, 763

CommonAppDataRegistry, 763

Common Language Routine Exceptions, 26

Common Language Runtime, 743

Community menu commands, 50

CompanyName, 763

Compare, 182

Comparer, 527

CompareTo, 183, 500503

Comparison operators, 173–74, 88081

character matching, 174

for e-mail address, 174

listing of, 173, 880–81

numbers, 174

precedence, 177

ranges of characters, 174

Compile project. See Building application;



Advanced Compiler Settings, 11415

Compile tab, 11415

Option Compare, 21

Option Explicit/Option Strict, 19–21, 154–55


adding at design time, 72–73

BackgroundWorker, 902–4

building, 383–84

ColorDialog, 907–9

Component, 365

ComponentResourceManager, 760–63

Component Tray, 71, 73, 368

ContextMenuStrip, 911

DataSet, 911–12

defined, 71, 383

DirectoryEntry, 913

DirectorySearcher, 914

ErrorProvider, 915–16

EventLog, 916–17

in executable projects, 388

existing, adding to new component, 384–85

FileSystemWatcher, 917

FolderBrowserDialog, 918–20

FontDialog, 920–23

form, example, 73–74

functions in, benefits, 72–73

graphical controls, information on, 73–74

HelpProvider, 924–25

ImageList, 926

listing of, 900–901

MessageQueue, 943

modifying, 383

NotifyIcon, 947–49

OpenFileDialog, 950–53

PageSetupDialog, 953–55

PerformanceCounter, 956

PrintDialog, 958–62

PrintPreviewDialog, 964–65

Process, 965–66

at runtime, 72

SaveFileDialog, 973–74

security measures, 389–91

SerialPort, 974

ServiceController, 974–75

Timer, 987

ToolTip, 991–92

view/modify properties, 73

Composite controls, building, 38082

Composite formatting, 1052

CompoundArray, 584, 587–88

Compound properties, 81

Compute, 343

COM tools, 54

Concatenation operators (+) and (&), 172, 880

precedence, 177

Condition, 31

Conditional attribute, 192

Conditional compilation statements, 11221

constants, 113–21

function of, 112–13

predefined constants, 115–21

setting in code, 113–14

setting with compilation settings, 114–15

Conditional statements. See Decision statements;

Conditional compilation statements

Configuration, 74852

Config constant, 115, 119–20

dynamic properties, 749–51

General Development Settings, 5

My.Settings, 751–52

Reset all settings, 6

switching, 6

Configuration Manager

configurations, creating, 119–20

Debug build, 116–18

Release build, 116, 119


Connection Properties, 37

Connect to Device, 37

database. See Database connections

NetworkStream, 779

Console streams, 1082

Constants, 16667

accessibility, 166

Conditional attribute, 192–93

Config, 119

Debug, 115–18

Debug_Level, 120–21

find and replace, 12

initialization_expression, 167

as intrinsic/enumerated type, 166–67

Platform, 115

predefined, 115–16

setting in code, 113–14

setting with compilation settings, 114–15

Target, 115

Trace, 118–19

VBC_VER, 116

Constraints, 35153

ConstraintName, 351

DataTable, 342

ForeignKeyConstraint, 351–53


class constructors, 1024–25

default constructor, 1024

generic, 532

implementing, 1025

and instantiation, 457–58

overloading, 436–38

Pen, 584

stacks, 523

of structures, 458–59


Anchor, 89–91

controls, placing in, 77

data containers, 322

Dock, 91–93

MDI containers, 292, 294, 1012

Panel, 955–56

SplitContainer, 265–67, 975–76

SplitterContainer, 93

ToolStripContainer, 266, 990

UserControl Test Container, 369–70


ArrayList, 505

ContainsAudio, 412

ContainsData, 412

ContainsFileDropList, 412

ContainsFocus, 1011

ContainsImage, 412

ContainsText, 412

controls in form, 1015

dictionary, 512

queue, 524

stacks, 522

strongly typed collections, 508

strongly typed dictionaries, 517

Context menus

ContextMenuStrip, 263, 272, 911, 1011

functions of, 9

Toolbox, 55


Continue Do, 230

Continue For, 221, 224

looping, 221, 224, 230–31

resume program execution, 25

Control(s), 7479

ActiveControl, 1009

adding to form, 74–75

Align submenu, 34

arranging on form, 34–36

BindingNavigator, 904

BindingSource, 904

Button, 904–5

CheckBox, 905–6

CheckedListBox, 906–7

client and nonclient areas, 93

ComboBox, 909–11

in containers, 77

Contains, 1015

ControlAdded, 1018

ControlBox, 1011

Control Library, 368

Control property, 1011

ControlRemoved, 1018

ControlTemplate, 712–13

copy and paste, 75–76

creating at design time, 74–76

creating at runtime, 77–79

customized. See Custom controls;

Custom control building

DataGridView, 911

DateTimePicker, 912–13

defined, 71

DomainUpDown, 914–15

events, listing of, 867–70

FlowLayoutPanel, 917–18

Format menu s, 34–36

for Windows forms. See Windows forms controls

functions of, 71

GetNextControl, 1016

GroupBox, 923

HScrollBar, 925

Label, 926

LabelEdit, 933

LinkLabel, 927–28

ListBox, 928–30

ListView, 930–38

locking, 36

MaskedTextBox, 938–41

MenuStrip, 941–43

methods, listing of, 865–67

MonthCalendar, 943–47

NumericUpDown, 949–50

Panel, 955–56

PictureBox, 956–58

PrintPreviewControl, 962–64

ProgressBar, 966–67

properties. See Control properties

PropertyGrid, 967

RadioButton, 967–68

removing, 79

ReportViewer, 968

RichTextBox, 969–73

selecting, 76–77

SelectNextControl, 1017

SplitContainer, 975–76

Splitter, 977

Status Strip, 977–78

TabControl, 979–83

TableLayoutPanel, 983–85

TextBox, 985–87

Toolbox, 71–72, 901–2

ToolStrip, 988

ToolStripContainer, 990

TrackBar, 992–93

TreeView, 993–98

user-friendly interface, 267

value associated with. See Properties

VScrollBar, 998

WebBrowser, 998–99

Control arrays

control array events, 99

defined, 99

Control properties, 8893

Anchor, 89–91

Dock, 91–93

listing of, 861–64

Control statements

decision statements, 207–18, 887–89

looping statements, 218–34


Button Image, 42

CopyDirectory, 800

CopyFile, 800

DataSet, 341

DataTable, 343

File, 789

FileCopy, 784

between ListBoxes, 397–401

Copy and paste

button images, 42–43

clipboard, 411–12

controls, 74–75, 75–76

methods, 412

TextBox methods, 987


ArrayList, 505

dictionary, 512

FileInfo, 793

NameValueCollection, 510

queue, 524

stacks, 522

strongly typed collections, 508

strongly typed dictionaries, 517


ArrayList, 505

CurrencyManager, 358

DataView, 355

dictionary, 513

NameValueCollection, 510

queue, 524

stacks, 522

strongly typed collections, 508

strongly typed dictionaries, 517


CreateCommand, 327

CreateDirectory, 788, 800

CreateGraphics, 1015

Create New Test List, 47

CreateParameter, 337

CreateSubKey, 747

CreateText, 778, 789, 794

DirectoryInfo, 792

File, 789

FileInfo, 793

Created, FileSystemWatcher, 796

CreationTime, 794

CreationTimeUtc, 794

Cryptographic operations, 84145

CryptoStream, 779, 843

encryption provider, 842

hashing, 842

password, building, 842–45

public-key encryption, 841

secret-key encryption, 841

signing, 841

symmetric cryptography, 841

Crystal Reports

building report, 679–87

charts, adding, 684–85

Crystal Reports Gallery, 680, 680–86

CrystalReportViewer, 678, 687–88, 688–92, 693

exporting report, 693–94

external reports, use of, 692–94

Formula Workshop, 689–91

Group Expert, 688–91

information sources on, 677

ReportDocument, 693–94

Report object, 678

Report Style, 684–86

ReportViewer, 265, 968

RPT file format, 678

64-bit issue, 677–78

CSByte, 138

CShort, 138

CSng, 138

CStr, 138

CType, 165, 185

CUInt, 138

CULng, 138

CultureInfo, 760, 762

CurDir, 784

CurrencyManager, 35861

methods, 359

properties, 358–59

Current, 358

CurrentConfig, 746

CurrentCulture, 760, 76263

CurrentDirectory, 742, 799

Current Icon Image Types, 285

CurrentInputLanguage, 763

CurrentUICulture, 760, 76263

CurrentUser, 746

CurrentUserApplicationData, 801


Cursor property, 1011

customizing, 42

mouse, forms display of, 284–85, 1011

ResetCursor, 1016

Run to Cursor, 68

SetAllCursors, 285

standard, types of, 284–85

UseWaitCursor, 1014


Bézier curve, 554, 555–57

DrawClosedCurve, 554, 557–59

DrawCurve, 554

Flatten, 610

free-form, 644–46

CUShort, 138

Custom control(s)

benefits of, 367

building. See Custom control building

components, 383–84

composite controls, 380–82

control classes, choosing, 386

derived controls, 376–80

invisible controls, 385–86

security measures, 389–91

Custom control building, 36775

attributes, assigning, 374–75

control project, creating, 368

design time/runtime management, 375

within executable projects, 387–88

preview controls, 369–70

properties, implementing, 372–73

from scratch, 382–83

test control, 371

test project, 370–71

Toolbox icon, setting, 369

CustomEndCap, 584, 58890

Custom events, 47073

Custom exceptions, 251–52, 894, 1044

Customize, 4144

button images, 42–44

macro commands, 42

menus, 42

rearrange commands, 44

remove commands, 42

shortcuts, creating, 44

toolbars, 41

CustomStartCap, 584, 588–90

Custom Tool, 757

Cut, 987

Visual Basic 2005 with  .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
ISBN: 470137053
Year: 2007
Pages: 417

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