Background color

BackColor, 279, 287–88, 1010

ResetBackColor, 1016

Background image

BackgroundImage, 642, 1010

BackgroundImageLayout, 1010

BackgroundWorker, 262, 9024

Backup, Replace, 795

Balloon effects, 991

BeepOnError, 940

Begin a Group, 44

BeginEdit, 346

BeginPrint, 658

BeginRead, 770

BeginTransaction, 327

BeginWrite, 770

Bézier curve

DrawBezier, 554, 555–56

DrawBeziers, 554, 556–57

types of, 721, 723

XAML drawing of, 721–23

Binary-file access, 787

BinaryReader, methods, 773–74, 107980

Binary search

BinarySearch, 505

locate item in array, 503–4

Binary values, Option Compare, 21

BinaryWriter, methods, 774, 1081


BindingNavigator, 262, 320–22, 904

BindingSource, 262, 320–23, 363–65, 904

complex data binding, 362–65

CurrencyManager, 358

ListBox, 365

simple data binding, 357–58

Bit left shift operator (<<), 172, 177

Bitmaps, 63951

animated sequence, 648–51

AutoRedraw, 642–46

Bitmap Editor, 9, 369

bitmap handle, 638

defined, 544

FromHbitmap, 638

functions of, 639

GetPixel, 640, 646–48

InvertImage, 647–48

loading, 640–41

LockBitmap, 649–51

MakeNewBitmap, 644–46

in metafile, 642

methods, 639–40, 1039-40

PNG format, 641

saving, 641–42

SetPixel, 640, 646–48

System.Drawing, 544

unsafe pixel operations, 648–49

Bit right shift operator (>>), 172, 177

Bitwise operators, 176, 881


LinearGradientBrush, 596

PathGradientBrush, 601

System.Drawing, 546

Blinking text, 91516


block scope, 156–57

defined, 156

defining with code constructs, 156–57

XML comment block, creating, 124–27

Booklets, printing, 66269


adding/removing, 57

code editor icon information, 56–57

deleting, 57

moving between, 57

submenu, 13

Book reading mode, 729


CBool function, 137

data type, 132, 137

logical operators, 175–76

ReadBoolean, 773


BorderStyle, 975, 980

FormBorderStyle, 279, 1012

GroupBox, 263, 923

transparency, 279–80

Both, 35


Align submenu, 34

Form, 94, 1010


arrays, specifying, 148–49

Bounds, 93, 1010

bounds_list, 148–49

DesktopBounds, 1011

GetBounds, 610, 638

lower, 495–96

MarginBounds, 662

PageBounds, 662

SetBounds, 1017

SetDesktopBounds, 1017


defined, 456

and generics, 529–30

Break All, 25


activations, specifying, 32

Breakpoints command, 28

code editor icon information, 56–57

Condition, 31

condition, placing on, 57

debugging, 27, 31–32

defined, 31

Delete All Breakpoints, 27

Delete Breakpoint, 57

Disable Breakpoint, 57

editing, 28, 31

Enable Breakpoint, 57

Filter, 57

Hit Count, 32, 57

listing, 31

New Breakpoint, 27

in property procedures, 162

Toggle Breakpoint, 27

Book reading mode

When Breakpoint Is Hit, 32

When Hit, 57

window, display of, 28

BringToFront, 35, 1015

Browsable, 191, 374

Brush, 592606

actions of, 542, 1036

HatchBrush, 595–96

LinearGradientBrush, 546, 596–601

PathGradientBrush, 601–5

Pen, 584

SolidBrush, 592–93

System.Drawing, 544

TextureBrush, 593–95


BufferedStream, 773

Flush, 771, 774

InternalBufferSize, 795

Bugs, 23538

defined, 235

finding bugs, 236–38

global error handler to catch, 240–41

See also Debugging

Building application

Build menu commands, 21–23

Build WindowsApplication 1, 21

complile current project, 21–22

Conditional attribute, 192–93

conditional compilation statements, 112–21

publishing application, 22–23

recompile project, 22

Run Code Analysis, 22–23

temporary files, removing, 22

Bullets, 969, 970


AcceptButton, 1009

AddShieldToButton, 419

animations, 724–28

Button control, 262, 271–72, 904–5

button editor, 43–44

CancelButton, 1010

change image, 43

copy and paste image, 42–43

copy image, 42

customizing, 42–44

HelpButton, 1012

image, customizing, 42–44

Maximize, 1013

Panel, 955

RadioButton, 967–68

reset image, 43

ToolStrip, 988

WPF forms, 724–28


array parameters, 197–98

parameter declaration, 160–61, 196–97

parameter passing, 454–55, 468


BinaryReader, 773

CByte and CSByte, 137–38

FileLen, 784

ImageBytes, 649

Length, 794

ReadAllBytes, 790, 801

SByte data type, 132, 138

streams, 769–71

WriteAllBytes, 790, 801


array parameters, 197–98

parameter declaration, 160–61, 196–97

parameter passing, 454–55

Visual Basic 2005 with  .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
ISBN: 470137053
Year: 2007
Pages: 417

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