Obtaining and Importing Pictures

So far, we ve talked about inserting pictures from existing files, but we haven t talked about other ways that you can obtain and import pictures. One way to obtain pictures is to create them, using WordArt or AutoShapes. You can also obtain pictures from Clip Art, scanners or digital cameras .

Adding WordArt to Pages

FrontPage allows you to use the WordArt feature of the Microsoft Office System in Web pages. This feature works just as it does in Word and other programs in the Microsoft Office System. You can insert WordArt by completing the following steps:

  1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the WordArt, and then choose Insert, Picture, WordArt.

  2. Select a WordArt style, and then click OK.

  3. In the Edit WordArt Text dialog box, use Font and Size to set the font type and size for your text.

  4. Type the text you want to be formatted as WordArt, and then click OK to insert the WordArt into the page.

  5. Select the WordArt by clicking it. The WordArt toolbar is displayed. Use these tools on the toolbar to optimize the WordArt settings:

    • WordArt Same Letter Heights Sets each text character in the WordArt to use the same height.

    • WordArt Vertical Text Toggles the text display. Click this if you want the text to be displayed as a vertical text banner. Click again to use horizontal text.

    • WordArt Alignment Sets the alignment of text within the WordArt area.

    • WordArt Character Spacing Sets the spacing between characters, allowing text characters to be tight (closer together) or loose (farther apart).


If you later want to edit the text of the WordArt, simply click Edit Text on the WordArt toolbar. To change the WordArt format, right-click it, and then select Format WordArt.

Adding AutoShapes to Pages

You can also use FrontPage to draw AutoShapes, including lines, block arrows, flowcharts, stars, banners, and callouts. To insert AutoShapes, complete these steps:

  1. Choose Insert, Picture, AutoShapes, and then use the AutoShapes toolbar to select the AutoShape you want to use.

  2. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the picture.

  3. Click and hold down the mouse button, sizing the AutoShape by dragging the pointer.

  4. Release the mouse button to create the AutoShape.


If you later want to edit the AutoShape, click it, and then use the size or rotation points to modify the shape. To change the formatting of the AutoShape, right-click it, and then select Format AutoShape.

Getting Pictures from Clip Art, Scanners, and Digital Cameras

In addition to being able to create pictures using WordArt and AutoShapes, you can get pictures from Clip Art, scanners and digital cameras. FrontPage supports the previewing of clip art, scanned pictures, and digital pictures in a wide variety of formats, allowing you to see what the picture looks like before you add it to the page. When you insert a picture that isn t in GIF or JPEG format, FrontPage will convert the picture to either GIF or JPEG format before saving it.

To use clip art in a page, choose Insert, Picture, Clip Art, and then use the Clip Art task pane to find the clip art you want to use. If you want to get a picture from a scanner or digital camera picture, ensure the scanner or digital camera is connected to your computer and turned on, and then choose Insert, Picture, From Scanner Or Camera. FrontPage 2003 will attempt to connect to the scanner or digital camera, and then you will be able to scan in pictures or transfer pictures from your digital camera.

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
ISBN: 0735619727
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 179

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