Working with Text and Image Data

SQL Server provides binary large object (BLOB) support via the ntext , text , and image datatypes. If you work with these datatypes, you might want to use the additional statements provided by SQL Server along with the standard SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Because a single text column can be as large as 2 GB, you frequently need to work with text data in chunks , and these additional statements (which we'll see in a moment) can help. (This topic could have been discussed earlier, when we discussed Transact -SQL programming. However, because you need some knowledge of isolation levels, transactions, and consistency issues to understand this topic, we waited until after we covered those issues.)

For simplicity's sake, most of the discussion will deal with the text datatype. But everything here is also relevant to the image and ntext datatypes. These three datatypes are essentially the same internally. Recall that ntext , text , and image datatypes are special because they are not stored on the same data page as the rest of the row. Instead, the data row holds only a 16-byte pointer to an ntext , text , or image structure.

Although the space required by text data is managed much more efficiently in SQL Server 7 than in earlier versions, functional drawbacks still exist. Although you can indeed use standard INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements with a text column, some significant restrictions apply. In a WHERE clause, you can search on the text column only with the LIKE operator or with the functions SUBSTRING() and patindex(). Variables of type text cannot be manipulated. You can declare a parameter in a stored procedure to be of type text (or ntext or image ), but you can't do much besides pass a value to the procedure initially. For example, you cannot subsequently assign different values to the parameter or return it as an OUTPUT parameter. Because of these limitations, you'll want to use these special datatypes only when another datatype isn't a reasonable option. If a varchar(8000) column can work for you, (or varchar(4000) for Unicode data) you can use it and avoid text or ntext altogether. But if you absolutely need a memo field, for example, and 8000 characters are not enough, you'll need to use text (or denormalize and use multiple varchar columns ) .

If a text column makes the most sense for you despite its drawbacks, you need to understand how to work effectively with text. When you can, it is easiest to work with text datatypes using standard SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. But if your text data gets large, you're going to run into issues (such as how big a string your application can pass) that might make it necessary for you to deal with chunks of data at a time instead of the entire column.

The special statements for working with text data are WRITETEXT, READTEXT, and UPDATETEXT. Both READTEXT and UPDATETEXT let you work with chunks of a text column at a time. The WRITETEXT statement does not let you deal with chunks but rather with the entire column only. WRITETEXT and UPDATETEXT will not log the text operations by default, although they can be instructed to log them. (The database must have the select into/bulkcopy option enabled for nonlogged operations.) An INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement will always be logged, but these special text statements can be run without logging.

In general, nonlogged operations are not recommended for general use because they can compromise your database backup strategy. The situation is similar to nonlogged bulk copy. Nonlogged operations cannot be recovered at startup. A terminated nonlogged operation will leave the database in the state it was in before the operation began because logging (and hence rollback) of extent allocations still occurs. But the biggest downside is that in the face of a failure after a nonlogged operation, your database is only as good as your last full or differential backup and the transaction dumps up to the issuance of the nonlogged operation. You can't do further transaction dumps after a nonlogged operation is performed. So think carefully about the appropriateness of nonlogged text and image operations. Also, if you use SQL Server replication to replicate text or image columns, the operations must be logged because the replication process looks for changes based on the transaction log.

The WRITETEXT, READTEXT, and UPDATETEXT statements all work with a text pointer. A text pointer is a unique varbinary(16) value for each text or image column of each row.


WRITETEXT completely overwrites an existing text or image column. You provide the column name (qualified by the table name ), the text pointer for the specific column of a specific row, and the actual data to be written. The WITH LOG clause is optional, although it will always be used in the examples presented here. It might seem like a catch-22 when using WRITETEXT immediately, because you need to pass it a text pointer ”but if the column is initially NULL, there is no text pointer. So how do you get one? You SELECT it with the textptr() function. But if the text column has not been initialized , the textptr() function returns NULL. To initialize a text pointer for a column of a row with text or image data, you can perform some variation of the following:

  • Explicitly insert a non-null value in the text column when you use an INSERT statement. Recognize that WRITETEXT will completely overwrite the column anyway, so the value can always be something like A or a blank space.
  • Define a default on the column with a non-null value like A . Then when you do the insert, you can specify DEFAULT or omit the column, which will result in the default value being inserted and the text pointer being initialized.
  • Update the row after inserting it, explicitly setting it to anything, even NULL.

You then select the text pointer into a variable declared as varbinary(16) and pass that to WRITETEXT. You can't use SELECT statements or expressions in the WRITETEXT statement. This means that the statement is limited to being executed one row at a time (although it can be done from within a cursor). The SELECT statement that gets the text pointer should be known to return only one row, preferably by using an exact match on the primary key value in the WHERE clause, because that will ensure that at most one row can meet the criteria. You can, of course, use @@ROWCOUNT to check this if you are not absolutely sure that the SELECT statement can return only one row. Before using the WRITETEXT statement, you should also ensure that you have a valid text pointer. If you find a row with the criteria you specified and the text pointer for that row was initialized, it will be valid. You can check it as a separate statement using the TEXTVALID() function. Or you can check that you do not have a NULL value in your variable that was assigned the text pointer, as we'll see in the following example. Make sure that you don't have an old text pointer value from a previous use, which would make the IS NOT NULL check be TRUE. In this example, we do one variable assignment and the variable starts out NULL, so we are sure that a non-null value means we have selected a valid text pointer:

 -- WRITETEXT with an unprotected text pointer DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16) SELECT @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info)      FROM pub_info WHERE pub_id='9999'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL     WRITETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr WITH LOG 'Hello Again' 

In this example, the text pointer is not protected from changes made by others. Therefore, it is possible that the text pointer will no longer be valid by the time the WRITETEXT operation is performed. Suppose that you get a text pointer for the row with pub_id='9999' . But before you use it with WRITETEXT, another user deletes and reinserts the row for publisher 9999. In that case, the text pointer you are holding will no longer be valid. In the example above, the window for this occurrence is small, since we do the WRITETEXT immediately after getting the text pointer. But there is still a window. In your application, the window might be wider. If the text pointer is not valid when you do the WRITETEXT operation, you will get an error message like this:

 Msg 7123, Level 16, State 1 Invalid text pointer value 000000000253f380. 

You can easily see this for yourself if you add a delay (for example, WAITFOR DELAY "00:00:15") after getting the text pointer and then delete the row from another connection. You'll get error 7123 when the WRITETEXT operation executes. If you think the chances of getting this error are slim, you can choose to simply deal with the error if it occurs. Frankly, because this seems to be what most applications that use text do, text columns are used in mostly low-concurrency environments. But even so, it's not good practice. (More likely, this is the general usage because the concurrency issue is not well understood .)

You should instead consider using transaction protection to ensure that the text pointer will not change from the time you read it until you use it, and to serialize access for updates so that you do not encounter frequent deadlocks. Many applications use TEXTVALID() to check right before operating ”that's the right idea, but it's hardly foolproof. There is still a window between the TEXTVALID() operation and the use of the text pointer, during which the text pointer can be invalidated. The only way to close the window is to make both operations part of an atomic operation. This means using a transaction and having SQL Server protect the transaction with a lock. (For more about locking, see Chapter 13.)

By default, SQL Server will operate with Read Committed isolation and release a share (READ) lock after the page has been read. So simply putting the pointer in a transaction with the Read Committed isolation level, which is SQL Server's default, is not enough. You need to ensure that the lock is held until the text pointer is used. You could change the isolation level to Repeatable Read, which is not a bad solution, but this changes the isolation behavior for all operations on that connection, so it might have a more widespread effect than you intend. (Although you could, of course, then change it right back.) But even this is not ideal. This approach doesn't guarantee that you will subsequently be able to get the exclusive lock required to do the WRITETEXT operation; it ensures only that when you get to the WRITETEXT operation, the text pointer will still be valid. You won't be sure that you're not in the lock queue behind another connection waiting to update the same row and column. In that case, your transaction and the competing one would both hold a share lock on the same row and would both need to acquire an exclusive lock. Since both transactions are holding a share lock, neither can get the exclusive lock, and a deadlock results in one of the connections having its transaction automatically aborted. (In Chapter 13, you'll see that this is an example of a conversion deadlock. ) If multiple processes are intending to modify the text and all transactions first request an update lock in a transaction when selecting the text pointer, conversion deadlocks will be avoided because only one process will get the update lock and the others will queue for it. But those users' transactions that need only to read the row will not be affected, since an update lock and a share lock are compatible.

Using the update lock on the text pointer is good for serializing access to the actual text data, even though the lock on the text data is distinct from the lock on the row with the text pointer. In this case, you essentially use the update lock on a text pointer as you'd use an intent lock for the text data. This is conceptually similar to the intent locks that SQL Server uses on a table when a page-locking or row-locking operation for that table will take place. That operation recognizes that rows, pages, and tables have an implicit hierarchy. You can think of text pointers and text data as having a similar hierarchy and use the update lock on the text pointer to protect access to the associated text data. Following is the improved version that protects the text pointer from getting invalidated and also reserves the transaction's spot in the queue so that it will get the exclusive lock that's necessary to change the column. This approach will avoid conversion deadlocks on the text pages:

 -- WRITETEXT with a properly protected text pointer BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16) SELECT @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info)      FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK) WHERE pub_id='9999'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL     WRITETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr WITH LOG 'Hello Again' COMMIT TRAN 


READTEXT is used in a similar way to WRITETEXT, except that READTEXT allows you to specify a starting position and the number of bytes to read. Its basic syntax appears below.

 READTEXT [[  database  .]  owner  .]  table_name  .  column_name   text_ptr   offset   size  [HOLDLOCK] 

Unlike with WRITETEXT, with READTEXT we do not need to work with the entire contents of the data. We can specify the starting position ( offset ) and the number of bytes to read ( size ) . READTEXT is often used with the patindex() function to find the offset at which some string or pattern exists, and it's also used with datalength () to determine the total size of the text column. But these functions cannot be used as the offset parameter directly. Instead, you must execute them beforehand and keep their values in a local variable, which you then pass. As mentioned in the discussion of WRITETEXT, you'll want to protect your text pointer from becoming invalidated. In the next example, you'll read text without updating it. So you can use the HOLDLOCK lock hint on the SELECT statement for the text pointer (or set the isolation level to Repeatable Read).

Sometimes people think that transactions are used only for data modifications, but notice that in this case you use a transaction to ensure read repeatability (of the text pointer) even though you are not updating anything. You can optionally add HOLDLOCK to the READTEXT statement to ensure that the text doesn't change until the transaction has completed. But in the example below, we'll read the entire contents with just one read and we will not be re-reading the contents, so there is no point in using HOLDLOCK here. This example finds the pattern Washington in the pr_info column for pub_id 0877 and returns the contents of that column from that point on:

 -- READTEXT with a protected text pointer BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16), @sizeneeded int, @pat_offset int SELECT @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info),      @pat_offset=PATINDEX('%Washington%',pr_info) - 1,     @sizeneeded=DATALENGTH(pr_info) -          PATINDEX('%Washington%',pr_info) - 1     FROM pub_info (HOLDLOCK) WHERE pub_id='0877'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL AND @pat_offset >= 0 AND     @sizeneeded IS NOT NULL     READTEXT  pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr @pat_offset @sizeneeded COMMIT TRAN 
If you run the preceding query using the Query Analyzer tool, you might not see the entire text result. The Query Analyzer has a default limit of 256 characters that can be returned for a text column. You can use the Query/Set Options command and go to the Format tab to change this limit.

The offset returned by patindex() and the offset used by READTEXT unfortunately are not consistent. READINDEX treats the first character as offset 0. (This makes sense because you can think of an offset as how many characters you have to move to get to the desired position ”to get to the first character, you don't need to move at all.) But patindex() returns the value in terms of position, not really as an offset, and so the first character for it would be 1. (You could actually call this a minor bug. But people have adapted to it, so changing it would cause more problems than it would solve at this point. You should assume that this acts as intended and adjust for it.) You need to fix this discrepancy by taking the result of PATINDEX() and subtracting 1 from it. PATINDEX() returns -1 if the pattern is not found. Since we subtract 1 from the value returned by PATINDEX(), if the pattern was not found, the variable @pat_offset would be -2. We simply check that @pat_offset is not negative.

You also need to specify how many bytes you want to read. If you want to read from that point to the end of the column, for example, you can take the total length as returned from datalength() and subtract the starting position, as shown in the preceding example. You cannot simply specify a buffer that you know is large enough to read the rest of the column into; that will result in error 7124:

 The offset and length specified in the READTEXT command is greater  than the actual data length of %d. 

If you could always perform a single READTEXT to handle your data, you'd probably not use it; instead, you could use SELECT. You need to use READTEXT when a text column is too long to reasonably bring back with just one statement. For example, the text size of the pr_info field for publisher 1622 is 18,518 bytes. We can't select this value in a program like the Query Analyzer because it's longer than the maximum expected row length for a result set, so it would be truncated. But we can set up a simple loop to show the text in pieces. To understand this process, you need to be aware of the system function @@TEXTSIZE, which returns the maximum amount of text or image data that you can retrieve in a single statement. (Of course, you need to make sure that the buffer in your application will also be large enough to accept the text.) You can read chunks smaller than the @@TEXTSIZE limit, but not larger.

The value for @@TEXTSIZE is unrelated to the setting in Query Analyzer for the maximum number of characters discussed in the previous note. @@TEXTSIZE is a server option, while the character limit controls the client tool's display.

You can change the value of @@TEXTSIZE for your connection by using SET TEXTSIZE n. The default value for @@TEXTSIZE is 64 KB. You should read chunks whose size is based on the amount of space available in your application buffer and based on the network packet size so that the text will fit in one packet, with an allowance for some additional space for metadata. For example, with the default network packet size of 4192 bytes (4 KB), a good read size would be about 4100 bytes, assuming that your application could deal with that size. You should also be sure that @@TEXTSIZE is at least equal to your read size. You can either check to determine its size or explicitly set it as we do in the example below. Also notice the handy use of the CASE statement for a variable assignment to initialize the @readsize variable to the smaller of the total length of the column and the value of @@TEXTSIZE. (In this example, we make the read size only 100 characters so that it displays easily in Query Analyzer or in a similar query window. But this is too small for most applications and is used here for illustration only.)

 -- READTEXT in a loop to read chunks of text. -- Instead of using HOLDLOCK, use SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL  -- REPEATABLE READ (equivalent). Then set it back when done but  -- be sure to do so in a separate batch. SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ SET TEXTSIZE 100    - Just for illustration; too small for                      - real world. 4000 would be a better value. BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16), @totalsize int,     @lastread int, @readsize int SELECT     @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info), @totalsize=DATALENGTH(pr_info),     @lastread=0,     -- Set the readsize to the smaller of the @@TEXTSIZE setting      -- and the total length of the column     @readsize=CASE WHEN (@@TEXTSIZE < DATALENGTH(pr_info)) THEN          @@TEXTSIZE ELSE DATALENGTH(pr_info) END     FROM pub_info WHERE pub_id='1622'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL AND @readsize > 0     WHILE (@lastread < @totalsize)     BEGIN         READTEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr @lastread @readsize         IF (@@error <> 0)             BREAK    -- Break out of loop if an error on read         -- Change offset to last char read         SELECT @lastread=@lastread + @readsize                 -- If read size would go beyond end, adjust read size         IF ((@readsize + @lastread) > @totalsize)              SELECT @readsize=@totalsize - @lastread      END      COMMIT TRAN GO - Set it back, but in a separate batch SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED 

Notice that in this example we need to ensure not only that the text pointer is still valid when we get to READTEXT but also that the column did not get changed between iterations of READTEXT. (If another connection simply updated the text in place, the text pointer would still be valid, although the read would be messed up since the contents and length were changed.) We could use HOLDLOCK both on the READTEXT statement as well as for protecting the text pointer. But for illustration, we instead changed the isolation level to REPEATABLE READ.


UPDATETEXT is a big improvement to text processing. If you had only WRITETEXT, you would need to completely rewrite the entire column to make even a minor change. UPDATETEXT lets you work with text in pieces to insert, overwrite, or append data. Or you can copy data from another text column and append it or overwrite the column with it. Because of its additional capability and flexibility, the syntax for UPDATETEXT is a bit more complex:

 UPDATETEXT  table_name  .  dest_column_name   dest_text_ptr   offset   delete_length  [WITH LOG] [  inserted_data   table_name  .  src_column_name   src_text_ptr  ] 

The destination column name and text pointer parameters point to the column that you will be updating; these parameters are always used. Like you would with WRITETEXT, you should use the UPDLOCK hint to protect the text pointer from becoming invalid and to serialize access to the text pages to prevent a conversion deadlock. The source column name parameters are used only when you are copying data from another text column. Otherwise, you directly include in that spot the data you'll be adding or you omit the parameter if you are deleting data. The offset is the position at which you start your data modification. It should be NULL if you are appending to the current contents and 0 if you are starting from the beginning of the column. The delete_length parameter tells you how many bytes to delete (if any) starting from the offset parameter. Use NULL for this parameter if you will delete all contents from the offset up to the end of the column, and use 0 if you will delete no bytes. As with READTEXT, the first character of the column is considered to have a 0 offset.

UPDATETEXT can do everything, and it can do much more than WRITETEXT can do. So you might choose to use only READTEXT and UPDATETEXT and forget about WRITETEXT. (WRITETEXT existed in versions before UPDATETEXT appeared, so the former is maintained for backward compatibility, but there isn't much need for it now.)

Following are some examples that illustrate the use of UPDATETEXT better than further explanation.


Use UPDATETEXT to completely replace the contents of a column:

 -- Use UPDATETEXT to completely overwrite a text column. -- Alternative to WRITETEXT. DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16) BEGIN TRAN SELECT @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info) FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK) WHERE     pub_id='9999'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL     UPDATETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr 0 NULL WITH LOG         "New text for 9999"  COMMIT TRAN 


Use UPDATETEXT to delete characters off the end; first notice that publisher 0877, Binnet, has the following contents in the text column pr_info :

 This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in  the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in  the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C.  This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in  the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in  the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in  the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C. 

Because the text is repeated several times, we will delete all characters that follow the first occurrence of D.C. Here's how:

 DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16), @pat_offset int BEGIN TRAN SELECT @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info),      @pat_offset=PATINDEX('%D.C.%', pr_info)-1+4      -- For offset, subtract 1 for offset adjust but add 4 for     -- length of "D.C."     FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK) WHERE pub_id='0877'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL AND @pat_offset >= 0     UPDATETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr @pat_offset NULL WITH LOG COMMIT TRAN 

The column now has these contents (only):

 This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C. 


With the small amount of text here, it wouldn't be bad to simply rewrite the column with new text. But if this were a large text column (you could literally store the contents of War and Peace in a single text column), it would be extremely inefficient to rewrite the entire column just to make a minor change. In this example, we'll add the text "Kimberly Tripp is president of the company." to the current contents. We'll use UPDATETEXT to append text to the column:

 DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16) BEGIN TRAN SELECT @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info) FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK)     WHERE pub_id='0877'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL     UPDATETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr NULL NULL WITH LOG         "Kimberly Tripp is president of the company."  COMMIT TRAN 

And the result:

 This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington,  D.C.Kimberly Tripp is president of the company. 

That worked exactly as specified, but you might wish we had skipped a line and then included a tab before adding the new sentence . We can easily add both a vertical and a horizontal tab, as you can see in Example 4.


Use UPDATETEXT to insert some characters:

 DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16), @pat_offset int,     @mystring char(2) BEGIN TRAN SELECT  @mystring=char(13) + CHAR(9),   -- Vertical tab is code point 13.                                  -- Tab is 9. @pat_offset=PATINDEX('%Kim%', pr_info)-1, @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info) FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK)     WHERE pub_id='0877'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL AND @pat_offset >= 0     UPDATETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr @pat_offset 0 WITH LOG          @mystring COMMIT TRAN 

And the result:

 This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in  the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.     Kimberly Tripp is president of the company. 

Oops! We just learned that the president has gotten married and changed her last name from Tripp to Tripp-Simonnet. We need to fix that.


Use UPDATETEXT for search and replace:

 -- UPDATETEXT for Search and Replace DECLARE @mytextptr varbinary(16), @pat_offset int,     @oldstring varchar(255), @newstring varchar(255),     @sizeold int BEGIN TRAN SELECT @oldstring="Tripp", @newstring="Tripp-Simonnet" SELECT @sizeold=DATALENGTH(@oldstring), @pat_offset=PATINDEX('%' + @oldstring + '%', pr_info)-1, @mytextptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info)  FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK) WHERE pub_id='0877'  IF @mytextptr IS NOT NULL AND @pat_offset >= 0     UPDATETEXT pub_info.pr_info @mytextptr @pat_offset @sizeold          WITH LOG @newstring COMMIT TRAN 

And the result:

 This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.     Kimberly Tripp-Simonnet is president of the company. 

We used variables above and figured lengths and offsets using SQL Server's built-in functions. By doing this, we ensured that the procedure is pretty generic and that it can deal with changing the string to another string that is either longer or shorter than the original.


Suppose that we want to append the contents of the text for publisher Scootney ( pub_id 9952) to the text for Binnet ( pub_id 0877). If we did not have this option in UPDATETEXT, it would be necessary to bring all that text back to the client application, append it, and then send it back to the server. Over a slow network like the Internet, this would not be practical if the text columns were large. But with UPDATETEXT, the whole operation is done on the server. In this example, notice that we protect the text pointer for the target with UPDLOCK, since we'll be updating that row. We can use HOLDLOCK for the source row since we are reading it only and we want to ensure that it hasn't changed.

We'll use UPDATETEXT to copy and append one text column to another:

 -- UPDATETEXT to copy and append another text column DECLARE @target_textptr varbinary(16),     @source_textptr varbinary(16) BEGIN TRAN SELECT @target_textptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info) FROM pub_info (UPDLOCK) WHERE pub_id='0877'  SELECT @source_textptr=TEXTPTR(pr_info) FROM pub_info (HOLDLOCK) WHERE pub_id='9952'  IF @target_textptr IS NOT NULL AND @source_textptr IS NOT NULL     UPDATETEXT pub_info.pr_info @target_textptr NULL NULL          WITH LOG pub_info.pr_info @source_textptr COMMIT TRAN 

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (Mps)
ISBN: 0735605173
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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