List of Figures

Chapter 1: Introducing Database Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Figure 1-1: Monolithic application containing data and logic inside the application itself.
Figure 1-2: Monolithic application accessing external data to improve flexibility.
Figure 1-3: Monolithic application accessing shared external data.
Figure 1-4: Management of centrally stored data through a database management service.
Figure 1-5: Main components of a database application connecting to SQL Server 2005 through ODBC.
Figure 1-6: Main components of a database application connecting to SQL Server 2005 through OLE DB.
Figure 1-7: Main components of a database application connecting to SQL Server 2005 through the ADO.NET managed data provider.
Figure 1-8: Main components of a database application connecting to SQL Server 2005 through the SQL Server Native Client.

Chapter 2: Installing and Setting Up Your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Development Environment

Figure 2-1: SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration dialog box.
Figure 2-2: Startup options for Services.
Figure 2-3: Remote Connections configuration.
Figure 2-4: Features configuration.

Chapter 3: Reviewing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Tools

Figure 3-1: SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Figure 3-2: The SQL Server 2005 Services node.
Figure 3-3: Advanced options for an instance of SQL Server 2005.
Figure 3-4: The SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration node.
Figure 3-5: TCP/IP Properties dialog box.
Figure 3-6: Windows Firewall exception configuration.
Figure 3-7: SQL Native Client Configuration Properties dialog box.
Figure 3-8: Client Protocols and their order of precedence.
Figure 3-9: Alias creation.
Figure 3-10: Initial screen of SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.
Figure 3-11: SQL Server Configuration For Services And Connections dialog box.
Figure 3-12: SQL Server Configuration For Features dialog box.
Figure 3-13: Object Explorer pane in SQL Server Management Studio.
Figure 3-14: Grouping nodes within a User Database node in Object Explorer.
Figure 3-15: Table actions in Object Explorer.
Figure 3-16: Table modification and script generation in Object Explorer.
Figure 3-17: Stored procedure actions in Object Explorer.
Figure 3-18: Include Client Statistics button in Object Explorer.
Figure 3-19: Database Tuning Advisor Recommendations.
Figure 3-20: SQLCmd input parameters.

Chapter 4: Gathering and Understanding Business Requirements before Creating Database Objects

Figure 4-1: Scalability

Chapter 5: Designing a Database to Solve Business Needs

Figure 5-1: Three-Step Database Model
Figure 5-2: Example of a Multi-Intersection Relationship

Chapter 6: Reading Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data from Client Applications

Figure 6-1: MDAC Architecture.
Figure 6-2: ADO Architecture.
Figure 6-3: Classes in the data provider component of ADO.NET.

Chapter 11: Deleting Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Figure 11-1: Specifying properties of foreign key relationhips.

Solid Quality Learning, Microsoft Corporation Staff - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Essentials Step by Step
Solid Quality Learning, Microsoft Corporation Staff - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Essentials Step by Step
Year: 2006
Pages: 130 © 2008-2017.
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