Section 7.5. The execve() System Call

7.5. The execve() System Call

The execve() system call is the only kernel-level mechanism available to user programs to execute another program. Other user-level program-launching functions are all built atop execve() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c]. Figure 757 shows an overview of execve()'s operation.

execve() initializes and partially populates an image parameter block (struct image_params [bsd/sys/imgact.h]), which acts as a container for passing around program parameters between functions called by execve(), while the latter is preparing to execute the given program. Other fields of this structure are set gradually. Figure 756 shows the contents of the image_params structure.

Figure 756. Structure for holding executable image parameters during the execve() system call

// bsd/sys/imgact.h struct image_params {     user_addr_t        ip_user_fname;// execve()'s first argument     user_addr_t        ip_user_argv; // execve()'s second argument     user_addr_t        ip_user_envv; // execve()'s third argument     struct vnode      *ip_vp;        // executable file's vnode     struct vnode_attr *ip_vattr;     // effective file attributes (at runtime)     struct vnode_attr *ip_origvattr; // original file attributes (at invocation)     char              *ip_vdata;     // file data (up to 1 page)     int                ip_flags;     // image flags     int                ip_argc;      // argument count     char              *ip_argv;      // argument vector beginning (kernel)     int                ip_envc;      // environment count     char              *ip_strings;   // base address for strings (kernel)     char              *ip_strendp;   // current end pointer (kernel)     char              *ip_strendargvp;    // end of argv/start of envp (kernel)     int                ip_strspace;       // remaining space     user_size_t        ip_arch_offset;    // subfile offset in ip_vp     user_size_t        ip_interp_name[IMG_SHSIZE]; // interpreter name     char              *ip_p_comm;         // optional alternative p->p_comm     char              *ip_tws_cache_name; // task working set cache     struct vfs_context*ip_vfs_context;    // VFS context     struct nameidata  *ip_ndp;            // current nameidata     thread_t           ip_vfork_thread;   // thread created, if vfork() };

Figure 757. The operation of the execve() system call

execve() ensures that there is exactly one thread within the current task, unless it is an execve() preceded by a vfork(). Next, it allocates a block of pageable memory for holding its arguments and for reading the first page of the program executable. The size of this allocation is (NCARGS + PAGE_SIZE), where NCARGS is the maximum number of bytes allowed for execve()'s arguments.[19]

[19] As we will see in Chapter 8, an argument list longer than the maximum allowed size will result in an E2BIG error from the kernel.

// bsd/sys/param.h #define NCARGS ARG_MAX // bsd/sys/syslimits.h #define ARG_MAX (256 * 1024)

execve() saves a copy of its first argumentthe program's path, which may be relative or absoluteat a specifically computed offset in this block. The argv[0] pointer points to this location. It then sets the ip_tws_cache_name field of the image parameter block to point to the filename component of the executable's path. This is used by the kernel's task working set (TWS) detection/caching mechanism, which we will discuss in Chapter 8. However, execve() does not perform this step if TWS is disabled (as determined by the app_profile global variable) or if the calling process is running chroot()'ed.

execve() now calls namei() [bsd/vfs/vfs_lookup.c] to convert the executable's path into a vnode. It then uses the vnode to perform a variety of permission checks on the executable file. To do so, it retrieves the following attributes of the vnode: the user and group IDs, the mode, the file system ID, the file ID (unique within the file system), and the data fork's size. The following are examples of the checks performed.

  • Ensure that the vnode represents a regular file.

  • Ensure that at least one execute bit is enabled on the file.

  • Ensure that the data fork's size is nonzero.

  • If the process is being traced, or if the file system has been mounted with the "nosuid" option, nullify the setuid (set-user-identifier) or setgid (set-group-identifier) bits should they be present.

  • Call vnode_authorize() [bsd/vfs/vfs_subr.c], which calls kauth_authorize_action() [bsd/kern/kern_athorization.c] to authorize the requested actionin this case, KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTEwith the kauth authorization subsystem. (If the process is being traced, the KAUTH_VNODE_READ action is also authorized, since traced executables must also be readable.)

  • Ensure that the vnode is not opened for writing, and if it is, return an ETXTBSY error ("text file busy").

execve() then reads the first page of data from the executable into a buffer within the image parameter block, after which it iterates over the entries in the image activator table to allow a type-specific activator, or handler, to load the executable. The table contains activators for Mach-O binaries, fat binaries, and interpreter scripts.

// bsd/kern/kern_exec.c struct execsw {     int (* ex_imgact)(struct image_params *);     const char *ex_name; } execsw[] = {     { exec_mach_imgact,  "Mach-o Binary"      },     { exec_fat_imgact,   "Fat Binary"         },     { exec_shell_imgact, "Interpreter Script" },     { NULL,              NULL                 } };

Note that the activators are attempted in the order that they appear in the tabletherefore, an executable is attempted as a Mach-O binary first and as an interpreter script last.

7.5.1. Mach-O Binaries

The exec_mach_imgact() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c] activator handles Mach-O binaries. It is the most preferred activator, being the first entry in the activator table. Moreover, since the Mac OS X kernel supports only the Mach-O native executable format, activators for fat binaries and interpreter scripts eventually lead to exec_mach_imgact(). Preparations for the Execution of a Mach-O File

exec_mach_imgact() begins by performing the following actions.

  • It ensures that the executable is either a 32-bit or a 64-bit Mach-O binary.

  • If the current thread had performed a vfork() prior to calling execve()as determined by the UT_VFORK bit being set in the uu_flag field of the uthread structureexec_mach_imgact() makes note of this by setting the vfexec variable to 1.

  • If the Mach-O header is for a 64-bit binary, exec_mach_imgact() sets a flag indicating this fact in the image parameter block.

  • It calls grade_binary() [bsd/dev/ppc/kern_machdev.c] to ensure that the process type and subtype specified in the Mach-O header are acceptable to the kernelif not, an EBADARCH error ("Bad CPU type in executable") is returned.

  • It copies into the kernel the arguments and environment variables that were passed to execve() from user space.

In the case of vfork(), the child process is using the parent's resources at this pointthe parent is suspended. In particular, although vfork() would have created a BSD process structure for the child process, there is neither a corresponding Mach task nor a thread. exec_mach_imgact() now creates a task and a thread for a vfork()'ed child.

Next, exec_mach_imgact() calls task_set_64bit() [osfmk/kern/task.c] with a Boolean argument specifying whether the task is 64-bit or not. task_set_64bit() makes architecture-specific adjustments, some of which depend on the kernel version, to the task. For example, in the case of a 32-bit process, task_set_64bit() deallocates all memory that may have been allocated beyond the 32-bit address space (such as the 64-bit comm area). Since Mac OS X 10.4 does not support TWS for 64-bit programs, task_set_64bit() disables this optimization for a 64-bit task.

In the case of executables for which TWS is supported and the ip_tws_cache_name field in the image parameter block is not NULL, exec_mach_imgact() calls tws_handle_startup_file() [osfmk/vm/task_working_set.c]. The latter will attempt to read a per-user, per-application saved working set. If none exists, it will create one. Loading the Mach-O File

exec_mach_imgact() calls load_machfile() [bsd/kern/mach_loader.c] to load the Mach-O file. It passes a pointer to a load_result_t structure to load_machfile()the structure's fields will be populated on a successful return from load_machfile().

// bsd/kern/mach_loader.h typedef struct _load_result {     user_addr_t mach_header; // mapped user virtual address of Mach-O header     user_addr_t entry_point; // thread's entry point (from SRR0 in thread state)     user_addr_t user_stack;  // thread's stack (the default, or from GPR1 in                              //                 thread state)     int thread_count;        // number of thread states successfully loaded     unsigned int     /* boolean_t */ unixproc    : 1, // TRUE if there was an LC_UNIXTHREAD                     dynlinker   : 1, // TRUE if dynamic linker was loaded                     customstack : 1, // TRUE if thread state had custom stack                                 : 0; } load_result_t;

load_machfile() first checks whether it needs to create a new virtual memory map[20] for the task. In the case of vfork(), a new map is not created at this point, since the map belonging to the task created by execve() is valid and appropriate. Otherwise, vm_map_create() [osfmk/vm/vm_map.c] is called to create a new map with the same lower and upper address bounds as in the parent's map. load_machfile() then calls parse_machfile() [bsd/kern/mach_loader.c] to process the load commands in the executable's Mach-O header. parse_machfile() allocates a kernel buffer and maps the load commands into it. Thereafter, it iterates over each load command, processing it if necessary. Note that two passes are made over the commands: The first pass processes commands the result of whose actions may be required by commands processed in the second pass. The kernel handles only the following load commands.

[20] As we will see in Chapter 8, a virtual memory map (vm_map_t) contains mappings from valid regions of a task's address space to the corresponding virtual memory objects.

  • LC_SEGMENT_64 maps a 64-bit segment into the given task address space, setting the initial and maximum virtual memory protection values specified in the load command (first pass).

  • LC_SEGMENT is similar to LC_SEGMENT_64 but maps a 32-bit segment (first pass).

  • LC_THREAD contains machine-specific data structures that specify the initial state of the thread, including its entry point (second pass).

  • LC_UNIXTHREAD is similar to LC_THREAD but with somewhat different semantics; it is used for executables running as Unix processes (second pass).

  • LC_LOAD_DYLINKER identifies the pathname of the dynamic linker/usr/lib/dyld by default (second pass).

Standard Mac OS X Mach-O executables contain several LC_SEGMENT (or LC_SEGMENT_64, in the case of 64-bit executables) commands, one LC_UNIXTHREAD command, one LC_LOAD_DYLINKER command, and others that are processed only in user space. For example, a dynamically linked executable contains one or more LC_LOAD_DYLIB commandsone for each dynamically linked shared library it uses. The dynamic linker, which is a Mach-O executable of type MH_DYLINKER, contains an LC_THREAD command instead of an LC_UNIXTHREAD command.

parse_machfile() calls load_dylinker() [bsd/kern/mach_loader.c] to process the LC_LOAD_DYLINKER command. Since the dynamic linker is a Mach-O file, load_dylinker() also calls parse_machfile()recursively. This results in the dynamic linker's entry point being determined as its LC_THREAD command is processed.

In the case of a dynamically linked executable, it is the dynamic linkerand not the executablethat starts user-space execution. The dynamic linker loads the shared libraries that the program requires. It then retrieves the "main" function of the program executablethe SRR0 value from the LC_UNIXTHREAD commandand sets the main thread up for execution.

For regular executables (but not for the dynamic linker), parse_machfile() also maps system-wide shared regions, including the comm area, into the task's address space.

After parse_machfile() returns, load_machfile() performs the following steps if it earlier created a new map for the task (i.e., if this is not a vfork()'ed child).

  • It shuts down the current task by calling task_halt() [osfmk/kern/task.c], which terminates all threads in the task except the current one. Moreover, task_halt() destroys all semaphores and lock sets owned by the task, removes all port references from the task's IPC space, and removes the existing entire virtual address range from the task's virtual memory map.

  • It swaps the task's existing virtual memory map (cleaned in the previous step) with the new map created earlier.

  • It calls vm_map_deallocate() [osfmk/vm/vm_map.c] to release a reference on the old map.

At this point, the child task has exactly one thread, even in the vfork() case, where a single-threaded task was explicitly created by execve(). load_machfile() now returns successfully to exec_mach_imgact(). Handling Setuid and Setgid

exec_mach_imgact() calls exec_handle_sugid() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c] to perform special handling for setuid and setgid executables. exec_handle_sugid()'s operation includes the following.

  • If the executable is setuid and the current user ID is not the same as the file owner's user ID, it disables kernel tracing for the process, unless the superuser enabled tracing. A similar action is performed for setgid executables.

  • If the executable is setuid, the current process credential is updated with the effective user ID of the executable. A similar action is performed for setgid executables.

  • It resets the task's kernel port by allocating a new one and destroying the old one. This is done to prevent an existing holder of rights to the old kernel port from controlling or accessing the task after its security status is elevated because of setuid or setgid.

  • If one or more of the standard file descriptors 0 (standard input), 1 (standard output), and 2 (standard error) are not already in use, it creates a descriptor referencing /dev/null for each such descriptor. This is done to prevent a situation where an attacker can coerce a setuid or setgid program to open files on one of these descriptors. Note that exec_handle_sugid() caches a pointer to the /dev/null vnode on first use in a static variable.

  • It calls kauth_cred_setsvuidgid() [bsd/kern/kern_credential.c] to update the process credential such that the effective user and group IDs become the saved user and group IDs, respectively. Execution Notification

exec_mach_imgact() then posts a kernel event of type NOTE_EXEC on the kernel event queue of the process to notify that the process has transformed itself into a new process by calling execve(). Unless this is an execve() after a vfork(), a SIGTRAP (TRace trap signal) is sent to the process if it is being traced. Configuring the User Stack

exec_mach_imgact() now proceeds to create and populate the user stack for an executablespecifically one whose LC_UNIXTHREAD command was successfully processed (as indicated by the unixproc field of the load_result structure). This step is not performed for the dynamic linker, since it runs within the same thread and uses the same stack as the executable. In fact, as we noted earlier, the dynamic linker will gain control before the "main" function of the executable. exec_mach_imgact() calls create_unix_stack() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c], which allocates a stack unless the executable uses a custom stack (as indicated by the customstack field of the load_result structure). Figure 758 shows the user stack's creation during execve()'s operation.

Figure 758. Creation of the user stack during the execve() system call

// bsd/kern/kern_exec.c static int exec_mach_imgact(struct image_params *imgp) {     ...     load_return_t lret;     load_result_t load_result;     ...     lret = load_machfile(imgp, mach_header, thread, map, clean_regions,                          &load_result);     ...     if (load_result.unixproc &&         create_unix_stack(get_task_map(task),                           load_result.user_stack,                           load_result.customstack, p)) {         // error     }     ... } ... #define unix_stack_size(p) (p->p_rlimit[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur) ... static kern_return_t create_unix_stack(vm_map_t map, user_addr_t user_stack, int customstack,                   struct proc *p) {     mach_vm_size_t   size;     mach_vm_offset_t addr;     p->user_stack = user_stack;     if (!customstack) {         size = mach_vm_round_page(unix_stack_size(p));         addr = mach_vm_trunc_page(user_stack - size);         return (mach_vm_allocate(map, &addr, size,                                  VM_MAKE_TAG(VM_MEMORY_STACK) |                                  VM_FLAGS_FIXED));     } else         return (KERN_SUCCESS); }

Now, user_stack represents one end of the stack: the end with the higher memory address, since the stack grows toward lower memory addresses. The other end of the stack is computed by taking the difference between user_stack and the stack's size. In the absence of a custom stack, user_stack is set to a default value (0xC0000000 for 32-bit and 0x7FFFF00000000 for 64-bit) when the LC_UNIXTHREAD command is processed. create_unix_stack() retrieves the stack size as determined by the RLIMIT_STACK resource limit, rounds up the size in terms of pages, rounds down the stack's address range in terms of pages, and allocates the stack in the task's address map. Note that the VM_FLAGS_FIXED flag is passed to mach_vm_allocate(), indicating that allocation must be at the specified address.

In contrast, a custom stack is specified in a Mach-O executable through a segment named __UNIXSTACK and is therefore initialized when the corresponding LC_SEGMENT command is processed. The -stack_addr and -stack_size arguments to ldthe static link editorcan be used to specify a custom stack at compile time.

Note in Figure 759 that for a stack whose size and starting point are 16KB and 0x70000, respectively, the __UNIXSTACK segment's starting address is 0x6c000that is, 16KB less than 0x70000.

Figure 759. A Mach-O executable with a custom stack

// customstack.c #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {     int var; // a stack variable     printf("&var = %p\n", &var);     return 0; } $ gcc -Wall -o customstack customstack.c -Wl,-stack_addr,0x60000 \     -Wl,-stack_size,0x4000 $ ./customstack &var = 0x5f998 $ gcc -Wall -o customstack customstack.c -Wl,-stack_addr,0x70000 \     -Wl,-stack_size,0x4000 &var = 0x6f998 $ otool -l ./customstack ... Load command 3       cmd LC_SEGMENT   cmdsize 56   segname __UNIXSTACK    vmaddr 0x0006c000    vmsize 0x00004000   fileoff 0  filesize 0   maxprot 0x00000007  initprot 0x00000007    nsects 0     flags 0x4 ...

Now that the user stack is initialized in both the custom and default cases, exec_mach_imgact() calls exec_copyout_strings() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c] to arrange arguments and environment variables on the stack. Again, this step is performed only for a Mach-O executable with an LC_UNIXTHREAD load command. Moreover, the stack pointer is copied to the saved user-space GPR1 for the thread. Figure 760 shows the stack arrangement.

Figure 760. User stack arranged by the execve() system call

Note in Figure 760 that there is an additional element on the stacka pointer to the Mach-O header of the executableabove the argument count (argc). In the case of dynamically linked executables, that is, those executables for which the dynlinker field of the load_result structure is TRue, exec_mach_act() copies this pointer out to the user stack and decrements the stack pointer by either 4 bytes (32-bit) or 8 bytes (64-bit). dyld uses this pointer. Moreover, before dyld jumps to the program's entry point, it adjusts the stack pointer and removes the argument so that the program never sees it.

We can also deduce from Figure 760 that a program executable's path can be retrieved within the program by using a suitable prototype, for example:

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp, char **exec_path) {     // Our program executable's "true" path is contained in *exec_path     // Depending on $PATH, *exec_path can be absolute or relative     // Circumstances that alter argv[0] do not normally affect *exec_path     ... } Finishing Up

exec_mach_imgact()'s final steps include the following.

  • It sets the entry point for the thread by copying the enTRy_point field of the load_result structure to the saved user state SRR0.

  • It stops profiling on the process.

  • It calls execsigs() [bsd/kern/kern_sig.c] to reset signal state, which includes nullifying the alternate signal stack, if any.

  • It calls fdexec() [bsd/kern/kern_descrip.c] to close those file descriptors that have the close-on-exec flag set.[21]

    [21] A descriptor can be set to auto-close on execve(2) by calling fcntl(2) on it with the F_SETFD command.

  • It calls _aio_exec() [bsd/kern/kern_aio.c], which cancels any asynchronous I/O (AIO) requests on the process's "todo" work queue, and waits for requests that are already active to complete. Signaling is disabled for canceled or active AIO requests that complete.

  • It calls shmexec() [bsd/kern/sysv_shm.c] to release references on System V shared memory segments.

  • It calls semexit() [bsd/kern/sysv_sem.c] to release System V semaphores.

  • It saves up to MAXCOMLEN (16) characters of the executable's name (or "command" name) in the p_comm array within the process structure. This information is used by the process accounting mechanism. Moreover, the AFORK flag is cleared in the p_acflag accounting-related field of the process structure. This flag is set during a fork() or a vfork() and indicates that a process has fork()'ed but not execve()'d.

  • It generates a kdebug trace record.

  • If the p_pflag field of the process structure has the P_PPWAIT flag set, it indicates that the parent is waiting for the child to exec or exit. If the flag is set (as it would be in the case of a vfork()), exec_mach_imgact() clears it and wakes up the parent.

On a successful return from exec_mach_imgact(), or any other image activator, execve() generates a kauth notification of type KAUTH_FILEOP_EXEC. Finally, execve() frees the pathname buffer it used with namei(), releases the executable's vnode, frees the memory allocated for execve() arguments, and returns. In the case of an execve() after a vfork(), execve() sets up a return value for the calling thread and then resumes the thread.

7.5.2. Fat (Universal) Binaries

A fat binary contains Mach-O executables for multiple architectures. For example, a fat binary may encapsulate 32-bit PowerPC and 64-bit PowerPC executables. The exec_fat_imgact() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c] activator handles fat binaries. Note that this activator is byte-order neutral. It performs the following actions.

  • It ensures that the binary is fat by looking at its magic number.

  • It looks up the preferred architecture, including its offset, in the fat file.

  • It reads a page of data from the beginning of the desired architecture's executable within the fat file.

  • It returns a special error that would cause execve() to retry execution using the encapsulated executable.

7.5.3. Interpreter Scripts

The exec_shell_imgact() [bsd/kern/kern_exec.c] activator handles interpreter scripts, which are often called shell scripts since the interpreter is typically a shell. An interpreter script is a text file whose content has # and ! as the first two characters, followed by a pathname to an interpreter, optionally followed by whitespace-separated arguments to the interpreter. There may be leading whitespace before the pathname. The #! sequence specifies to the kernel that the file is an interpreter script, whereas the interpreter name and the arguments are used as if they had been passed in an execve() invocation. However, the following points must be noted.

  • The interpreter specification, including the #! characters, must be no more than 512 characters.

  • An interpreter script must not redirect to another interpreter scriptit will cause an ENOEXEC error ("Exec format error") if it does.

However, note that it is possible to execute plaintext shell scriptsthat is, those that contain shell commands but do not begin with #!. Even in this case, the execution fails in the kernel and execve() returns an ENOEXEC error. The execvp(3) and execvP(3) library functions, which invoke the execve() system call, actually reattempt execution of the specified file if execve() returns ENOEXEC. In the second attempt, these functions use the standard shell (/bin/sh) as the executable, with the original file as the shell's first argument. We can see this behavior by attempting to execute a shell script containing no #! charactersfirst using execl(3), which should fail, and then using execvp(3), which should succeed in its second attempt.

$ cat /tmp/script.txt echo "Hello" $ chmod 755 /tmp/script.txt # ensure that it has execute permissions $ cat execl.c #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) {     int ret = execl(argv[1], argv[1], NULL);     perror("execl");     return ret; } $ gcc -Wall -o execl execl.c $ ./execl /tmp/script.txt execl: Exec format error $ cat execvp.c #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) {     int ret = execvp(argv[1], &(argv[1]));     perror("execvp");     return ret; } $ gcc -Wall -o execvp execvp.c $ ./execvp /tmp/script.txt Hello

exec_shell_imgact() parses the first line of the script to determine the interpreter name and arguments if any, copying the latter to the image parameter block. It returns a special error that causes execve() to retry execution: execve() looks up the interpreter's path using namei(), reads a page of data from the resultant vnode, and goes through the image activator table again. This time, however, the executable must be claimed by an activator other than exec_shell_imgact().

Note that setuid or setgid interpreter scripts are not permitted by default. They can be enabled by setting the kern.sugid_scripts sysctl variable to 1. When this variable is set to 0 (the default), exec_shell_imgact() clears the setuid and setgid bits in the ip_origvattr (invocation file attributes) field of the image parameter block. Consequently, from execve()'s standpoint, the script is not setuid/setgid.

$ cat #! /bin/sh /usr/bin/id -p $ sudo chown root:wheel $ sudo chmod 4755 -rwsr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  23 Jul 30 20:52 $ sysctl kern.sugid_scripts kern.sugid_scripts: 0 $ ./ uid     amit groups  amit appserveradm appserverusr admin $ sudo sysctl -w kern.sugid_scripts=1 kern.sugid_scripts: 0 -> 1 $ ./ uid     amit euid    root groups  amit appserveradm appserverusr admin $ sudo sysctl -w kern.sugid_scripts=0 kern.sugid_scripts: 1 -> 0

Mac OS X Internals. A Systems Approach
Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach
ISBN: 0321278542
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161
Authors: Amit Singh © 2008-2017.
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