Skill-Building Exercises


There are three philosophical camps regarding the attainment of code reuse within an application: compositionists, inheritists, and design pragmatists. Design pragmatists utilize the full spectrum of object-oriented design mechanisms to achieve reuse on all possible fronts. Their approach to design is rooted in making intelligent engineering trade-offs.

The end game of good design is an application architecture that is flexible, modular, reliable, and stable.

There are at least three good reasons to use inheritance: 1) it provides you with an object-oriented design mechanism that enables you to think and reason about the structure and behavior of your code in terms of generalized and specialized classes, 2) it offers a measure of code reuse within your program, and 3) it provides you with a way to incrementally develop code.

The most often used forms of inheritance include subtype, extension, functional variation, and implementation. Coad’s criteria provides five checkpoints that can be used to validate the use of inheritance.

The Java interface construct provides the means to specify type behavior and supports a rich variety of inheritance forms to include: subtype inheritance, extension inheritance, and constant inheritance. Interfaces, when used in conjunction with the Factory and Singleton patterns, can reduce inter-module functional dependencies to a handful of classes.

When modeling dominant roles favor the use of a class hierarchy. When modeling collateral roles favor the use of interfaces. When attempting to model the many possible roles some object might assume dynamically during application runtime, model these as a collection of Strings contained within the object.

Polymorphism is the ability to treat different objects in the same manner. In object-oriented programming this means that your program utilizes references to base class types (preferably interfaces or abstract class types) that, at runtime, actually contain references to derived class objects.

You must plan for the proper use of polymorphic behavior from the moment you start laying the foundation of your application architecture. This means you must consider carefully your choice of inheritance forms when designing your class inheritance hierarchies.

Good compositional design has its foundations in the thorough understanding of inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism. Compositional design acts as a force multiplier in that it combines the power of all these design techniques. In this regard you should never be forced to chose composition over inheritance, but rather, you should apply composition in a way that compliments inheritance, considers the use of interfaces, and keeps the goal of polymorphic behavior in mind from the very beginning.

An object is an aggregate if it contains and uses the services of other objects. An aggregate object consists of itself (the whole) and the objects it contains (its parts).

There are two types of aggregation: 1) simple aggregation, and 2) composite aggregation. Simple aggregation occurs when the whole object does not control the lifetime of its part objects. Conversely, a composite aggregate has complete control over the lifetime of its part objects.

Complex aggregates may comprise many different types of part objects, each providing specialized behavior. A careful consideration of polymorphic behavior can offer a uniform treatment of these differing part types. This can be achieved via polymorphic containment where the whole class targets the interface(s) of its part class(es), treats its part objects as a collection of parts, and obtains its part objects from a part object factory.

Java For Artists(c) The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 1932504052
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 452 © 2008-2017.
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