Section 2.9. Collect Backgrounds, Clouds, and Stuff

2.9. Collect Backgrounds, Clouds, and Stuff

Remember, this is the world of digital photography, the world in which you can easily combine objects from different scenes into whole new worlds. If you just happen to see something that might look great when combined with another photograph, shoot it and put it in a folder named after its category. You'll save so much time when you suddenly realize you need a beautiful summer sky in that real estate shot, a graffiti-covered wall as a background for the cycle punk, or a crawling baby for that shot of stalled freeway traffic. You should also be on the lookout for textured walls, gardens, race cars, or anything else that might work in the background.

Digital Photography(c) Expert Techniques
Digital Photography Expert Techniques
ISBN: 0596526903
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 124
Authors: Ken Milburn © 2008-2017.
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