COLUMNS Axis Expression

OLE DB Programmer's Reference

The COLUMNS axis expression consists of the CROSSJOIN function applied on two literal sets. Applying the mappings described in "Literal Sets" generates two virtual tables. These virtual tables are used as input to the SQL statements described in "CROSSJOIN Function."

The result of these operations yields the following two tables (denoted as Table C and Table CPrime):

Name1 Name2 Rank
Products.[All].Office.Access Geography.[All].USA.Kansas 1
Products.[All].Office.Access Geography.[All].USA.NewYork.Buffalo 2
Products.[All].Office.Access Geography.[All].USA.Kansas.Topeka 3
Products.[All].Office.Access Geography.[All].USA 4
Products.[All].Office.Access Geography.[All].Canada 5
Products.[All].Office.Word Geography.[All].USA.Kansas 6
Products.[All].Office.Word Geography.[All].USA.NewYork.Buffalo 7
Products.[All].Office.Word Geography.[All].USA.Kansas.Topeka 8
Products.[All].Office.Word Geography.[All].USA 9
Products.[All].Office.Word Geography.[All].Canada 10

Product ProdLine Product.[All] City State Country Geography.[All] Rank
Products.[All].Office.Access Products.[All].Office Product.[All] ALL() Geography.USA.Kansas Geography.USA Geography.[All] 1
Products.[All].Office.Access Products.[All].Office Product.[All] Geography.USA.NewYork.Buffalo Geography.USA.NewYork Geography.USA Geography.[All] 2
Products.[All].Office.Access Products.[All].Office Product.[All] Geography.USA.Kansas.Topeka Geography.USA.Kansas Geography.USA Geography.[All] 3
Products.[All].Office.Access Products.[All].Office Product.[All] ALL() ALL() Geography.USA Geography.[All] 4
Products.[All].Office.Access Products.[All].Office Product.[All] ALL() ALL() Geography.Canada Geography.[All] 5
Products.[All].Office.Word Products.[All].Office Product.[All] ALL() Geography.USA.Kansas Geography.USA Geography.[All] 6
Products.[All].Office.Word Products.[All].Office Product.[All] Geography.USA.NewYork.Buffalo Geography.USA.NewYork Geography.USA Geography.[All] 7
Products.[All].Office.Word Products.[All].Office Product.[All] Geography.USA.Kansas.Topeka Geography.USA.Kansas Geography.USA Geography.[All] 8
Products.[All].Office.Word Products.[All].Office Product.[All] ALL() ALL() Geography.USA Geography.[All] 9
Products.[All].Office.Word Products.[All].Office Product.[All] ALL() ALL() Geography.Canada Geography.[All] 10

Cprime is obtained from C by using the following steps:

  1. Find out the number of nested dimensions in the axis expression:

    In the current example, this is 2.

  2. Find the names of each dimension:

    In the current example, this is Products, Geography.

  3. For each dimension, find out the deepest member in the axis expression:

    In the current example, this is 3 for Geography and 2 for Products.

  4. Create two tables—C1 and C2. C1 has all members in C from Products, and C2 has all members in C from Geography:
    CREATE LOCAL TEMPORARY VIEW C1(Name, Rank) AS    SELECT Name, NewRank AS Rank FROM       (SELECT Name1 FROM C WHERE COMPONENT(Name, -1) = "Products"       RANK ROWS AS NewRank RANKORDER BY Rank) CREATE LOCAL TEMPORARY VIEW C2(Name, Rank) AS    SELECT Name, NewRank AS Rank FROM       (SELECT Name2 FROM C WHERE COMPONENT(Name, -1) = "Geography"        RANK ROWS AS NewRank RANKORDER BY Rank)
  5. Now create Cprime:
    SELECT Product AS COMPONENT(C1.Name, 2),    ProdLine AS COMPONENT(C1.Name, 1),    Product.[All] AS COMPONENT(C1.Name, 0),    City AS COMPONENT(C2.Name, 3),    State AS COMPONENT(C2.Name, 2),    Country AS COMPONENT(C2.Name, 1),    Geography.[All] AS COMPONENT(C2.Name, 0)    NewRank AS Rank FROM    (C1 CROSS JOIN C2) RANK ROWS AS NewRank RANKORDER BY C1.Rank, C2.Rank

1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Microsoft Ole Db 2.0 Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK
Microsoft OLE DB 2.0 Programmers Reference and Data Access SDK (Microsoft Professional Editions)
ISBN: 0735605904
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1998
Pages: 1083 © 2008-2017.
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