OLE DB CoTypes

OLE DB Programmer's Reference


   CoType TEnumerator {       [mandatory]   interface IParseDisplayName;       [mandatory]   interface ISourcesRowset;       [optional]    interface IDBInitialize;       [optional]    interface IDBProperties;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }

Data source objects:

   CoType TDataSource {       [mandatory]   interface IDBCreateSession;       [mandatory]   interface IDBInitialize;       [mandatory]   interface IDBProperties;       [mandatory]   interface IPersist;       [optional]    interface IConnectionPointContainer;       [optional]    interface IDBAsynchStatus;       [optional]    interface IDBDataSourceAdmin;       [optional]    interface IDBInfo;       [optional]    interface IPersistFile;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }


   CoType TSession {       [mandatory]   interface IGetDataSource;       [mandatory]   interface IOpenRowset;       [mandatory]   interface ISessionProperties;       [optional]    interface IAlterIndex;       [optional]    interface IAlterTable;       [optional]    interface IBindResource;       [optional]    interface ICreateRow;       [optional]    interface IDBCreateCommand;       [optional]    interface IDBSchemaRowset;       [optional]    interface IIndexDefinition;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;       [optional]    interface ITableCreation;       [optional]    interface ITableDefinition;       [optional]    interface ITableDefinitionWithConstraints;       [optional]    interface ITransaction;       [optional]    interface ITransactionJoin;       [optional]    interface ITransactionLocal;       [optional]    interface ITransactionObject;    }


   CoType TCommand {       [mandatory]   interface IAccessor;       [mandatory]   interface IColumnsInfo;       [mandatory]   interface ICommand;       [mandatory]   interface ICommandProperties;       [mandatory]   interface ICommandText;       [mandatory]   interface IConvertType;       [optional]    interface IColumnsRowset;       [optional]    interface ICommandPersist;       [optional]    interface ICommandPrepare;       [optional]    interface ICommandWithParameters;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;       [optional]    interface ICommandStream;    }

Multiple results objects:

   CoType TMultipleResults {       [mandatory]   interface IMultipleResults;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }


   CoType TRowset {       [mandatory]   interface IAccessor;       [mandatory]   interface IColumnsInfo;       [mandatory]   interface IConvertType;       [mandatory]   interface IRowset;       [mandatory]   interface IRowsetInfo;       [optional]    interface IChapteredRowset;       [optional]    interface IColumnsInfo2;       [optional]    interface IColumnsRowset;       [optional]    interface IConnectionPointContainer;       [optional]    interface IDBAsynchStatus;       [optional]    interface IGetRow;       [optional]    interface IRowsetChange;       [optional]    interface IRowsetChapterMember;       [optional]    interface IRowsetCurrentIndex;       [optional]    interface IRowsetFind;       [optional]    interface IRowsetIdentity;       [optional]    interface IRowsetIndex;       [optional]    interface IRowsetLocate;       [optional]    interface IRowsetRefresh;       [optional]    interface IRowsetScroll;       [optional]    interface IRowsetUpdate;       [optional]    interface IRowsetView;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;       [optional]    interface IRowsetBookmark;    }


   CoType TView {       [mandatory]   interface IColumnsInfo;       [optional]    interface IAccessor;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;       [optional]    interface IViewChapter;       [optional]    interface IViewFilter;       [optional]    interface IViewRowset;       [optional]    interface IViewSort;    }


   CoType TIndex {       [mandatory]   interface IAccessor;       [mandatory]   interface IColumnsInfo;       [mandatory]   interface IConvertType;       [mandatory]   interface IRowset;       [mandatory]   interface IRowsetIndex;       [mandatory]   interface IRowsetInfo;       [optional]    interface IRowsetChange;       [optional]    interface IRowsetCurrentIndex;       [optional]    interface IRowsetFind;       [optional]    interface IRowsetIdentity;       [optional]    interface IRowsetLocate;       [optional]    interface IRowsetRefresh;       [optional]    interface IRowsetScroll;       [optional]    interface IRowsetUpdate;       [optional]    interface IRowsetView;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }


   CoType TTransaction {       [mandatory]   interface IConnectionPointContainer;       [mandatory]   interface ITransaction;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }

Transaction options:

   CoType TTransactionOptions {       [mandatory]   interface ITransactionOptions;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }


   CoType TErrorObject {       [mandatory]   interface IErrorRecords;    }

Custom errors:

   CoType TCustomErrorObject {       [optional]    interface ISQLErrorInfo;    }

Error records:

   CoType TErrorRecord {       [mandatory]   interface IErrorInfo;    }

Binder objects:

   CoType TBinder {       [mandatory]   interface IBindResource;       [mandatory]   interface ICreateRow;       [mandatory]   interface IDBBinderProperties;       [optional]    interface IRegisterProvider;        // Root binder only       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }

Row objects:

   CoType TRow {       [mandatory]   interface IColumnsInfo;       [mandatory]   interface IConvertType;       [mandatory]   interface IGetSession;       [mandatory]   interface IRow;       [optional]    interface IColumnsInfo2;       [optional]    interface IConnectionPointContainer;       [optional]    interface ICreateRow;       [optional]    interface IDBAsynchStatus;       [optional]    interface IDBCreateCommand;       [optional]    interface IDBInitialize;       [optional]    interface IRowChange;       [optional]    interface IRowSchemaChange;       [optional]    interface IScopedOperations;       [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    }

Stream objects:

CoType TStream {    [mandatory]   interface ISequentialStream;    [optional]    interface IConnectionPointContainer;    [optional]    interface IDBAsynchStatus;    [optional]    interface IDBInitialize;    [optional]    interface IGetSourceRow;    [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;    [optional]    interface IStream; }

1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Microsoft Ole Db 2.0 Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK
Microsoft OLE DB 2.0 Programmers Reference and Data Access SDK (Microsoft Professional Editions)
ISBN: 0735605904
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1998
Pages: 1083

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