Math Functions

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mastering crystal reports 9
Appendix E - Crystal Reports Built-in Functions
Mastering Crystal Reports 9
by Cate McCoy and Gord Maric
Sybex 2003

The built-in math functions for Basic Syntax and Crystal Syntax allow some fairly sophisticated mathematic calculations. Use these functions in formula fields, conditional statements, and in other functions.

Abs(x) Returns a positive value for x.

Atn (number) Returns the angle whose tangent is the argument to the function.

Cos (number) Returns the cosine of an angle that was specified in radians.

Exp (number) Returns e (approximately 2.718282) raised to a power.

Fix (number), Fix (number, #places) Returns a truncated value.

Log (number) Returns a natural logarithm.

Pi Returns 3.14159265…

Remainder (number1, number2) Returns an integer that is left over after number1 is divided by number2. The following Basic Syntax function can be used to control formatting in the Details section and set each even record number background to green and each odd number background to white:

If Remainder( recordNumber, 2) = 0 Then   crGreen Else   crWhite End If

Rnd, Rnd (seed) Returns a random number optionally based on a starting seed value.

Round (x), Round (x, #places) Returns a number rounded down to the nearest integer.

Sin (number) Returns the sine of an angle that was specified in radians.

Sqr (number) Returns the square root of a number.

Tan (number) Returns the tangent of an angle that was specified in radians.

Truncate (x), Truncate (x, #places) Returns a truncated value.

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Mastering Crystal Reports 9
Mastering Crystal Reports 9
ISBN: 0782141730
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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