7.1. Valid Reasons to Create a Routine

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Here's a list of valid reasons to create a routine. The reasons overlap somewhat, and they're not intended to make an orthogonal set.

Reduce complexity The single most important reason to create a routine is to reduce a program's complexity. Create a routine to hide information so that you won't need to think about it. Sure, you'll need to think about it when you write the routine. But after it's written, you should be able to forget the details and use the routine without any knowledge of its internal workings. Other reasons to create routines minimizing code size, improving maintainability, and improving correctness are also good reasons, but without the abstractive power of routines, complex programs would be impossible to manage intellectually.

One indication that a routine needs to be broken out of another routine is deep nesting of an inner loop or a conditional. Reduce the containing routine's complexity by pulling the nested part out and putting it into its own routine.

Introduce an intermediate, understandable abstraction Putting a section of code into a well-named routine is one of the best ways to document its purpose. Instead of reading a series of statements like

if ( node <> NULL ) then    while ( node.next <> NULL ) do       node = node.next       leafName = node.name    end while else    leafName = "" end if

you can read a statement like this:

leafName = GetLeafName( node )

The new routine is so short that nearly all it needs for documentation is a good name. The name introduces a higher level of abstraction than the original eight lines of code, which makes the code more readable and easier to understand, and it reduces complexity within the routine that originally contained the code.

Avoid duplicate code Undoubtedly the most popular reason for creating a routine is to avoid duplicate code. Indeed, creation of similar code in two routines implies an error in decomposition. Pull the duplicate code from both routines, put a generic version of the common code into a base class, and then move the two specialized routines into subclasses. Alternatively, you could migrate the common code into its own routine, and then let both call the part that was put into the new routine. With code in one place, you save the space that would have been used by duplicated code. Modifications will be easier because you'll need to modify the code in only one location. The code will be more reliable because you'll have to check only one place to ensure that the code is right. Modifications will be more reliable because you'll avoid making successive and slightly different modifications under the mistaken assumption that you've made identical ones.

Support subclassing You need less new code to override a short, well-factored routine than a long, poorly factored routine. You'll also reduce the chance of error in subclass implementations if you keep overrideable routines simple.

Hide sequences It's a good idea to hide the order in which events happen to be processed. For example, if the program typically gets data from the user and then gets auxiliary data from a file, neither the routine that gets the user data nor the routine that gets the file data should depend on the other routine's being performed first. Another example of a sequence might be found when you have two lines of code that read the top of a stack and decrement a stackTop variable. Put those two lines of code into a PopStack() routine to hide the assumption about the order in which the two operations must be performed. Hiding that assumption will be better than baking it into code from one end of the system to the other.

Hide pointer operations Pointer operations tend to be hard to read and error prone. By isolating them in routines, you can concentrate on the intent of the operation rather than on the mechanics of pointer manipulation. Also, if the operations are done in only one place, you can be more certain that the code is correct. If you find a better data type than pointers, you can change the program without traumatizing the code that would have used the pointers.

Improve portability Use of routines isolates nonportable capabilities, explicitly identifying and isolating future portability work. Nonportable capabilities include nonstandard language features, hardware dependencies, operating-system dependencies, and so on.

Simplify complicated boolean tests Understanding complicated boolean tests in detail is rarely necessary for understanding program flow. Putting such a test into a function makes the code more readable because (1) the details of the test are out of the way and (2) a descriptive function name summarizes the purpose of the test.

Giving the test a function of its own emphasizes its significance. It encourages extra effort to make the details of the test readable inside its function. The result is that both the main flow of the code and the test itself become clearer. Simplifying a boolean test is an example of reducing complexity, which was discussed earlier.

Improve performance You can optimize the code in one place instead of in several places. Having code in one place will make it easier to profile to find inefficiencies. Centralizing code into a routine means that a single optimization benefits all the code that uses that routine, whether it uses it directly or indirectly. Having code in one place makes it practical to recode the routine with a more efficient algorithm or in a faster, more efficient language.

To ensure all routines are small? No. With so many good reasons for putting code into a routine, this one is unnecessary. In fact, some jobs are performed better in a single large routine. (The best length for a routine is discussed in Section 7.4, "How Long Can a Routine Be?")


For details on information hiding, see "Hide Secrets (Information Hiding)" in Section 5.3.

Operations That Seem Too Simple to Put Into Routines

One of the strongest mental blocks to creating effective routines is a reluctance to create a simple routine for a simple purpose. Constructing a whole routine to contain two or three lines of code might seem like overkill, but experience shows how helpful a good small routine can be.

Small routines offer several advantages. One is that they improve readability. I once had the following single line of code in about a dozen places in a program:

Pseudocode Example of a Calculation
points = deviceUnits * ( POINTS_PER_INCH / DeviceUnitsPerInch() )

This is not the most complicated line of code you'll ever read. Most people would eventually figure out that it converts a measurement in device units to a measurement in points. They would see that each of the dozen lines did the same thing. It could have been clearer, however, so I created a well-named routine to do the conversion in one place:

Pseudocode Example of a Calculation Converted to a Function
Function DeviceUnitsToPoints ( deviceUnits Integer ): Integer    DeviceUnitsToPoints = deviceUnits *       ( POINTS_PER_INCH / DeviceUnitsPerInch() ) End Function

When the routine was substituted for the inline code, the dozen lines of code all looked more or less like this one:

Pseudocode Example of a Function Call to a Calculation Function
points = DeviceUnitsToPoints( deviceUnits )

This line is more readable even approaching self-documenting.

This example hints at another reason to put small operations into functions: small operations tend to turn into larger operations. I didn't know it when I wrote the routine, but under certain conditions and when certain devices were active, DeviceUnitsPerlnch() returned 0. That meant I had to account for division by zero, which took three more lines of code:

 Pseudocode Example of a Calculation That Expands Under Maintenance Function DeviceUnitsToPoints( deviceUnits: Integer ) Integer;    if ( DeviceUnitsPerInch() <> 0 )       DeviceUnitsToPoints = deviceUnits *          ( POINTS_PER_INCH / DeviceUnitsPerInch() )    else       DeviceUnitsToPoints = 0    end if End Function

If that original line of code had still been in a dozen places, the test would have been repeated a dozen times, for a total of 36 new lines of code. A simple routine reduced the 36 new lines to 3.

Summary of Reasons to Create a Routine

Here's a summary list of the valid reasons for creating a routine:

  • Reduce complexity

  • Introduce an intermediate, understandable abstraction

  • Avoid duplicate code

  • Support subclassing

  • Hide sequences

  • Hide pointer operations

  • Improve portability

  • Simplify complicated boolean tests

  • Improve performance

In addition, many of the reasons to create a class are also good reasons to create a routine:

  • Isolate complexity

  • Hide implementation details

  • Limit effects of changes

  • Hide global data

  • Make central points of control

  • Facilitate reusable code

  • Accomplish a specific refactoring

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Code Complete
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735619670
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 334

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