A.8 PayrollBean Implementation Class Using Connectors

A.8 PayrollBean Implementation Class Using Connectors

Here is the source code for the PayrollBean class, which illustrates using the J2EE Connector architecture to access the mainframe-based payroll system, as described in Chapter 6.

Code Example A.8 PayrollBean Class
 package com.aardvark.payroll.impl; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory; import javax.resource.cci.Connection; import javax.resource.cci.MappedRecord; import javax.resource.cci.RecordFactory; import javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec; import javax.resource.cci.Interaction; import javax.resource.ResourceException; import com.aardvark.payroll.PayrollException; public class PayrollBean implements SessionBean {    // Mainframe connection factory    private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;    public void setBenefitsDeduction(int emplNumber,          double deduction) throws PayrollException    {       Connection cx = null;       try {          // Obtain connection to mainframe.          cx = getConnection();          // Create an interaction object.          Interaction ix = cx.createInteraction();          InteractionSpecImpl ixSpec = new InteractionSpecImpl();          // Set the name of the TP program to be invoked.          ixSpec.setFunctionName("SETPAYROLL_DEDUCTION");          // Specify that we will be sending input parameters          // to the TP program but are expecting to receive          // no output parameters.          ixSpec.setInteractionVerb(InteractionSpec.SYNC_SEND);          RecordFactory rf = ix.getRecordFactory();          // Create an object that knows how to          // format the input parameters.          MappedRecord input =             rf.createMappedRecord("PAYROLLINFO_DEDUCTION");          input.put("EMPLOYEENUMBER", new Integer(emplNumber));          input.put("DEDUCTION", new Double(deduction));          // Execute invokes the TP program, passing it          // the input parameters.          ix.execute(ixSpec, input);       } catch (ResourceException ex) {          throw new EJBException(ex);       } finally {          try {             if (cx != null) cx.close();          } catch (ResourceException ex) {          }       }    }    public double getBenefitsDeduction(int emplNumber)       throws PayrollException    {       Connection cx = null;       try {          cx = getConnection();          Interaction ix = cx.createInteraction();          InteractionSpecImpl ixSpec = new InteractionSpecImpl();          ixSpec.setFunctionName("GETPAYROLLDATA");          ixSpec.setInteractionVerb(             InteractionSpec.SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE);          RecordFactory rf = ix.getRecordFactory();          MappedRecord input =             rf.createMappedRecord("EMPLOYEEINFO");          input.put("EMPLOYEENUMBER", new Integer(emplNumber));          EmployeeRecord employee = new EmployeeRecordImpl();          if (ix.execute(ixSpec, input, employee))             return employee.getBenefitsDeduction();          else             throw new PayrollException(                PayrollException.INVAL_EMPL_NUMBER);       } catch (ResourceException ex) {          throw new EJBException(ex);       } finally {          try {             if (cx != null) cx.close();          } catch (ResourceException ex) {          }       }    }    public void setSalary(int emplNumber, double salary)       throws PayrollException    {       Connection cx = null;       try {          cx = getConnection();          Interaction ix = cx.createInteraction();          InteractionSpecImpl ixSpec = new InteractionSpecImpl();          ixSpec.setFunctionName("SETPAYROLL_SALARY");          ixSpec.setInteractionVerb(InteractionSpec.SYNC_SEND);          RecordFactory rf = ix.getRecordFactory();          MappedRecord input =             rf.createMappedRecord("PAYROLLINFO_SALARY");          input.put("EMPLOYEENUMBER", new Integer(emplNumber));          input.put("SALARY", new Double(salary));          ix.execute(ixSpec, input);       } catch (ResourceException ex) {          throw new EJBException(ex);       } finally {          try {             if (cx != null) cx.close();          } catch (ResourceException ex) {          }       }    }    public double getSalary(int emplNumber)       throws PayrollException    {       Connection cx = null;       try {          cx = getConnection();          Interaction ix = cx.createInteraction();          InteractionSpecImpl ixSpec = new InteractionSpecImpl();          ixSpec.setFunctionName("GETPAYROLLDATA");          ixSpec.setInteractionVerb(             InteractionSpec.SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE);          RecordFactory rf = ix.getRecordFactory();          MappedRecord input =             rf.createMappedRecord("EMPLOYEEINFO");          input.put("EMPLOYEENUMBER", new Integer(emplNumber));          EmployeeRecord employee = new EmployeeRecordImpl();          if (ix.execute(ixSpec, input, employee))             return employee.getSalary();          else             throw new PayrollException(                PayrollException.INVAL_EMPL_NUMBER);       } catch (ResourceException ex) {          throw new EJBException(ex);       } finally {          try {             if (cx != null) cx.close();          } catch (ResourceException ex) {          }       }    }    public void ejbCreate() {}    public void ejbRemove() {}    public void ejbPassivate() {}    public void ejbActivate() {}    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sc) {}    private Connection getConnection() {       try {          Connection cx = connectionFactory.getConnection();          return cx;       } catch (ResourceException ex) {          throw new EJBException(ex);       }    }    private void readEnvironment() {       try {          Context nc = new InitialContext();          connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory)nc.lookup(             "java:comp/env/eis/ConnectionFactory");       } catch (NamingException ex) {          throw new EJBException(ex);       }    } } 

Applying Enterprise Javabeans
Applying Enterprise JavaBeans(TM): Component-Based Development for the J2EE(TM) Platform
ISBN: 0201702673
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 110

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