The Keys to Guiding the Process

The way you guide a discussion determines the quality of the results. Whether the facilitator is an outside leader, you, or someone from your group, these important pointers can help everyone produce great results.

Key #1: Establish Constructive Communication Guidelines

Positive communication guidelines include ways to respect others by speaking about issues rather than personalities. They also encourage speaking candidly and using "I" statements to take personal ownership for what is said. An effective facilitator encourages each person to participate, welcome new ideas, and listen to and reflect upon what others say.

The following list outlines communication guidelines that have proven to be effective. Before starting a meeting, post them on the wall or project them on a screen for everyone to see. Ask participants if they are willing to abide by the guidelines and whether there are any additions or modifications that would support their constructive participation.

start sidebar
  1. Be candid—offer your best insights and ideas.

  2. Speak about issues, not personalities. Use "I" statements to express your perspective.

  3. Listen to and reflect on what others say.

  4. Seek to find the shared wisdom within the group.

  5. Be willing to let go of your position for the greater good.

end sidebar

Key #2: Write Down the Ten-Step Process and Keep It in View of the Group

You can refer to the "Quick Use Guide" at the end of Part 1 or write the ten steps on a flip chart. Either of these measures will help participants keep the process in mind. They can point to the steps rather than at one another when they want to bring the process back on track.

Key #3: Encourage Participants to Discuss their Hopes and Look for Common Ground

Team members need to know that they are pursuing similar objectives as well as appreciating their differences. Then they can do meaningful work together. Often, differences of opinion or divergent personal styles obscure shared interests. A facilitator helps participants plumb their hopes to find their shared objectives.

Key #4: Focus on Information Exchange Rather Than Debate

If you want a verbal wrestling match, get a referee. If you want constructive dialogue, have someone ensure that participants get their ideas out without premature judgment or debate.

Key #5: Assess Progress Along the Way

At breaks, ask participants for feedback. Are they addressing the real issues? Is participation balanced? Encourage suggestions for improvement. Participants need to retain ownership for the meeting and be aware of how it serves everyone's needs.

Key #6: Help Participants Find Shared Solutions

The most effective techniques help participants quickly see the range of potential solutions. One way to do this is to visually display a team's choices in order to depersonalize issues. Then participants can comment on the ideas without criticizing one another.

Key #7: Gain Commitment to Translate the Solutions into Results

Many good ideas go nowhere because no one translates them into action assignments. Determine what needs to be done, who needs to do it, and how and when to accomplish it.

When several people share responsibility for implementation, ask one person to "hold the bucket." This person doesn't need to do any more work than the rest, but she or he does accept responsibility for ensuring that the job gets done.

Key #8: Bring the Discussion to a Constructive Close

Ask each participant to provide a brief comment about what the group accomplished or what worked well or could have been handled better. Invite ideas about next steps. Participants appreciate the opportunity for closure. It also provides helpful feedback for future meetings.

How Great Decisions Get Made. 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues
How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues
ISBN: 0814407935
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 112
Authors: Don Maruska © 2008-2017.
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