Chapter 4


What does the acronym NSAP represent and what is an NSAP used for?


NSAP means network service access point. This is OSI terminology for a network layer address. NSAP addresses provide the foundation for routing datagrams in a CLNP network, and IS-IS functions are designed around NSAPs. Therefore, IP routers need to be configured with NSAPs when using IS-IS for IP routing.


What are the three major components of an NSAP? Describe the significance of each.


The three components are area address (area ID), system ID (SysID), and the NSAP selector (NSEL). The area address identifies the native area of a network node and helps determine the type of adjacencies one node forms with another. The SysID is a unique identifier of a node within an IS-IS area. The NSEL determines the higher level user of the network service that packets must be delivered to for processing at a node. The value of the NSEL is 0x00 for the routing layer.


What is the maximum length of an NSAP and what is the minimum length that can be configured on a Cisco router?


The maximum length of an NSAP is 160 bits (20 bytes). The minimum size that can be configured on a Cisco router is 8 bytes. The 8 bytes includes 1 byte of NSEL, 6 bytes of SysID, and 1 byte of area ID. However, it is recommended that the AFI stands apart from the actual area value in the area ID. Therefore, 9 bytes makes more sense where 2 bytes are allocated for the area, one of which is the AFI.


What's the AFI field in an NSAP, and what is its significance?


AFI stands for address and format identifier. The AFI designates the top-level address domain to which the NSAP belongs and also defines the syntax (binary, decimal, or character) of the domain-specific part of the NSAP.


How many OSI top-layer address domains exist? List them.


There are seven top-layer OSI addressing domains:

  • X.121 ” International plan for public data networks

  • ISO DCC ” Data country code

  • F.69 ” Telex

  • E.163 ” Public Switched Telephone network

  • E.164 ” ISDN

  • ISO 6523 ” International code designator ( ICD ) for organizations

  • Local ” For local use only within a network domain


Associate the following addresses with one of these top-level address domains:

  1. 39.0005.1100.2200.432A.26CD.00

  2. 47.0001.2211.3311.5566.ACD7.2351.00AC.210700


You can associate an NSAP address with one top-level domain from the value of its AFI, which is the leftmost byte in the address:

  1. AFI value of 39 is ISO DCC.

  2. AFI value of 47 is ISO 6523(ICD).


How many bytes of the NSAP are allocated to the SysID on a Cisco router? What is the value specified by ISO 10589?


Cisco follows the convention specified by the US GOSIP version 2 standard, which requires 6 bytes for the system ID field. ISO 10589 specifies a range of 1 to 8 bytes.


IS-IS has two levels of routing, Level 1 and Level 2. Elaborate on the relevance of the major fields of the NSAP to these routing levels in the ISO CLNS environment.


Level 1 routing is based on only the System ID field in the NSAP, whereas Level 2 routing uses only the Area field. On a Cisco router, the combined length of the System ID and N-Selector fields is always 7 bytes, so the area address can easily be discerned as the remainder of the NSAP after stripping the trailing 7 bytes.


List some of the requirements and caveats for defining the system ID on a device.


The system ID of all nodes in the routing domain must have the same length. On Cisco routers, the system ID length must be 6 bytes.

Each node in an area must have a unique system ID.


How many NSAPs can you have per router according to ISO 10589? What is the purpose of having more than one NSAP per router?


According to ISO 10589, a router can have up to three NSAPs, all of which must use the same system ID and 0x00 for the N-selector but different area prefixes. Multiple NSAPs per router might be necessary for renumbering NSAPs in an area or domain, partitioning an area or merging different areas in a network domain.


What does SNPA stand for and what is its relevance in the IS-IS routing environment?


SNPA stands for subnetwork point of attachment. It has no relevance to the Subnetwork Access Point ( SNAP ) field associated with the Ethernet 802.3 SNAP frame format. SNPA is the ISO name for a data-link address, such as a MAC or a Frame Relay DLCI address. Layer 3 routes point to an outgoing data-link interface that is also described by its address, the SNPA.


Identify the area address, SysID, and NSEL values in the following address:



The NSAP address components are as follows:

Area: 47.005.8001.443E

System ID: AB11.BD48.0C1F

N-selector: 00

IS-IS Network Design Solutions
IS-IS Network Design Solutions (Networking Technology)
ISBN: 1578702208
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 144
Authors: Abe Martey © 2008-2017.
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