MageUI (Manifest Generation and Editing) tool, 183

main entry points, 35–36

MakeGenericType method, 387

Managed Debugger (MDbg)

commands, 511–512

overview, 503, 506–507

walkthrough, 507–510

managed heap

generations, 534

overview, 530

manifest, 355

Manifest Generation and Editing (MageUI) tool, 183

MarshalAs attribute, 624

marshaling, explicit, 622–624

mathematical and logical operator overloading

C++ vs. C# languages, 628

Decrement (-) operators, 632

implementing, 629–632

Increment (++) operators, 632

LeftShift operators, 633

operator false, 634

operator true, 634

operator|| and operator&&, 636–637

operator== and operator!=, 635

overview, 628–629

paired operators, 635–637

replacement methods, 646

RightShift operators, 633

MDbg. See Managed Debugger (MDbg)

member functions

constructors, 63

destructors, 68

function code, 54–55

function overloading, 62–63

local variables, 55–56

methods, 56

nested types, 73

overview, 54

parameters, 58–61

partial classes, 74–76

properties, 69–72

returns, 57–58


abstract, 106

accessibility, 49

ArrayList collection, 215–219

attributes, 49

BitArray collection, 219–220

class members, overview, 48

data members, 51

delegates, 306

function members, 51

Hashtable collection, 222–224

instance members overview, 50

LayoutKind enumeration, 618

modifiers, 49

Queue collection, 226–227

sealed, 108

SortedList collection, 228–230

static members overview, 50

System.Array, 196–199

UnmanagedType enumeration, 623

WeakReference class, 591

MemberTypes enumeration, 370


breakpoints memory commands, 516–518

Constrained Execution Region (CER), 592–594

counters, 538–539

destructors, 538

display memory commands, 515–516

Dispose method. See Dispose method

dump files. See dump files

finalization, 537–538

finalizers. See finalizers

garbage collection overview, 555–559

garbage collector (GC), 530

GC class, 598

GC flavors, 559–560

generations, 534–537

HandleCollector class, 596–597

handles, 596–597

IDisposable interface. See IDisposable interface

managed heap, 530

managing, 530, 550, 553–554

Memory window, 474

Object.Finalize, 538

Performance Monitor, 538–539

pressure, 596

reference tree, 531–533

thread local storage (TLS), 553, 568, 580

unmanaged resources. See unmanaged resources

Virtual Memory Manager (VMM), 530

VirtualAlloc, 530

walkthrough, 531–533

weak references. See weak references

Memory window, 474


attributes, 356

collections, 371

exception handling, 352

heaps, 358

Intermediate Language Disassembler (ILDASM), 359, 360–364

manifest, 355

overview, 355

PEVerify, 359

pure time, 360

streams, 358

tables, 357

tokens, 357–358

validation, 359–360

method directives, 412–413


abstract, 106

accessibility, 56

AddMemoryPressure, 596

anonymous. See anonymous methods

BeginInvoke, 307–309

calling, 425–427

Close, 584

Combine, 302

CreateDelegate, 381–382

Dispose. See Dispose method

DynamicInvoke, 382

EndInvoke, 309–310

Finalize, 562

function parameters, 58–61

generic. See generic methods

GetCustomAttribute, 396, 397

GetCustomAttributes, 396–397

GetGenericArguments, 386

GetGenericTypeDefinition, 385

GetInvocationList, 303

GetType, 385

global, 412

inheritance, 258–259

Invoke, 300

load, 415–417

MakeGenericType, 387

MulticastDelegate type, 306

Object.Equals, 92

Object.GetHashCode, 93

Object.GetType, 93

Object.MemberwiseClone, 94–95

Object.ReferenceEquals, 95

Object.ToString, 94

overriding, 258–259

overview, 56

private static, 317

RemoveMemoryPressure, 596

return types, 57–58

sealed, 107

static, 317

store, 415–417

syntax, 56

System.Array, 199–203

System.Enum, 79

System.Exception, 336

System.Object, 91

TraceSource, 476–477

Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild)

command-line switches, 180

ItemGroup elements, 177

items, 177

overview, 135, 176

project files, 179–180

properties, 177

reserved properties, 177

syntax, 180

Target elements, 178

tasks, 178–179

walkthrough, 180–181

Microsoft Error Reporting dialog box, 504

Microsoft intermediate language programming. See MSIL programming

Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, xxiv

Microsoft Press Technology Updates Web page, xxiii

Microsoft Public Symbol Store Web site, 548

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. See Visual Studio 2005


list of, 47

members, 49

overview, 46

Modules window, 472–473

monitors, 540

MSBuild. See Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild)

MSIL programming

arithmetic instructions, 429–433

arrays, 428

assembly directives, 406–409

boxing, 419

branching, 423–427

class directives, 409–412

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 401

complex tasks, 417

debugging with Visual Studio 2005 overview, 436

directives, 406

evaluation stacks, 405–406

exception clauses, 431

generic types, 265

Hello World application, 403–405

ILASM. See Intermediate Language Assembler (ILASM)

inheritance, 420–421

instructions, 414–417

interfaces, 421–422

Intermediate Language Assembler. See Intermediate Language Assembler (ILASM)

Just-in-time (JIT) compilers, 401

managing types, 417–418

method directives, 412–413

miscellaneous operations, 432

overview, 399, 401–403, 406

process execution, 433–436

roundtripping, 434–436

scoped exceptions, 432

structures, 422

multicast delegates

arrays of delegates, 301

exception handling, 312

invocation lists, 303

overview, 298

MulticastDelegate type, 306

multidimensional arrays

array hierarchy, 193

four-dimensional array example, 193

nested arrays, 193

overview, 187, 191

sample code, 193

syntax, 192

multiline comments (/* and */), 10

mutexes, 540

Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2005(c) The Language
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 BASICS
ISBN: 0619267208
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 161

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