

Carter, Stephen L., 29-30

Carty, Donald, 160

CEO: as celebrity, 73-74; charisma of, 74-75; communicator role of, 93-94; deal maker role of, 85-86; decision-making challenges for, 82-83; disposition of, 90; hands-on involvement by, 88-89; humanitarian role of, 81-83; manager role of, 88-90; motivator role of, 90-91; passion of, 91; risk taker role of, 86-87; risk taking by, 142-146; sage role of, 83-85; visionary role of, 91-93. See also leader

Charles Schwab, 27-28

cheating, 34

chief executive officer. See CEO choices: continuity in making, 40; description of, 21-22

clarity: in communication, 103, 110-111; defining of, 44-49; importance of, 61; testing of, 59-61

coaching role of CEO, 83-84

cognitive bias, 125

collaboration, 69

college: honor system in, 34-35; integrity in, 34-35; plagiarism in, 34-36

Collins, Jim, 50-51, 56

commitment: collaboration's role in, 69; description of, 67; leadership, 94-95

communication: clarity in, 103, 110-111; compassion in, 104-105; consistency in, 103-104, 111-112; during a crisis, 113-116; effectiveness of, 102; e-mail effects on, 99; empathy in, 102; frequency of, 104, 112; guideposts for, 101-105; importance of, xxvi; lack of, xxiii; nonverbal cues, 100; personality type and, 107-109; of purpose, 55; quality of, 100; at Southwest Airlines, 170-171; strategic plan, 66; trust building and, 102, 109-113, 116; of values, 55; of vision, 92

communicator role of CEO, 93-94

company: branding of, 47-48; changes in, 87; conflict in, 19; culture of, 18, 145; elements of, 81; eye-level trust in, 9; growth of, 143; image of, 48; mission of, 39; risk taking in, 87, 144-145; vision of, 39

Compaq, 156

compassion, 104-105

conflict: accountability and, 124, 129; assessment of, 126; confronting of, 123-124; description of, 119-120; difficulty in dealing with, 121-124; emotion in, 129-130; examples of, 120-121, 131-135; feedback regarding, 129; impact of, 127; integrity and, 124; management of, xxvi-xxvii; organizational, 131-135; responses to, 121-122; results of, 136; self-perspective on, 128; trust and, 124; unresolvable, 130-131

conflict resolution: acknowledgment from, 136; action plan for, 126-128; appreciation from, 136; creativity improvements after, 136; description of, 121; example of, 131-135; obstacles to, 127; ongoing nature of, 135-136; opportunity derived from, 136; other person's perspective in, 128-130; outcomes of, 128; preparations for, 124-125; upbringing and experience influences on, 123, 125

conscientiousness, 141-142

consumers, 4

context, 78

core values: description of, xxiv-xxv, 40-41; development of, 51-53; understanding of, 50-51

corporate accountability, 33

corporate executives: CEO. See CEO; greed of, 16; wealth of, 16

corporate greed, 2

corporate responsibility, 2

Costa, Sandy, 9, 32

courage, 141

covenant, 9

creativity: conflict resolution and, 136; risk taking and, 141

crisis, communication during, 113-116

Crum, Thomas, 135-136

customers: attracting of, xxiii; communication with, 112-113; learning about, 85-86; product development contributions by, 85; trust of, 7-8

The Accountable Organization. Reclaiming Integrity, Restoring Trust
The Accountable Organization: Reclaiming Integrity, Restoring Trust
ISBN: 0891061851
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 82
Authors: John Marchica © 2008-2017.
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