EXPLICIT mode requires a more complex query syntax but gives you the greatest control over the resulting XML. EXPLICIT mode queries define XML fragments in terms of a universal table, which consists of a column for each piece of data you require and two additional columns that are used to define the metadata for the XML fragment. The Tag column uniquely identifies the XML tag that will be used to represent each row in the results, and the Parent column is used to control the nesting of elements. Each row of data in the universal table represents an element in the resulting XML document.

Identifying the Required Universal Table

The easiest way to understand the EXPLICIT syntax is to begin with the XML document fragment that you want to produce and work backward to figure out the universal table needed to create that particular XML structure. Let’s take a simple example to begin with—imagine that we need to produce a simple list of UK-based customers in the following XML format:

 <Item InvoiceNo=OrderID>ProductID</Item> <Item InvoiceNo=OrderID>ProductID</Item>  

The task of figuring out the universal table required to produce this XML structure requires that you identify the columns needed to define the metadata and data in the document. To identify the metadata columns, you need to examine the hierarchy of elements in the document, noting the different tags in the document that map to tables in the database and the parent/child relationships between the elements. In this case, that’s fairly simple. The required XML fragment contains only one tag that’s mapped to a table: <Item>, so all Tag fields will have a value of 1. Elements at the top level of the fragment have no parent element, so the Parent of each element is NULL.

Having worked out that each row in the universal table will contain 1 in the Tag column and NULL in the Parent column, we must now turn our attention to the columns required for the data. In our document, we have two pieces of required data, both of which belong to the Item element. One is an attribute of the Item element, while the other is the actual value of the Item element.

Universal tables use the name of the data columns to dictate how the data will be defined in an XML document. Column names in a universal table consist of up to four parameters, as shown here:


The ElementName and TagNumber parameters are required to specify the name and tag number of the element the data belongs to, so in our example the column names must all begin with Item!1 to indicate that the data belongs to an element named Item, which is represented by tag number 1. Column names with no attribute name or directive result in element values, which is what we want for the ProductID column. So the column name for the ProductID column is simply Item!1.

Adding the AttributeName parameter creates an attribute in the specified element, which is what we want for the InvoiceNo column. To create a column with the required attribute, we need to name the column Item!1!InvoiceNo.

The use of the TagNumber parameter together with the ElementName parameter might at first appear to be redundant because each column in a query against a single table must always use the same ElementName and Tag values. However, when we retrieve data from multiple tables to produce a nested XML hierarchy, the ElementName and Tag parameters are used to map the values in the columns into the appropriate element in the XML hierarchy.

So we now know that we’re looking for the following universal table:

Tag Parent Item!1 Item!1!InvoiceNo













The Transact-SQL code required to produce this table from the data in the Customers table is shown here:

 SELECT   1 AS Tag,  NULL AS Parent, ProductID AS [Item!1], OrderID AS [Item!1!InvoiceNo] FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = 10248 

Note that the Tag and Parent values are explicitly assigned in the SELECT statement. This ensures that every row in the rowset returned by this query will have a Tag column with a value of 1 and a Parent column with a value of NULL.

To generate the required XML document, simply add the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause to the query. This action produces the following results:

 <Item InvoiceNo="10248">11</Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248">42</Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248">72</Item> 

InTransact-SQL, the AS keyword is optional when you’re assigning an alias. The query could have been written as SELECT 1 Tag …, and so on.

Directives in EXPLICIT Mode Queries

The fourth part of the column name in a universal table is used to provide further control over how the data is represented. The directives supported by FOR XML EXPLICIT queries are the following:

  • element: Used to indicate that the data in this column should be encoded and represented as a subelement in the resulting XML fragment.
  • xml: Used to indicate that the column should be represented as a subelement in the resulting XML fragment. No encoding of data takes place.
  • hide: Used to indicate that a particular column should be present in the universal table but not in the XML fragment returned.
  • xmltext: Used to retrieve XML data from an overflow column and append it to the current element. This directive is customarily used when an overflow column has been used to store XML strings that don’t belong elsewhere in the table.
  • cdata: Used to represent data in this column as a CDATA section in the resulting XML fragment.
  • ID, IDREF, and IDREFS: Used together with the XMLDATA option to return an inline schema with attributes of type ID, IDREF, or IDREFS. These directives can be used to create relationships between elements across multiple documents.

Retrieving Subelements with the element and xml Directives

The most commonly used directiveis element. It specifies that the data in the column should be rendered as a subelement, rather than as an attribute. To see how this directive is used, let’s extend our required XML result to the following format:

 <Item InvoiceNo=OrderID>     ProductID     <Price>UnitPrice</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo=OrderID>     ProductID     <Price>UnitPrice</Price> </Item>  

We’ve added an extra piece of data to the XML document, and therefore to the universal table, that needs to be implemented as a subelement of the Item element. The universal table required for this structure follows:

Tag Parent Item!1 Item!1!InvoiceNo Item!1!Price!element
















The Transact-SQL statement to produce an XML fragment based on this universal table is shown in the following example:

 SELECT   1 AS Tag,  NULL AS Parent, ProductID AS [Item!1], OrderID AS [Item!1!InvoiceNo], UnitPrice AS [Item!1!Price!element] FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = 10248 FOR XML EXPLICIT 

This code produces the following XML fragment containing an Item element with an InvoiceNo attribute, the ID of the product as a value, and a Price subelement:

 <Item InvoiceNo="10248">     11     <Price>14</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248">     42     <Price>9.8</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248">     72     <Price>34.8</Price> </Item> 

You can execute this query by running EXPLICIT.vbs in the Demos\Chapter2 folder on the companion CD.

The element directive encodes the data in the column. For example, if we suppose a column contained the data >5, the element directive would encode this as &gt;5. The xml directive performs the same function as element but doesn’t encode the data.

The element and xml directives make it possible to retrieve XML fragments that contain a mixture of attribute-centric and element-centric mappings with EXPLICIT mode queries. The other directives are useful in certain specific circumstances, and we’ll examine these shortly. But first let’s see how we can use EXPLICIT mode to retrieve data from multiple tables.

Using EXPLICIT Mode to Retrieve Related Data

So far we’ve used EXPLICIT mode queries to retrieve data from a single table. What if you need data from more than one table? For example, let’s suppose you want to retrieve an XML fragment containing the name of the products ordered. To do this, we can use a query joining the Order Details and Products tables, as shown here:

 SELECT   1 AS Tag,  NULL AS Parent, ProductName AS [Item!1], OrderID AS [Item!1!InvoiceNo], OD.UnitPrice AS [Item!1!Price!element] FROM [Order Details] OD JOIN Products P ON OD.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE OrderID = 10248 FOR XML EXPLICIT 

The XML result for this query is shown here:

 <Item InvoiceNo="10248">     Queso Cabrales     <Price>14</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248">     Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee     <Price>9.8</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248">     Mozzarella di Giovanni     <Price>34.8</Price> </Item> 

In the preceding example, a JOIN operator was used to replace a foreign key column with data from the related table. This is relatively simple and is no different from how you would perform the same task in an AUTO or RAW mode query. However, suppose we wanted to retrieve the order header data for each order detail so that the XML produced contains a nested heirarchy in which each order is represented by an element that contains child elements representing the order details. To retrieve parent/child data in an EXPLICIT mode query is trickier than it first appears. You might imagine that you can retrieve related data. We’ll do this simply by adding another table to the query like this:

 SELECT   1 AS Tag,  NULL AS Parent, ProductName AS [Item!1], O.OrderID AS [Item!1!InvoiceNo], OrderDate AS [Item!1!Date], OD.UnitPrice AS [Item!1!Price!element] FROM Orders O JOIN [Order Details] OD ON O.OrderID = OD.OrderID JOIN Products P ON OD.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE O.OrderID= 10248 FOR XML EXPLICIT 

The results are shown here:

 <Item InvoiceNo="10248" Date="1996-07-04T00:00:00">     Queso Cabrales     <Price>14</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248" Date="1996-07-04T00:00:00">     Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee     <Price>9.8</Price> </Item> <Item InvoiceNo="10248" Date="1996-07-04T00:00:00">     Mozzarella di Giovanni     <Price>34.8</Price> </Item> 

You can execute this query by running EXPLICITJoin.vbs in the Demos\Chapter2 folder on the companion CD.

As you can see, this strategy does return a list of order items for a particular order. However, it’s not the most efficient XML representation of the data. The order header information (the OrderID and OrderDate values) is repeated for each item. Ideally, we want to group all the order heading data under a single Invoice element, with a subelement containing the data relating to each item. A better XML structure for the data might look something like this:

 <Invoice InvoiceNo="10248" Date="1996-07-04T00:00:00">     <Item Product="Queso Cabrales">         <Price>14</Price>     </Item>     <Item Product="Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee">         <Price>9.8</Price>     </Item>     <Item Product="Mozzarella di Giovanni">         <Price>34.8</Price>     </Item> </Invoice> 

To retrieve the data in this structure, we need to identify the required universal table. The first step is to identify the metadata column values we need, and this is where we encounter a major difference from the queries we have executed up to now. There are two tags that map to tables in the required fragment: <Invoice>, which maps to the Products table and <Item>, which maps to the Order Details table. The Tag and Parent values for these elements must be different; for example, we could assign the < Invoice> tag a value of 1 in the tag column and < Item> could be identified by the value 2. Notice also that the Parent values must be different as well. The Invoice element has no parent, and can therefore be assigned NULL in the Parent column, but the Item element is a child of the Invoice element, and so must have tag number 1 assigned in the Parent column.

Now, since the Tag and Parent values are explicitly assigned in the SELECT statement, we have a rather tricky problem: how do we assign two different sets of values in one query? The answer is we don’t. The Transact-SQL UNION ALL keywords allow us to create multiple separate queries and collate the results. We can use the UNION ALL operator to build the universal table we need from two queries: one for the Invoice element and the other for the Item element.

We use the UNION ALL operator rather than just UNION to eliminate any duplicate rows returned by any of the queries.

Here’s the universal table we need to create. The first and fourth rows are returned by the Invoice element query. (Note that the Product and Price columns are NULL.) The other rows are returned by the Item element query.

Tag Parent Invoice!1!InvoiceNo Invoice!1!Date Item!2!Product Item!2!Price!element





































Let’s first turn our attention to the Invoice element query. This query is fairly straightforward. The only difference from previous examples is that since the results are going to be combined with the Item element query using the UNION ALL operator, we need to specify the same columns in both queries. This means we need to specify a column for the Product and Price fields, even though the values aren’t returned by this query. We get around this inconvenience by explicitly assigning a NULL in those columns.

 SELECT   1 AS Tag,           NULL AS Parent,          OrderID AS [Invoice!1!InvoiceNo], 
          OrderDate AS [Invoice!1!Date],          NULL AS [Item!2!Product],          NULL AS [Item!2!Price!element] FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = 10248 

The Item element query is a little more complex. First, the Tag column needs to indicate that this data maps to tag number 2 in the hierarchy, and the Parent column needs to indicate that it’s a child of tag number 1 (Invoice). Second, we need to return data from the Orders, Products, and Order Details tables so that we can match order details to their orders. This means that we have to use two joins. We must also use the same column layout as in the Invoice element query, so we include the OrderID column, which will be used to collate Orders with Order Details, and specify a NULL placeholder for the OrderDate columns.

 SELECT  2,          1,          O.OrderID,         NULL,         P.ProductName,         OD.UnitPrice FROM Orders O JOIN [Order Details] OD ON O.OrderID = OD.OrderID JOIN Products P ON OD.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE O.OrderID = 10248 

The final task is to use the UNION ALL operator to combine the two queries and use an ORDER BY clause to ensure that the XML elements are collated properly, as shown here:

 SELECT  1 AS Tag,          NULL AS Parent,         OrderID AS [Invoice!1!InvoiceNo],         OrderDate AS [Invoice!1!Date],         NULL AS [Item!2!Product],         NULL AS [Item!2!Price!element] FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = 10248 UNION ALL SELECT  2,          1,          O.OrderID,         NULL,         P.ProductName,         OD.UnitPrice FROM Orders O JOIN [Order Details] OD ON O.OrderID = OD.OrderID JOIN Products P ON OD.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE O.OrderID = 10248 ORDER BY [Invoice!1!InvoiceNo], [Item!2!Product] FOR XML EXPLICIT 

You can execute this query by running EXPLICITUnion.vbs in the Demos\Chapter2 folder on the companion CD.

You can use EXPLICIT mode to retrieve documents that contain data from multiple tables by simply using UNION ALL to add another query for each tag that maps to a table. Although the syntax seems complex at first, the key to building any EXPLICIT query is to start with the XML structure you want to retrieve and then count how many different tags there are that map to tables. Once you have done this, you can figure out the layout of the required universal table and work out the necessary Transact-SQL statement to generate the table.

Sorting Data with the hide Directive

You use the hide directive to retrieve columns you don’t want to display in the resulting XML fragment. This might seem like a strange thing to want to do at first, but the practice is useful if you want to arrange the data in a specific order (using an ORDER BY clause) but don’t need the sort column in the results. For ordinary queries, you don’t need the hide directive to do this; any field can be used in an ORDER BY clause as long as it belongs to a table referenced in the FROM clause. However, when you’re using the UNION ALL operator, all fields in the ORDER BY clause must appear in the SELECT list.

For example, the following query could be used to sort all invoices for a particular customer in order of date:

 SELECT   1 AS Tag,  NULL AS Parent, CustomerID AS [Invoice!1!Customer], OrderID AS [Invoice!1!InvoiceNo], OrderDate AS [Invoice!1!Date!hide], NULL AS [Item!2!Product], NULL AS [Item!2!Price!element] FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = ‘VINET’ UNION ALL SELECT   2,           1, O.CustomerID, O.OrderID, O.OrderDate, P.ProductName, OD.UnitPrice FROM Orders O JOIN [Order Details ] OD ON O.OrderID = OD.OrderID JOIN Products P ON OD.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE O.OrderID = 10248 ORDER BY [Invoice!1!InvoiceNo], [Item!2!Product] FOR XML EXPLICIT 

This code produces the following XML fragment in which the customer invoices are sorted by date but the date field isn’t included in the results:

 <Invoice Customer="VINET" InvoiceNo="10248">     <Item Product="Mozzarella di Giovanni">         <Price>34.8</Price>     </Item>     <Item Product="Queso Cabrales">         <Price>14</Price>     </Item>     <Item Product="Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee">         <Price>9.8</Price>     </Item> </Invoice> <Invoice Customer="VINET" InvoiceNo="10274">     <Item Product="Flotemysost">         <Price>17.2</Price>     </Item>     <Item Product="Mozzarella di Giovanni">         <Price>27.8</Price>     </Item> </Invoice>  

Using the xmltext Directive to Retrieve XML Values

One interesting problem facing developers of integration solutions is matching the data entities in one application with those in another. For example, let’s suppose that when you’re building the e-commerce solution for Northwind Traders, data from customers is received in XML documents. A customer might send the following customer details update document to the Northwind database:

 <Customerdetails>     <CustomerID>AROUT</CustomerID>     <CompanyName>Around the Horn</CompanyName>     <ContactName>Thomas Hardy</ContactName>     <ContactTitle>Sales Representative</ContactTitle>     <Address>120 Hanover Sq.</Address>     <City>London</City>     <Region>Europe</Region>     <PostalCode>WA1 1DP</PostalCode>     <Country>UK</Country>     <Phone>(171) 555-7788</Phone>     <Fax>(171) 555-6750</Fax>     <Web email=""          site=""> </Customerdetails> 

The Customers table in the Northwind database has a matching column for each element in this document except for the Web element. Of course, customers could send much more data than is actually required by the Customers table. Rather than simply discard this data, you might create an overflow column in the Customers table and add the extra data as XML to this column. In the preceding example, we’d simply insert <Web email="" site=""/> into the overflow column.

To retrieve XML data from the overflow column, we can use the xmltext directive. When you’re using this directive, the position of the retrieved XML in the document depends on whether you specify an attribute name. If an attribute name is specified, the data is retrieved as a subelement with the specified name. If no attribute name is specified, the data is merged into the parent element. Let’s see an example of each approach. First we’ll specify an attribute name, as shown here:

 SELECT  1 AS Tag,          NULL AS Parent,         companyname AS [customer!1!companyname],         phone AS [customer!1!phone],         overflow AS [customer!1!overflow!xmltext] FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ‘AROUT’ FOR XML EXPLICIT 

The results are shown here:

 <customer companyname="Around the Horn" phone="(171) 555-7788">     <overflow email=""         site=""/> </customer> 

The effect of not specifying an attribute name is shown here:

 SELECT 1 AS Tag,         NULL AS Parent,        companyname AS [customer!1!companyname],        phone AS [customer!1!phone],        overflow AS [customer!1!!xmltext] FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ‘AROUT’ FOR XML EXPLICIT 

This code produces the following XML fragment:

 <customer companyname="Around the Horn"         phone="(171) 555-7788"     email=""     site=""/> 

This flexibility is a very powerful feature of the EXPLICIT statement. Entire XML documents can be stored in a single column and extracted using this statement.

Retrieving CDATA with the cdata Directive

XML documents often need to contain nonparsed character data. For example, you might want to include the text Elements look like <this> in an XML document, but if the text were parsed, the word <this> would be interpreted as an element. To avoid this problem, XML documents support the creation of CDATA sections. A CDATA section contains character data that isn’t parsed by an XML parser.

To retrieve data from a table and place it in a CDATA section, you can use the cdata directive. The only rule you have to remember when using the cdata directive is that no attribute name can be specified.

In the following example, the telephone number of the Around the Horn customer is returned as CDATA:

 SELECT 1 AS Tag,         NULL AS Parent,        companyname AS [customer!1!companyname],        phone AS [customer!1!!cdata] FROM customers WHERE CustomerID = ‘AROUT’ FOR XML EXPLICIT 

The results are shown here:

 <customer companyname="Around the Horn">     <![CDATA[(171) 555-7788]]> </customer> 

Using the ID, IDREF, and IDREFS Directives and the XMLDATA Option

In Chapter 1, I described the use of the ID, IDREF, and IDREFS data types to represent relational data in an XML document. This can be a useful technique for exchanging complex data while minimizing the amount of data duplication in the document.

You can use the ID, IDREF, and IDREFS directives in EXPLICIT mode queries to specify relational fields in the resulting XML document. Of course, this approach is useful only if a schema is used to define the document and identify the fields employed to link one entity to another. The XMLDATA option provides a way to generate an inline schema for the XML document returned by a FOR XML query in RAW, AUTO, or EXPLICIT mode, and when used together with the ID, IDREF, or IDREFS directives in an EXPLICIT mode query, it can be used to identify relational fields in a document. For example, a list of all invoices for a particular customer might be required. Rather than duplicate product data for each invoice, you could include a separate list of products in the document and use an ID/IDREF relationship to link the products to the orders. You can see the query used to retrieve this data here:

 SELECT 1 AS Tag,         NULL AS Parent,        ProductID AS [Product!1!ProductID!id],        ProductName AS [Product!1!Name],        NULL AS [Order!2!OrderID],        NULL AS [Order!2!ProductNo!idref] FROM Products UNION ALL SELECT 2,         NULL,        NULL,        NULL,        OrderID,        ProductID FROM [Order Details]  ORDER BY [Order!2!OrderID] FOR XML EXPLICIT, XMLDATA 

A partial result of this query appears here:

 <Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"     xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">     <ElementType name="Product" content="mixed" model="open">         <AttributeType name="ProductID" dt:type="id"/>         <AttributeType name="Name" dt:type="string"/>         <attribute type="ProductID"/>         <attribute type="Name"/>     </ElementType>     <ElementType name="Order" content="mixed" model="open">         <AttributeType name="OrderID" dt:type="i4"/>         <AttributeType name="ProductNo" dt:type="idref"/>         <attribute type="OrderID"/>         <attribute type="ProductNo"/>     </ElementType> </Schema> <Product xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" Product Name="Chai"/> <Product xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" Product Name="Chang"/> <Product xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" Product Name="Aniseed Syrup"/>  <Order xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" Order ProductNo="11"/> <Order xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" Order ProductNo="42"/> <Order xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" Order ProductNo="72"/> 

The resulting XML fragment contains an inline schema, which defines the elements and attributes in the document. The fields specified as ID and IDREF in the EXPLICIT mode query are assigned to XML data types ID and IDREF. For the other fields, an appropriate data type has been selected based on the data returned by the query. The ID and IDREF fields create a relationship between the ProductID attribute in the Product element and the ProductNo attribute in the Order element.

Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2000 With Xml
Programming Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2000 with XML (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735613699
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 89 © 2008-2017.
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