Section 9.7. JSON Message

9.7. JSON Message

JSON, Marshal, Semantic, Serialize, YAML

Figure 9-10. JSON Message

9.7.1. Developer Story

Dave is creating an Ajax calendar. The browser periodically polls for new appointments, which the server is sending as JSON messages. Since JSON messages are just JavaScript code for object creation, Devi's browser script needs only to run eval against each message in order to reconstruct the appointment.

9.7.2. Problem

How can you transfer data between server and browser?

9.7.3. Forces

  • Ajax Apps require messages to be transmitted back and forth.

  • Both browser and the server must be able to access the message. That usually means the format must be easily accessed in JavaScript as well as whichever server-side language is used.

9.7.4. Solution

Pass messages between server and browser in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. JSON is a standard serialization format, created in 2002 as a cleaner and lighter alternative to XML. As with XML, the object can range in complexity from a simple string to a deep hierarchical structure. Also like XML, JSON is language-neutral, meaning that you could marshall a C++ object into JSON notation and unmarshall it to form an object in Perl. But in practice, JSON is particularly suited to browser-server communication because it's a format based on JavaScript.

In fact, a JSON Message is JavaScript. This is a valid JSON Message:

   "Homer J." 

You can test browser-based JSON conversion on the Basic JSON Demo ( As you'll see there, the JSON Message "Homer J." maps to the JavaScript string, Homer J..

Here's a more complex example (as on the demo, reformatted):

   {"houseNumber":"742",     "street":"Evergreen Terrace",     "city":"Springfield",     "postcode":"49007",     "country":"USA",     "comments": ["Deliveries accepted.","Familiar address, huh?",""]   } 

As you can see, this JSON message is just a JavaScript object literal. You convert it like this:

   var name = eval("(" + nameJSON + ")"); 

Or like this ( if it takes your fancy:

   var name=new Function("return " + nameJSON)( ); 

Note that you don't even need a JSON library in the browser. The browser can pick up a JSON string using an XMLHttpRequest Call and simply run the standard eval function.

However, there is actually a JavaScript JSON library (, which adds two important capabilities: parse( ) for safer string-to-object conversion, and stringify( ) for object-to-string conversion. The former is an alternative to manual JavaScript evaluation, because evaling arbitrary messages puts your app at risk of running malicious JavaScript code. Thus, the string-to-object conversion should be executed if you don't trust the message. To parse a string, use the following codee:

   var name = JSON.parse(nameJSON); 

If you need to upload something to the server, you'll need to convert a JavaScript object to JSON with stringify( ). The Basic JSON Demo (http://ajaxlocal/run/json/) shows this conversion process too. The call looks like this:

   var nameJSON = JSON.stringify(name); 

So far, the examples have considered only JavaScript conversion. But JSON wouldn't be very useful if you could only convert to and from JavaScript objectsyou need to convert at the other end too, and your server side is probably not written in JavaScript. That's why there are JSON processors for many languages. Using these processors, you can easily share an object between JavaScript and your favorite server-side language.

A remoting modification ( of the Basic JSON Demo ( sends JSON to the server, using XMLHttpRequest Calls. There, it's converted to standard PHP objects using Michael Migurski's JSON-PHP library ( The library works similarly to JSON libraries for Java, .Net, and other languages. The following code converts JSON to a standard object:

   $json = new JSON( );   $newObject = $json->decode($jsonString); 

while the following code performs the reverse operation:

   $json = new JSON( );   $json = $json->encode($object); 

9.7.5. Real-World Examples

Many web sites use JSON as their data transfer format for shuttling data between browser and server. Kiko

Kiko ( is an online calendar application with a slew of Ajax features (Figure 9-11). As you'd expect, the server holds a model of the calendar, and the browser keeps uploading changes using XMLHttpRequest Calls. JSON is the message format used for server responseseach response is a list of objects.

Figure 9-11. Kiko Delicious JSON Feed

Delicious (, a social bookmarking tool, provides a Web Service that exposes a user's recent bookmarks in the form of a JSON Message. For reasons discussed in On-Demand JavaScript (Chapter 6), this means a browser script can conveniently grab the data without the need for a Cross-Domain Proxy. Route Planning

Jim Ley's Route Planning application ( shows you all the routes for a given airport (Figure 9-12), and, as his long-running XMLHttpRequest Tutorial ( explains, it uses JSON. For example, a JSON Message for the LAX airport is available at What the browser receives from the following JSON Message is an XMLHttpRequest Call (... has been substituted for multiple data items):

   {from:'LAX',airports:[{id:"AMS",country:"NL",lat:"52.316666666667", lon:"4.7833333333333", tz:"Europe/Amsterdam",name:"Amsterdam",shortname:"Schiphol"},...,{id:"IAD", country:"US", lat:"38.95",lon:"-77.45",tz:"America/New_York",name:"Washington, DC", shortname:"Washington Dulles International"}],routes:[{carrier:"star",toAirport:"AMS", miles:5570},...,{carrier:"oneworld",toAirport:"DCA",miles:2304}]} 

Figure 9-12. Jibbering Route Planner Ajax.Net framework

Ajax.Net ( is one of several Ajax Stub frameworks that uses JSON Messages to transfer data, which can easily be converted to and from native objects at either end. For more details, see "JSON Message" in the "Related Patterns" section of Ajax Stub.

9.7.6. Code Example: Kiko

Kiko ( responds to XMLHttpRequest Call with JSON Messages. When you log in, it downloads a list of appointments like this:

   [     {"title":"text","isevent":"bool",   "picture":"text","starttime":"timestamp", "endtime": "timestamp","recurs":"int2", "recurend":"timestamp","insystem":"timestamp", "recurstart": "timestamp",  "recurweek":"int2","description":"text","defaultfree":"bool","location": "text","apptid":"int8"},{"title":"Roundup meeting","isevent":"t","picture":"", "starttime": "2005-09-16 19:00:00","endtime":"2005-09-16 19:30:00","recurs":"1","recurend":"", "insystem": "2005-09-12 14:52:10.965713","recurstart":"2005-09-16 04:00:00","recurweek": "16","description":"Hopefully just a quick roundup","defaultfree":"f","location": "Cyberspace","apptid":"9222"},    {"title":"Go Home!","isevent":"t","picture": "","starttime":"2005-09-15 21:00:00","endtime":"2005-09-15 21:30:00","recurs": "0","recurend":"","insystem":"2005-09-12 15:00:33.659793","recurstart":"","recurweek": "","description":"","defaultfree":"f","location":"Office, Bar, Home","apptid":"9288"}   ] 

Note that the message format here is a little unusual: everything is Strings, whereas JSON can store booleans and numbers directly. Consequently, the first element of the array includes some metadata to facilitate conversion, and the JavaScript includes a generic function to create native JavaScript objects from JSON messages like this.

Kiko's browser script also includes some conversion to JSON, as shown below (though I was unable to exercise this code). Typically, requests in Kiko are made as POSTs with CGI-style parameters, and only the responses are JSON.

   var obj=json.stringify({'type':'newuser','email':email}) 

9.7.7. Alternatives XML Message

JSON defines itself as a "fat-free alternative to XML." Before considering the differences between the formats, let's first look at what they have in common.

  • Both are formats that depict an object as a plain-text string.

  • Being plain-text string formats, both are suitable for transfer across HTTP. This means that both are suitable as inputs and outputs for a Web Service.

  • Each format is supported by libraries in numerous languages, including JavaScript. There are libraries to convert from native objects to either format and back again to native objects.

JSON Message has several advantages over XML Message (see earlier in this chapter):

  • JSON is more compact, and the lack of tags sometimes leads to a better visual representation of the underlying data.

  • It's often claimed that JSON is faster for browsers to parse, though a recent investigation ( suggests XML parsing does scale better.

  • JSON is a concrete data format. XML, in contrast, is really a meta-format, and a developer has many choices to make about the precise XML dialect to use. Each mapping strategy has its own conventionsfor example, developers need to decide on tag names and between tag attributes or nested tags. Consequently, a server-side XML-object mapping framework may not be message-compatible with a JavaScript counterpart. Also, don't underestimate the amount of meetings and emails that will be necessary to resolve a seemingly trivial argument over data formats. In that sense, JSON is closer to a defined XML dialect than to XML itself.

  • Within the browser, JSON has the edge in terms of support and consistency, since it's based on standard JavaScript.

  • JSON happens to be quite compatible with YAML ("YAML Ain't Markup Language"; see, a similar lightweight alternative to XML that's gaining traction in the dynamic scripting community.

XML Message (see earlier in this chapter) has several advantages over JSON Message:

  • XML is vastly more familiar to the IT community than JSON.

  • XML is more self-documenting. The header identifies which XML format is being used, and there's often a schema or DTD that defines the format precisely.

  • XML has much more support in terms of libraries and tool support. JSON libraries tend to be simply about conversion, which its advocates would probably argue is all that's required. XML, on the other hand, has support in terms of DTD and Schema validators, XPath tools to interrogate the data, XSLT processors to perform translations, and so on. Furthermore, many IDEs, editors, and debugging environments make XML easy to work with.

  • For any given task, developers usually have the luxury of choosing between several competing implementations.

9.7.8. Related Patterns Ajax Stub

Being a portable object format, JSON is a useful way to facilitate calls from browser to server using an Ajax Stub (see earlier in this chapter) framework. On-Demand JavaScript

Since a JSON Message is an ordinary JavaScript expression, it can be pulled in using On-Demand JavaScript. Data from external domains can be accessed this way, as explained in On-Demand JavaScript (Chapter 6).

Ajax Design Patterns
Ajax Design Patterns
ISBN: 0596101805
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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