


Adding Records to Using INSERT SQL Statement (code listing), 159

column mapping and, 178–181

creating relationship between, 60–61

Creating Using DataTable and DataColumn (code listing), 91–92

defined, 779

designing for optimal performance, 766–767

loading detail when master is loaded, 703–704

mappings, 45–46

schema, obtaining using Command object, 811

SQL statement to read two or more, 190

TableDirect, using, 157–158

TableItemStyle class properties, 585

TableMappings property, 178–180

Tables property, 124


Adding to a DataList Control (code listing), 549

Applying on a Repeater Control (code listing), 546–547

DataGrid control, using with template columns, 594–598

Template Columns in a DataGrid Control (code listing), 596–598

Template Columns, Using (code listing), 595–596

Templates of a DataList Control, Adding Formatting to (code listing), 550–551

Web server control templates, 546–552

basics, 546–547

controls supporting templates, 548

form designer, creating with, 551

HTML View, creating with, 549–551

Repeater control support of, 552

types of, 547–548

working with programmatically, 551–552

text file databases, 382–388

accessing text files, 385–388

exporting Access table to text file, 383–385

TextBox, Button and Image controls (Web Forms), 560–562

TextDB.txt File, Accessing (code listing), 388

Thanks.aspx page, 513

Theoretical Shopping Cart Example (code listing), 680–681

Third Normal Form (3 NF), 784–785

three-tier model, 663

Tlbimp.exe and Tlbexp.exe, 711–712


avoiding to reduce locks, 766

class methods, 200

and concurrency, 198–200

implementing in OleDb data provider, 820–821

Isolation Levels (TILs), 788

methods in Sql data provider, 204–205

objects and classes, 17

in OleDb Data Provider (code listing), 821

Transact-SQL queries, optimizing, 762–764

transactional messaging, 747–750

using, 200–201

Transform method, 261

Transformation and XSLT, 260–262

tree optimization, 693–694

tree structures, large, 691–693

TreeView control, Microsoft, 693

Troelsen, Andrew, 709

TRUNCATE TABLE statements, 804

Try...Catch statements, 361–364

with multiple Catch statements, 363–364

Try...Catch Block, Simple (code listing), 362

Try...Catch...Finally statements, 362

Type Library Importer/Exporter, 711–712

typed DataSets

generating from XML schema, 272

and untyped, 127–128

in VS .NET, 47, 51–54

Applied ADO. NET(c) Building Data-Driven Solutions
Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Driven Solutions
ISBN: 1590590732
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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