

Save Image Button Click Event Handler (code listing), 835–837

Save method, 253


defined, 198

Rollback and Commit, 204–206

in Sql Data Provider, Using (code listing), 205–206


data and using GetChanges, 777

DataSet Data to XML Document (code listing), 271–272

DataTable in XML Documents (code listing), 114

documents (DOM), 253

Only Modified Rows of DataSet (code listing), 193

Updated Data in a Data Source From a DataGrid Control (code listing), 343–344

scalability and performance (ADO.NET), 11


database, defined, 779

XML. See under XML integration with ADO.NET

Search Button Click Event Handler (code listing), 341–342

SearchButtonClick Method (code listing), 112–113


a DataGrid, 338–342

using DataTable and DataView, 339–341

using SELECT statement, 339

using XPathNavigator, 276–277

Second Normal Form (2 NF), 782–784

SELECT DISTINCT and duplicates, 827–828

SELECT statements

Executing Using OleDbDataAdapter (code listing), 167–168

retrieving data with, 777

searching with, 339

SELECT TOP SQL statement, paging with, 816

SELECT...FOR XML clauses, 809–810

SELECT...LIKE SQL statement, 194

using, 796–802

SelectCommand, 184

Selecting Distinct Rows From DataBase Table (code listing), 827–828

SelectVideosCheckedIn Query, Optimized Version (code listing), 763–764

SelectVideosCheckedOutToUser (code listing), 665

Send Message Click Event Handler (code listing), 618

Send method (MessageQueue), 740–741

Sending and Receiving Transactional Messages (code listing), 749–750

Sending Messages to a Queue (code listing), 743

serialization, defined, 236

server controls in ASP.NET. See ASP.NET server controls and data binding

server cubes, OLAP, 718

Server Explorer, 34–36

adding new connection, 35

available views, 408

creating DataAdapters with, 41

expanding databases with, 54

managing and viewing data, 36

server-side controls, ASP.NET. See ASP.NET server-side controls

service components (OLE DB), 5–6

session pooling, 146

severity level errors, 368–369

simple and complex data binding, 288, 538

Simple Exception Handling Block (code listing), 361

simple Web Forms controls, data binding in, 540–562

Button control, 540–541

Calendar control, 542–545

DropDownList control, 558–560

ListBox control, 556–558

ListControl class, 555–556

Repeater control, 552–555

templates, Web server control. See templates, Web server control templates

TextBox, Button and Image controls, 560–562

single-item data-bound controls, 488

single object-oriented API, 9–10

Skip Method, Using (code listing), 244

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 517–518

Solution Explorer, 525, 527


custom in DataGrid, 334

Data Using Select Method (code listing), 113–114

in a DataGrid Control (code listing), 606–607

a DataGrid Control's Columns (code listing), 334

default sorting order, 605

and searching in DataGrid, 605–607

Sort property (DataView), 131

sp_executesql to Execute Database Query (code listing), 765

SQL Server and ADO.NET, 753–778

ADO.NET performance issues, 769–777

Connection strings and pooling, 777

data providers, selecting, 769–770

designer vs. manual development, 775

generic data access components, writing, 770–775

GetChanges method and saving data, 777

retrieving data, 775–777

stored procedures vs. SQL commands, 777

updating data sources, 776

code listings

Generic Data Access Class, 771–773

Generic Data Access Class, Using, 774–775

Query from SelectVideosCheckedIn, Not Optimized, 762–763

SelectVideosCheckedIn Query, Optimized Version, 763–764

sp_executesql to Execute a Database Query, 765

User-Defined Variables, 773–774

SQL Server performance, improving, 753–769

columns, selecting for indexing, 757–758

database design slippage, dangers of, 768–769

database pages, checking size of, 767–768

denormalization, 768

indexes, using, 753–757

locks, avoiding, 766

SQL Server Profiler, 758–762

stored procedure recompilation, 765

tables, optimal design of, 766–767

Transact-SQL queries, optimizing, 762–764

SQL (Structured Query Language)

Access Group (SAG), 3

commands, executing (Oracle .NET data provider), 418–421

data provider

classes, 138

Sql Data Provider, Using Savepoints in (code listing), 205–206

transaction methods in, 204–205

DataAdapters, 40–51

Data Adapter Configuration Wizard. See Data Adapter Configuration Wizard

Server Explorer, creating DataAdapters with, 41

injection, 405–406, 810


batches of, 164

defined, 7

executing, 504

SQL INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Queries, Constructing (code listing), 421

types, selecting, 42–43

SQL Server

Analysis Server in 2000, 718

Enterprise Manager, 84, 393

error logs, 370

errors, recognizing, 368–369

INSERT command, 186

Profiler, 758–762

Provider Components, Added (code listing), 48–49

Reading Data From (code listing), 371–373

storing data in, 757

version 2000, 430, 666

SQL statements

to add and remove constraints, 352–353


commonly used, 793–810

CREATE TABLE, 353, 803

DELETE, 534, 802–803

DROP TABLE, 803–804

executing. See under Command objects generating, 43


inserting dates in, 814

joins and aliases, 806–807

reading from two or more tables with, 190

SELECT, 796–802

SELECT...FOR XML clauses, 809–810

stored procedures and, 398


UPDATE, 534, 802

views and, 807–809

SqlCommand Properties, Setting and Getting (code listing), 151

SqlCommand to Read Data from Database (code listing), 153

SqlCommandBuilder, 182–184

SqlCommandBuilder Class, Creating and Using (code listing), 183–184

SqlConnection class, 38, 139

SqlConnection objects, creating (code listing), 139–140


class properties, 168–169

Event Handler Bodies (code listing), 217

Instances, Creating (code listing), 167

Properties, Using (code listing), 169

SqlError and SqlErrorCollection classes, 373–374

SqlException class, 371–373


class properties, 185–187

Creating (code listing), 177

SqlTransaction, Executing Multiple SQL Queries Using (code listing), 207–208

SQLXML and SQL XML .NET data providers, 426–435

code listings

SqlXmlAdapter, Using, 429

SqlXmlCommand to Execute Commands, 433–435

fundamentals, 426–427

SqlXmlAdapter object, 428–429

SqlXmlCommand object, 430–435

applied, 432–435

methods, 430–431

properties, 431–432

SqlXmlParameter object, 429

FOR XML keyword, 427–428

StateChange event, 211–212

static cursors, 786

stored procedures

calling, 155–157

code listings

AddCat1 Stored Procedure, 404

Calling Stored Procedure Using SqlCommand, 155

Executing and Reading Results of Stored Procedure, 156–157

Executing Stored Procedures with Output Parameter, 404–405

Executing the mySP Stored Procedure Using SQL Data Provider, 400–401

GetBlockedCategory Stored Procedure, 692–693

Incremental Lazy Loading Stored Procedure, 701

Parameters, Using in Stored Procedures, 402–404

Sales by Year Stored Procedure in Northwind Database (code listing), 156

Stored Procedure Results Output, Adding Subtotal Listing to, 157

creating, 393–397

executing from VS .NET, 397–399

executing programmatically, 399–405

logic in, 665–666

recompilation, avoiding excessive, 765

vs. SQL commands, 777

SQL injection, 405–406

and views, 393–411

storing data in SQL Server, 757

strings, connection. See connection strings

structured exceptions (VB .NET), 359

styles, setting DataGrid, 584–586

stylesheets, 260–261

SXPD add-on, 426

system queues, 725–726

system stored procedures, 393

System.Data Exception classes, 366–368

System.Data namespace, 13, 77, 81–82, 138

System.Data.Common namespace, 77–78, 82–83, 138

System.Data.OleDb namespace, 78–79

System.Data.OracleClient namespace, 415

System.Data.SqlClient namespace, 214

System.Data.SqlTypes namespace, 78–79

SystemException class, 366

System.Messaging namespace, 727–728

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, 710

System.SqlClient namespace, 137–139

System.Web namespace, 483–484

System.Web.Services namespace, 485, 518

System.Web.UI namespace, 484, 539, 540

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace, 484

System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace, 484

System.Xml namespace, 226, 234–235, 238, 261, 431

System.Xml.Schema namespace, 235

System.Xml.Serialization namespace, 236

System.Xml.XPath namespace, 236

System.Xml.Xsl namespace, 236

Applied ADO. NET(c) Building Data-Driven Solutions
Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Driven Solutions
ISBN: 1590590732
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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