Copying Samples Between Two NN-XTs

A fast way to layer another sound or add a group to a patch is to copy key zones and samples from one NN-XT to another.

In this example, we'll add a third layer to the French Horn Section patch: a set of short, staccato samples to use on the high note attacks.

To copy key zones from one NN-XT to another


With the French Horn Section patch loaded in your NN-XT, create a second NN-XT device in your Rack.


Use the patch browser of the new NN-XT to load the patch Orkester Sound Bank /NN-XT Sampler Patches/FHS Stacc alt.


When all the samples are finished loading, they should appear as a new group, already selected (Figure 6.107). If the whole group isn't selected, click the G column.

Figure 6.107. A patch loaded in a second NN-XT


Right-click the sample map and select Copy Zones from the context menu (Figure 6.108). The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C (Win) / Cmd+C (Mac) works, too.

Figure 6.108. Copy the samples with the Copy Zones command...


In the first NN-XT, click in the key map display. This activates the device and ensures that you don't overwrite any samples.


Paste the sample map to the first NN-XT by right-clicking the sample map and selecting Paste Zones from the context menu (Figure 6.109). Or you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (Win)/ Cmd+V (Mac).

Figure 6.109. ...and then paste them with the Paste Zones command.

You'll now see a third group of samples, which we'll call Group C, in your first NN-XT (Figure 6.110).

Figure 6.110. A set of samples pasted from one NN-XT to another will retain all the zones and root keys.


The newly pasted Group C (FHS_SC) should still be selected (if it's not, click the G column), so set its Lo Vel knob to 111.


Select group B (FHS_FF) in the G column and set the Hi Vel knob to 110.

Now, at note velocities between 111 and 127, the staccato samples will play. In fact, the alternating samples in Group C work just as before!


  • Notice that the Staccato patch assigns more than one sample per key, but the samples are not striped. This is because both samples have full velocity ranges but are set to alternate anytime the note repeats. To set this up, select a group and turn the Alt group knob from Off to On (Figure 6.111).

    Figure 6.111. When Alt is turned on, it switches between all group samples sharing a key zone.

Reason 3 For Windows and Mac
Reason 3 For Windows and Mac
ISBN: 321269179
Year: 2003
Pages: 180 © 2008-2017.
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