17.2 Package Import Example

Let's actually code the example we've been talking about to show how initialization files and paths come into play. The following three files are coded in a directory dir1 and its subdirectory dir2:

#File: dir1\__init__.py print 'dir1 init' x = 1 #File: dir1\dir2\__init__.py print 'dir2 init' y = 2 #File: dir1\dir2\mod.py print 'in mod.py' z = 3

Here, dir1 will either be a subdirectory of the one we're working in (i.e., the home directory), or a subdirectory of a directory that is listed on the module search path (technically, on sys.path). Either way, dir1's container does not need an __init__.py file.

As for simple module files, import statements run each directory's initialization file as Python descends the path, the first time a directory is traversed; we've added print statements to trace their execution. Also like module files, already-imported directories may be passed to reload to force re-execution of that single item reload accepts a dotted path name to reload nested directories and files:

% python  >>> import dir1.dir2.mod      # First imports run init files. dir1 init dir2 init in mod.py >>> >>> import dir1.dir2.mod      # Later imports do not. >>> >>> reload(dir1) dir1 init <module 'dir1' from 'dir1\__init__.pyc'> >>> >>> reload(dir1.dir2) dir2 init <module 'dir1.dir2' from 'dir1\dir2\__init__.pyc'>

Once imported, the path in your import statement becomes a nested object path in your script; mod is an object nested in object dir2, nested in object dir1:

>>> dir1 <module 'dir1' from 'dir1\__init__.pyc'> >>> dir1.dir2 <module 'dir1.dir2' from 'dir1\dir2\__init__.pyc'> >>> dir1.dir2.mod <module 'dir1.dir2.mod' from 'dir1\dir2\mod.pyc'>

In fact, each directory name in the path becomes a variable, assigned to a module object whose namespace is initialized by all the assignments in that directory's __init__.py file. dir1.x refers to the variable x assigned in dir1\__init__.py, much as mod.z refers to z assigned in mod.py:

>>> dir1.x 1 >>> dir1.dir2.y 2 >>> dir1.dir2.mod.z 3

17.2.1 from Versus import with Packages

import statements can be somewhat inconvenient to use with packages, because you must retype paths frequently in your program. In the prior section's example, you must retype and rerun the full path from dir1 each time you want to reach z. In fact, we get errors here if we try to access dir2 or mod directly at this point.

>>> dir2.mod NameError: name 'dir2' is not defined >>> mod.z NameError: name 'mod' is not defined

Because of that, it's often more convenient to use the from statement with packages, to avoid retyping paths at each access. Perhaps more importantly, if you ever restructure your directory tree, the from statement requires just one path update in your code, whereas the import may require many. The import as extension, discussed in the next chapter, can also help here, by providing a shorter synonym for the full path:

% python >>> from dir1.dir2 import mod       # Code the path here only. dir1 init dir2 init in mod.py >>> mod.z                           # Don't repeat path. 3 >>> from dir1.dir2.mod import z >>> z 3 >>> import dir1.dir2.mod as mod     # Use shorter name. >>> mod.z 3

Learning Python
Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 0596158068
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 253
Authors: Mark Lutz

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